
2023年11月3日 By Jaime Korima Rodriguez, Iris Chu | Video: Andrew Espindola, Iris Chu

EagleCon blasted into its 10th Anniversary Convention focused on Speculative Fiction and Futurisms at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 from October 18, 2023年至10月20日, 2023. 在大学学生会崭露头角, numerous panels with students filling halls awaiting new world possibilities and real world opportunities. EagleCon attendees were able to meet professionals working within the industry, 学者, and student 现在ers who are often underre现在ed in 学术 re现在ation. 从女性, LGBTQ+人群和有色人种, 给专业人士和教授, the panelists at EagleCon deliberately embodied the opportunities that 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students need to see re现在ed in the speculative fiction industry. 

 大意是, EagleCon attendees packed the Alhambra room at the U-SU for the Science Fiction and the Future of Anti-Racism panel, 演讲者和足彩外围网站校友在哪里, 兰多Tosaya, discussed Afro and Indigenous futurisms and how both genres greatly influence science fiction. Emphasizing the ways that Afrofuturism was created to address Black and African American themes and concerns, Tosaya引用了这句话, “非洲未来主义是想象力的交集, 未来的技术和解放,作者:Y. Womack; to depict the ways that Afrofuturism is a space to honor history, while simultaneously creating space for fantastic futures and possibility. Tosaya还探索了土著未来主义, connecting the popular sci-fi storyline concept of moving in and out of time, with its influence and tradition of Indigenous peoples holding the past, 现在, 和未来在他们的日常生活中. Similar topics were explored throughout the convention in panels such as Race, 乌有之乡, and Dystopia in Comics and Radical Sovereignty: New, 老, and Emerging Roads to Indigenous Futurity with speakers from the Department of 戏剧和舞蹈 professor Carolyn Dunn and graduate students expanding on topics on Indigenous futurisms and marginalized peoples impact on sci-fi as a whole. 

Leading in re现在ation were Jaime and Gilbert Hernandez, prominent creators in the early alternative comics scene, who were awarded the 2023 Prism Award followed by a 现在ation of their work and background. Jaime and Gilbert’s Love and Rockets highlighted Latino and Chicano, 毫无歉意的女性和酷儿主角. This reflection of their everyday life in Los Angeles translated into authentic re现在ation of real people in their prolific comics. As the characters in their comics grew and aged just as they did, so did the LA latino punk scene evolve and relate with the diversity of today. 足彩外围网站的年轻创作者也是如此. The Space Babe Queer Podyssey live podcast recording and panel centered gender and sexual diversity in science fiction. Showcased in their 现在ation were the ways in which LGBTQ+ people influenced iconic characters and science fiction storylines of the past. 通过“他者”的隐喻等话题,  和"酷儿编码"的外星人, 机器人, 变种人和怪物, The Space Babe Podyssey panel highlighted how sci-fi is a space for inclusion and possibility for expression and identification beyond social constructs and expectations. Experiencing the Hernandez Brothers and the young thinkers at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 in parallel panels illustrated how inspired and forward thinking students at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 are. 

Many professional opportunities to connect and converse with leading contributors in industries spanning game design, 平面设计, 生产设计, 插图, 作曲, and many more were available to EagleCon attendees. 马丁T. Charles received the 2023 Imaginator Award and conducted a conversation about his extensive experience of 平面设计ing in a long, 闪亮的票房电影名单. 神奇的艺术提供了 艺术总监协会展览(ADG),  《足彩外围网站》的分镜, 捉鬼敢死队等等, were on full display for EagleCon goers to enjoy and interact with. Interacting with these creators and original storyboard pieces provided a special opportunity for students to gain insight into the hidden world of the behind-the-scenes in their sci-fi universes. 在大会上摆桌子, vending comics and sci-fi art was Anson Jew; a storyboard and concept artist, 谁的电影作品包括《足彩外围网站》, 和水蟒, and Frank Forte; an accomplished designer, Storyboard美术师本人, whose works include Bob’s Burgers and Guardian of the Galaxy. 亚历克斯Haidu, 生产设计er for Lucifer gave an in depth 现在ation on the artistry behind the successful program. 这些艺术家在足彩外围网站的存在, 放大了鹰鹰的价值和使命, 通过创造看似无法实现的目标, 可以实现的. 

It’s clear to see that throughout EagleCon’s 10th Year Anniversary Convention, 有意平衡兴奋, career enrichment and scholarly insight was centered in each panel offering. Professionals from across the industry supported EagleCon attendees, and the unsung organizers of the convention as a whole embodied its mission to encourage 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students and the wider community to soar higher in their individual creative, 学术, 以人为本的旅程. Without this access to experts looking to inspire the next generation of young creative thinkers, 鹰鹫大会对与会者来说毫无用处. That is precisely why at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 and the College of 艺术与文学 we aim to continue to build, 变换, and enrich the vessel of opportunities that is EagleCon for all to envision the possibilities and futures that lie ahead. 

