


该主题将连续两年生效, 从2022 - 24, which will enable faculty to plan ahead for fellowship applications as well as collaborate with the ACP on programming and curricular initiatives. The deadline for fellowship applications for 2022-23 is Friday, April 29, 2022 @ 5pm.


通过我们的主题, 我们提供一个测试的机会, 问题, 重新想象我们概念化和体验时间的方式. 我们寻求原创的研究建议,分析, 在某种程度上, issues of time and temporality and the unique ways in which they are represented in humanities-based inquiry. We especially encourage submissions that interrogate and theorize the theme and do not take it as a face-value starting point; we invite faculty to interpret the theme broadly.

Questions we may ask include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • How do we theorize ideas such as time, temporality, memory, and history? 这些术语是如何相交和发散的?
  • 不同的身体对时间的体验为何不同? How can we theorize, for example, racialized and/or gendered time? 
  • 我们如何理解和隐喻时间(作为进程), 流, 线性, 离散单元, 坐标, 稀缺性, 等.) inform our theoretical frameworks in particular and the very nature of our humanistic and/or scientific inquiries in general? 
  • How are various ways of experiencing time represented aesthetically and formally, 包括在叙事结构方面?
  • How do artists thematically and formally accelerate and/or protract time and to what effects?
  • How are conceptualizations of time connected to work, labor, and leisure?
  • 文化是如何思考的, 政治, 和经济后果现象,如缠绵, 承诺与实现, 等待和拖延, 生产力, 大自然的循环, 耐力和短暂, 因果关系, 令人难忘的, 转换, 投机, 时间标准化, 时间表和时间表, 贸易, and clocks and calendars impacted by how we theorize and experience time?
  • How can recent thinking in the sciences and quantum physics inform temporal studies in the humanities?
  • How are remembering, forgetting, and memorialization enacted and represented and to what effects?
  • What material and imaginative conditions are required to manifest alternate futures?
  • What can happen when we unsettle a linear chronology of past, present, and future?
  • What are the ways and to what effects do bodies act out of time or disrupt time through sleep, 无意识, 时间旅行, 或者其他方式?

Tenured and tenure-track faculty at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 are invited to submit proposals for two different fellowship programs: 1) ACP Working Group Fellowships (working groups may include graduate and advanced undergraduate students) and 2) ACP 个人奖学金.


The ACP seeks to strengthen the humanities by bringing together colleagues and students from across campus for discussion and critical analyses of important issues in public and intellectual life. These fellowships seek to nurture and inspire our scholarly/pedagogical/creative/civic engagement activities in the humanities through the exploration of shared interests, 主题, 方法, 和/或项目. 为此目的, 非加太继续国际工作组的研究金, 哪项奖励最高可达500美元用于资助非正式活动, 人文学科跨学科工作组. A tenured or tenure-track faculty member must be the primary organizer, but working groups may include graduate and advanced undergraduate students. Money may be used to support a reading/writing group; to fund working lunches, 研讨会, 会议, or off-campus fieldtrips; or to pay for other relevant expenses. If your working group is especially fruitful and leads to further plans and projects, 可能会有额外的资金.

To apply: Send a letter of interest explaining 1) the theme of your working group and a description of the issues and 问题s involved, 2) the name of the primary organizer of the group and a list of members and their affiliations, and 3) a description of the kinds of activities you expect your group to undertake with a list of itemized, 预期成本.


  • 小组必须在一学年至少会面三次.
  • 资金必须用于联合活动. This program is meant to support collegial activities of faculty members and students engaged in advanced work.
  • Funds must be spent and receipts submitted by May 1 of the academic year awarded.
  • The working group organizer is responsible for the management of these funds.
  • 在当年的5月10日之前, the organizer will submit a report of the group’s activities to the director of the ACP.



Preference will be given to proposals that best demonstrate a nuanced engagement with and interrogation of the theme in innovative and meaningful ways. 其中一个奖学金, 贝利奖学金, may be awarded to an original project that applies this year's research theme to African American communities and/or individuals and preferably involves archival materials.

The program welcomes proposals from the arts that can be presented in a lecture/recital. All proposals, however, must include a research or analytical component based in the humanities. Each fellowship awards 3 units of reassigned time and may include a $500 stipend for a student assistant or other project-related expenses.

申请材料包括两页的个人简历, 500字的研究计划, and a projected budget for research-related expenditures (up to $500 may be awarded). Proposals should explain the relevance of the proposed project to this year's research theme and the originality and significance of the research. Fellows must present their research at the ACP's Spring 2023 symposium.


Please submit an electronic copy of your application with ACP FELLOWSHIP

Dr. 玛丽亚Karafilis

约瑟夫一. 贝利二世.D. 美国社区捐赠主席

The submission deadline for 2022-23 fellowship applications is Friday, April 29, 2022 @ 5pm.