Radiation 安全

对许多教学和研究工作来说,使用放射性物质和产生辐射的机器是必不可少的. At this university, all activities related to the acquisition, 使用, 处理, 以及产生电离辐射的放射性物质或机器的运输,由辐射安全办公室和辐射安全委员会监督.

With guidance 和 oversight provided by the Radiation 安全 Committee, the Radiation 安全 Program is designed to assure compliance with all state, 联邦, 和 local laws, regulations, 和 guidelines.

在操作上,辐射安全计划以“以顾客为中心”的方式进行管理. Through continuous improvement initiatives, Radiation 安全 strives for goals of facilitating research, minimizing costs, maximizing the safety of personnel, 并尽量减少对环境的潜在影响,同时确保最高程度地遵守所有适用的法律法规.

辐射安全活动由环境健康和安全办公室协调和实施。. If you have questions, 担忧, 或对程序改进的建议,请联系校园辐射安全主任, or call (323) 343-3531. We encourage 和 invite you to visit our office, located in Corporation Yard 244, 分享你对提高辐射安全计划整体成效的意见.


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, (NRC), 与其他联邦和州机构一起管理放射性物质的使用, including exposure monitoring. CSULA必须遵守各州和联邦机构制定的所有法规.

辐射安全和CSULA辐射安全办公室的指导工作原则是保持“尽可能低的合理可能的暴露”?(和). 在计划的研究项目中,校园内的电离辐射暴露可能来自放射性物质的日常处理. 暴露也可能发生在应对意外事件的过程中,如实验室的泄漏或污染.

The university exposure-monitoring program is managed using a risk-based approach. 只有使用具有足够能量的放射性物质的人,才会获得监测暴露的徽章. Thus individuals working in labs using only S-35, P-33, H-3, 和 C-14 will not be monitored for exposure. Appropriate monitoring, including whole-body dosimetry 和 finger dosimetry, has been instituted for 使用rs of P-32 with 使用s of stock solutions of 1mCi 和 above. 使用低于1mCi P-32的活动的个人可以选择是否进行监测. All x-ray diffraction workers, 使用rs of x-ray machines, 其他产生电离辐射的机器的使用者也需要做剂量测定(四肢和全身)。. 使用多台机器或高活度密封源的用户需要对每个单元进行冗余剂量测定,以便暴露可能与特定单元更直接相关, source, or procedure.

Pregnant Workers

处理怀孕的放射性物质的员工要特别注意. 然而, 雇员必须以书面声明怀孕,以便辐射安全办公室作出回应. If you believe you are pregnant, please complete the form attached below 和 submit to the Radiation 安全 Office.

Declared Pregnant Worker

Occupational Exposure 限制

The chart below lists the occupational dose limits for adults 和 minors. 这些剂量限制可以在NRC联邦法规第10章第20部分中找到.

Area of Exposure 限制
整个身体 5 rem /年
Lens of Eye 15 rem /年
Extremity Dose (skin, h和s, feet, etc) 50 rem/year
Individual Organ, other than lens of eye 50 rem/year
Embryo/Fetus of a "declared pregnant woman 0.5 rem during entire pregnancy
Minors (<18 years of age) working in areas where radiation is 使用d 10% of annual limit allowed for adult
公众人士,包括所有“非职业接触”的工人或学生 100 rem/year

As a matter of practice, 本校所有“职业接触量”不得超过上述限值的十分之一. In the event that an employee received any exposure above this internal action limit, 辐射安全办公室将对异常辐射结果的原因进行调查.


If you have questions or 担忧 about exposure monitoring, please contact the Radiation 安全 Officer at x3546.

In order to begin any research that involves radioactive materials, faculty must first obtain approval through the Radiation 安全 Office. 这种结构使辐射安全办公室能够有效地管理校园内放射性物质的正确使用. 这种结构还确保所有研究人员都了解与研究过程中处理的放射性物质有关的危害安全实践指南.

New Researchers:所有打算利用任何放射性核素进行研究的新教师或现有教师应完成所附申请的第一部分和第二部分,并向辐射安全办公室提交.

Existing Researchers: They will already have an Authorization. 然而, they may wish to 使用 a different isotope, or begin a new procedure. This requires an amendment. They will get the last document for amending the existing authorization they should get the second form (Part II). The Part II form provides space for them to explain, 我的细节, the procedure 和 experiment they will be performing. This allows EH&寻找相关的危害以及产生气溶胶的机会,等等.

These documents must be reviewed 和 voted on by the Radiation 安全 Committee. The committee meets once each quarter, so the process may be expedited by sending copies to all members 和 having “email Q&A" as a group on the matter. There is no restriction that says the members cannot vote electronically by email, this works especially well for amendments.

All completed documents should be placed in the three-ring binders in the rad office, each is labeled with the researcher’s name.


All applications now expire on December 31. Prior to this, 主要研究人员收到其当前授权的副本和“续展请求”,允许他们提供额外信息并更新其授权. 减少拥有限制和编纂表明较少使用放射性的类似行动的授权不需要由RSC审查. Likewise, for renewals that remain unchanged. 扩大使用范围的授权有修订条款,并由委员会成员加速审查. 这迫使PI每年至少重新审核一次授权,评估实验室的操作范围,并进行必要的修改,以使授权与实验室的实际操作具有更高的相关性.

第1部分 是否有足彩外围网站研究人员的背景和经验以及实验室可用资源的一般信息表, 商店, 和 manage radioactivity.

第2部分 is specific to the project the researcher is planning to undertake. This section provides a detailed profile of the materials to be 使用d, waste to be generated, exposure hazards, contamination survey requirements, 和 an assessment of dosimetry needs. 除了, 这部分还提供了有关本科生或研究生参与项目的信息. 这些信息用于获取需要培训的个人的信息,并设计适用于其特定研究项目的相关培训.