
作为参与联邦学生援助计划的条件之一,加州州立大学L.A. 是否需要评估申请经济援助的申请人的学业进展.  加州大学L.A's 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) policy for all financial aid applicants is provided below.

加州大学L.A的联邦学生援助SAP政策与此类似, 但不完全相同, 遵守学校的最低学业进步政策. 学生应该复习这两套政策,并在需要时要求澄清. Questions about federal student aid SAP policies should be directed to the 经济援助及奖学金 Office; questions about the university's minimum academic progress policies should be directed to Academic Advising.

非经济援助受助人只获得奖学金, 研究生助教奖学金, 资深的好处, 津贴(不包括加州助学金B津贴), or student assistant earnings must meet the eligibility requirements specific to those programs.


最低累积绩点 - Maintain a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) specific to your academic program.

GPA标准考虑了你的累积GPA和学业进步. The cumulative GPA includes and factors in all completed and attempted units at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 and any coursework from all other colleges and universities. 

  • 本科(第一学士)= 2.0的绩点
  • 学士学位后课程(i.e. 凭证)= 2.5平均绩点
  • 研究生证书,硕士 & 博士学位= 3.0的绩点

最小累计完成速度 -圆满完成(获得学分)75%的累计尝试单元

The Pace Standard determines the pace in which a student is progressing toward program completion. The Pace Standard is calculated by dividing the total number of credit hours completed (passed with units earned) by the total number of credit hours attempted. 达到佩斯标准, 学生必须完成75%的累计学分.


  • 所有足彩外围网站注册的课程,包括W被张贴的课程
  • 所有其他学院和大学的可转学分课程
  • 重复的课程
  • 联盟课程,如果适用的话
  • 留学项目的课程作业


  • 审计的课程
  • 通过考试获得的学分(AP, IB和其他考试学分)

完成学位的最大时间框架 - Complete degree or certificate program within a maximum number of attempted units equal to 150% of the units required for the specific academic program.

学生 are eligible to receive financial aid for a maximum number of attempted units equal to 150% of the units required for the degree program. All attempted units at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 and transfer units are counted whether or not financial aid was received. 要知道一些联邦和州的项目(例如.e. 佩尔助学金和州立大学助学金)有额外的限制. 

  • 本科生= 180学分
  • 研究生/硕士= *45学分
  • 后学士学位(证书)=基于个别项目单位的要求
  • Ed.D(教育学博士)= 90学分
  • 听力学博士= 171学分

*研究生课程5960, 5970, 5990, 5995, and 6990 (or equivalent semester courses) may be certified as full-time (12 units) with a study load of fewer than 12 units. These courses are counted towards the maximum time frame standard at their certified full-time unit level.

第二个学位: 攻读第二学士学位的学生, 足彩外围网站的第二个硕士学位, 或者同时进行双重课程, 是否会以更快的速度达到最长时间框架标准. 像这样, students must have their SAP status and aid eligibility reviewed individually by a financial aid administrator.

主修或辅修: 最大时间框架的计算仅基于主要专业. 修读双修专业或辅修专业的学生不能获得额外的时间.


警告状态: 学生 who do not meet the cumulative GPA standard and/or do not complete the number of units attempted for the first time may be placed on a financial aid “warning status” for one semester and may continue to receive financial aid for one payment period. 学生 who reach and/or exceed the maximum time frame standard are not eligible to receive a financial aid warning status and will be deemed ineligible to receive financial aid.

SAP通知状态: 学生 who are placed on notice after having successfully appealed their ineligibility status will be reviewed at the end of the following payment period. 被通知的学生必须遵守协议中规定的条款. 除非协议另有规定, all three SAP standards must be met upon completion of the notice period in order to be removed from notice status and be eligible for continued funding.

警告或通知期限后未满足SAP的后果: 学生 whose performance falls short in one or more of the three SAP standards during the notice or warning period will be deemed ineligible to receiving financial aid. 学生 with extraordinary circumstances beyond their control may submit an appeal. Appeals for students who were already granted a notice term must include an “approved academic plan.如果包含学术计划的上诉被批准, the student will continue to be on notice and satisfactory academic progress will be monitored based on the details of the academic plan. 学生 failing to maintain satisfactory academic progress based on an approved academic plan will not be permitted to submit additional appeals until the next academic year. The student may regain eligibility for financial aid if their progress allows them to meet all three 令人满意的学业进展 standards.


学生 deemed ineligible to receive financial aid for not meeting satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards and have extenuating circumstances beyond their control may submit a SAP appeal to the Financial 援助 Office. The deadline to submit an appeal is 30 calendar days from the date of the SAP ineligibility communication.  上诉将以先到先得的方式处理. 学生将通过电子邮件收到上诉决定通知. 学生 awaiting a response are responsible for paying their tuition fees by the payment deadline specified in the Schedule of Classes in order to register for classes or to avoid being dropped from enrollment. 如果上诉被批准,该学生将被通知. 学生 on notice must either improve their academic performance to meet all SAP standards by the end of the notice term or will need to follow the specific details of an approved Academic Plan as specified in the approval communication.



The Second Level SAP Appeal process is for students who were denied a SAP Appeal during the current term. 二级上诉将逐案审查. 学生 will be provided with second level appeal submission instructions as part of their first level denial response from their Financial 援助 Advisor.  第二级SAP上诉委员会的决定是最终的. 如果委员会作出维持拒绝的决定, the student is not be permitted to submit additional appeals until the next academic year. The student may also regain eligibility for financial aid if their progress allows them to meet all three 令人满意的学业进展 standards.