


(参议院:1/23/68, 11/9/71, 7/15/75, 5/10/77, 11/26/85, 2/18/97, 6/2/15, 11/5/19; President: 3/26/68, 11/18/71, 12/31/75,* 6/30/77, 12/20/85, 6/6/97, 10/13/15, 1/3/20; Editorial Amendment: 9/00, 2/8/18)

*Should any provision of this approved 学生权利和责任声明 be deemed contrary to procedural regulations under 第九条 or any other regulation of the federal government, 这些条款在经过适当修改前将无效. 任何一节的无效,不影响其他节的无效.


学术机构的存在是为了追求知识, 对真理的追寻, 和学生的发展. 自由探究和自由表达对实现这些目标至关重要. The 学习的自由 and the freedom to teach are inseparable aspects of academic freedom that depend on appropriate opportunities and conditions in the classroom, 在校园里, 在更大的社区里.

The responsibility to secure and to respect general conditions conducive to academic freedom is shared by all members of the academic community. 学生们应该以责任感和批判性的判断力来行使他们的自由. 大学 has a duty to develop policies and 程序 with the highest standards to safeguard academic freedom.

下面总结了这些权利, 责任, 以及实现教学自由的理想目标所必需的政策和程序, 学习的自由, 以及寻求真理的自由.

  1. 学术深思熟虑.
    在这所大学的整个入学过程中,学生有责任寻求建议.  为了履行这一责任, they have the right to reasonable access to faculty and professional advisement relative to all segments of their academic programs and to their career goals related to those academic programs.  来自学术专业顾问, undergraduate students should expect advisement including the appropriate selection of major and General Education 课程 related to their goals and interests. 来自指导教师, 研究生应该期待足彩外围网站他们学术学习计划的建议, 晋升为候选人, 以及对最终体验的要求和期望. All students should expect advisement on matters relating to all college and department and most university regulations and 程序. 从其他适当的大学办公室, 学生应该期待有关国家和大学的规章制度和程序问题的建议.  学生有责任查阅手册,了解与课程相关的规章制度.  有关学术指导的更详细政策,请参阅教员手册第四章.

  2. 指令.
    当适合课堂教学模式,以及在会议和咨询, 教师应鼓励公开询问和自由表达.  对学生的评价应完全基于他们的学习成绩, 在与学习成绩无关的事情上,不能对他们的意见或行为进行批评.

    1. 言论自由.  学生有责任掌握他们注册的任何课程的内容, but they are free to take reasoned exception at appropriate times to the interpretation of data or opinions offered.

    2. 学术评价.  学生有责任达到学院制定的学习成绩标准.  Evaluations based on standards other than academic performance in the course being offered shall be considered arbitrary or 反复无常的.  衡量学生的表现是教授这门课程的教师的责任.  最终成绩的分配完全由教师负责.  然而, students have the right to file an academic grievance should they believe that the instructor’s evaluation to be clerically erroneous, 反复无常的, 或有害的, 或者对学术不诚实的发现提出异议. 如果学生选择提出学术申诉, the student should follow the Grade Appeals/Academic Grievance policy as laid out in Appendix H of the 教师手册.

    3. 教学实践. 学生 have the right to substantial instruction in the course content at the time scheduled for class meetings except in mitigating circumstances. 第五章 of the 教师手册 details students’ rights and 责任 regarding the university Missed Class Time and Makeup policy, 轮候名单政策, 被排除在班级之外, 应在课程大纲中提供的信息, 与教学实践有关的其他权利和责任.  

    4. 获取教学材料. 根据1990年《足彩外围网站》(ADA), 所有学生都有权平等地获得课程讲师提供的信息资源.  学生 who are registered with the Office of 学生 with Disabilities (OSD) have the right to appropriate accommodations to access these information resources as decided by OSD.

    5. 学术诚实. 学生 have a responsibility to adhere to the 学术诚实 policy as outlined in 第五章 of the 教师手册. 

  3. 学生在学术人事过程中的投入.
    学生 have the right and responsibility to provide feedback about their instructors and their instructional practice in anonymous student opinion surveys that are conducted at the end of each semester. 学生也有权提交书面报告, 签署声明,说明他们与教师的直接经验,履行工作职责. 这样的陈述可以提交给教员的系主任或学院院长. 匿名书写或未签名的材料将不予考虑.

