
Appendix F

Curricular Review Process

(Senate: 1/30/96, 10/23/18; President: 5/7/96, 11/27/18; Editorial Amendment: 9/00, 9/03)


  1. 确保课程发展的主要责任仍由教师承担;
  2. 确保在课程发展过程中进行全面的咨询;
  3. 将审核和批准课程建议的更大责任放在大学层面, leaving EPC, 其小组委员会和大学学术管理人员可以自由地将时间投入到政策项目和主要课程建议上,而不是批准每项课程变更;
  4. 争取新课程建议从发起学院释放后一个学期内通过或不通过.
  1. Each college shall establish procedures for dealing with curricular items. 这些程序必须与学院内的其他部门协商, when appropriate, and with all other colleges. The executive secretary of EPC, the appropriate University level curricular dean, the Library and the college Information Technology Services, 在大学课程委员会考虑之前必须包括在这个咨询过程中吗. 学院内部的答复和学院课程主任采取行动的截止日期可能由学院设定, 除了程序必须提供十个工作日的响应时间,咨询请求发送到学院以外. 调解分歧的尝试应在学院课程委员会审议之前进行, 但是,如果非正式协商不能调和分歧,反对的一方将有机会在确定的时间向学院委员会陈述他或她的情况. 修改学院程序必须提交EPC审核批准.
  2. After approval by the appropriate college curriculum committee and college dean, 课程项目应与所有咨询表以及所有已解决和/或未解决的挑战一起转发给EPC执行秘书. The executive secretary of EPC shall, within three meetings after the date of receipt of the proposal, 要么批准该提案并将其添加到课程中,要么将其转发给相应的EPC小组委员会. 未经EPC执行秘书批准的提案,未添加到课程中或涉及新的专业项目, option, minor, credential program or certificate, a change in general education, a change in upper division writing courses required by the University, or resolution of an unresolved challenge, shall be forwarded to the appropriate EPC subcommittee.
  3. 小组委员会执行秘书应自收到EPC执行秘书的提案之日起不迟于两次会议将提案列入议程. 如果提案没有挑战,或者所有挑战都在大学层面得到了解决, 小组委员会可就提案采取行动,或设定与适当教员讨论提案的特定时间. If the challenges were not resolved at the college level, 小组委员会应在确定的时间邀请该课程项目的提案人和反对者讨论该问题.
  4. 提及EPC的项目应在确定的时间内安排议程,以加快委员会的行动. 如果获得EPC批准,这些内容可以由EPC执行秘书批准,无需进一步行动即可添加到课程中.
  5. New major programs, new minor programs, new certificate programs, and new credential programs shall, after approval by the appropriate subcommittee and university level dean, 提交给EPC执行秘书,由其在收到提案之日起不迟于两次会议将其列入EPC议程, 同时提供信息,说明是否在学院或大学小组委员会一级对该提案提出了任何尚未解决的挑战. In case of unresolved challenges, both proposers and the objectors shall be invited to a designated time certain. If approved by EPC, EPC执行秘书可采取适当的行动批准和增加课程, 或提交教务长和负责学术事务的副校长批准,并根据需要提交校长办公室和/或教师资格认证委员会.
  6. Proposals affecting courses in the General Education Program shall, after approval by the appropriate college curriculum committee and college dean, 与所有咨询表以及所有已解决和/或未解决的挑战一起转发给EPC执行秘书. The executive secretary of EPC shall log in receipt of the proposal and, within three working days, shall forward it to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies who shall, within three working days, 向全体教员发出通知,他们有十个工作日的时间作出回应. At the expiration of the response deadline, 本科教务长应在截止日期后不迟于两次会议将提案列入通识教育小组委员会议程. In case of unresolved challenges, both proposers and the objectors shall be invited to a designated time certain. After approval by the General Education Subcommittee, 该提案应提交给EPC执行秘书,并建议将其纳入课程或建议由EPC审查. EPC执行秘书应在收到小组委员会提案之日起不迟于两次会议将该提案列入EPC议程。. EPC执行秘书也可以根据自己的意愿将该项目提交EPC.
  7. 如果提案未提交给EPC,则可由EPC执行秘书批准并添加到课程中,而无需委员会采取进一步行动.
  8. Modifications of the General Education Program, i.e., "Definition, Philosophy and Criteria for General Education Breadth Requirements,程序的结构,如块的组织和块中的单元数量, and number of units in the program, are policy issues that must be referred to EPC and, if approved by EPC, 必须提交学术评议会执行委员会,由评议会和校长批准.