  4. 学生官方记录和信息.
    学生对他们的记录和其他信息有很多权利. These rights include specific efforts to separate official university academic records from other records such as those pertaining to discipline, 咨询, 医疗, 活动记录. 除了, information from these other records is only available to authorized persons within the University who require such records in the normal course of performing the assigned duties of their position.

    学生记录不得提供给任何校外人士, 机构, 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA)允许的情况除外, 20, U.S.C. 1232 [g]). 学生档案保密政策, 尤其是FERPA, 在本手册第五章中有哪些概述, 第四节. 第五章 also refers to information about FERPA and related policy from student records administration at 加州大学洛杉矶分校.

  5. 资讯自由.
    学生有权获取与其学位课程相关的信息, 课程, 以及与他们的入学和成功相关的程序和政策. 这些信息在大学的总目录和金鹰手册中有特别的概述. 大学, 包括大学, 部门, 还有其他一些团体, 负责始终遵守这些既定的政策.  

    学生也有权了解他们所参加的每门课程的具体信息. 这些信息必须在第一次班会之前传达给学生. 这些信息的细节可以在本手册的第五章中找到, 在“课程大纲”部分.

    最后, 考虑到这些信息是对学生开放的, 学生有义务意识到这一点. 学生’ lack of awareness of information which has been made available to them is not cause for waiving those policies, 程序, 法规.

  6. 学生事务.

    1. 接受高等教育的自由. 大学 will make clear the characteristics and academic performance of students which it considers relevant to success in the institution's program. 加州州立大学没有种族歧视, color, 种族, 国家的起源, 年龄, 遗传信息, 宗教, 资深地位, 性, 性别, 性别认同, 性别表达, 在其计划和活动中的性取向或残疾, 包括招生和准入. 因此, 在其设施范围内, the University shall consider all students who are qualified and offer admission based on its admission plan approved by the CSU Chancellor’s Office.

    2. 结社自由. 学生们给校园带来了以前获得的各种兴趣, 并发展许多新的兴趣作为学术团体的成员. 他们可以自由组织和参加社团,以促进他们的共同利益.  加州大学L.A. 不承认任何兄弟情谊, 女学生联谊会, 生活组, 荣誉学会, 或者其他有种族歧视的学生组织, 宗教, 国家的起源, 种族, color, 年龄, 性别, 性别认同, 祖先, 婚姻状况, 公民身份, 政治面貌, 性取向, 身体或精神残疾, 精神状态, 怀孕, 遗传信息, 退伍军人身份, or any other classification that precludes a person from consideration as an individual except in cases of fraternity and 女学生联谊会 organizations which are exempt by federal law from 第九条 regulations concerning discrimination on the basis of 性. 学生 have the responsibility to comply with University policy as outlined in the Student Organization Handbook.

    3. 学生参与共享治理. 作为学术团体的成员, 学生自由, 个人和集体, 就院校政策及学生普遍关心的事宜发表意见.**  The role and character of student government shall be reviewed and modified only through prescribed University 程序.

    4. 学生刊物及媒体广播. Student publications and the student press are valuable aids in establishing and maintaining an atmosphere of free and responsible discussion and intellectual exploration 在校园里. They are a means of bringing student concerns to the attention of the faculty and the institutional authorities, 对校园和世界上的各种问题提出学生的意见. 他们也在公众面前代表这个机构. 为此目的, the editorial freedom of student editors and man年龄rs entails corollary 责任 to be governed by the canons of responsible journalism, 在诽谤, 猥亵, 非法的指控, 对个人诚信的攻击, 骚扰和含沙射影的手法尤其不合适.

    Particular questions with respect to a student's rights and 责任 should be directed to the Office of the Vice President for Student Life.

    *标题5, 加州行政法典, 第41503节, 要求学生组织提交章程.

    **学生团体和它的官方管理机构,联合学生公司., have a clearly defined role in the expressing the wishes of the student body and in determining institutional policy (See ASBOD Minutes of October 13, 1966, 项目4.11-4.13、学院章程; 附录C).