

PLO 1:学生将描述和解释基本的人类交流过程, 包括适当的生物, neurological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, 以及语言和文化基础.

SLO 1: Students will describe and explain the biological and neurological bases of basic human communication processes.

SLO 2: Students will describe and explain acoustic and psychological bases of basic human communication processes.

SLO 3学生将描述和解释发展性, linguistic, 以及人类基本交流过程的文化基础.

PLO 2: 学生将获得, evaluate, and use qualitative and quantitative information to compare and contrast typical communication, 沟通的差异, 以及沟通障碍.

SLO 4: 学生将获得 and evaluate qualitative and quantitative information related to communication.

SLO 5: Students will use qualitative and quantitative information to compare and contrast typical communication, 沟通的差异, 以及沟通障碍.

好处3:学生将有效地沟通, 口头和书面的, 针对不同的受众(客户), families, 其他专业人员, 社区成员)和不同目的(咨询), reporting, educational).

SLO 6. 学生将与不同的听众(客户)进行有效的口头沟通, families, 其他专业人员, 社区成员)和不同目的(咨询), reporting, educational).

SLO 7. 学生将有效地与不同的受众(客户)进行书面沟通, families, 其他专业人员, 社区成员)和不同的目的(报告), educational).

PLO 4: Students will interpret intercultural experiences from the perspectives of their own and more than one community view.

SLO 8. Students will identify and reflect on intercultural experiences from their own perspectives.

SLO 9. Students will interpret intercultural experiences from more than one community view.

PLO 5: Students will recognize professional and ethical issues in a variety of settings related to communication disorders and compare and contrast the ramifications of different actions.

SLO 10. Students will recognize professional standards and ethical issues in a variety of settings related to communication disorders.

SLO 11. Students will compare and contrast the ramifications of different professional actions and ethical decisions.


PLO 1: Students will demonstrate current knowledge of the principles and methods of prevention, assessment, 对有沟通和吞咽障碍的人进行干预, 包括解剖学/生理学的考虑, psychological, developmental, 语言和文化的关联.

SLO 1: Students will demonstrate current knowledge of the principles and methods of prevention and assessment for people with communication and swallowing disorders, 包括解剖学/生理学的考虑, psychological, developmental, 语言和文化的关联.

SLO 2: Students will demonstrate current knowledge of the principles and methods of intervention for people with communication and swallowing disorders, 包括解剖学/生理学的考虑, psychological, developmental, 语言和文化的关联.

PLO 2: Students will effectively conduct evaluation procedures (包括病例历史信息的收集, 选择和管理适当的评价程序, 以及适当调整评估程序)和 interpret, integrate, and synthesize all information to develop diagnoses and make appropriate recommendations for intervention.

SLO 3:学生将有效地进行评估程序, 包括病例历史信息的收集, 选择和管理适当的评价程序, 并适当调整评估程序.

学习目标4:学生将有效地进行口译, integrate, and synthesize assessment information to develop diagnoses and make appropriate recommendations for intervention.

PLO 3:学生将有效地进行干预程序, 包括制定干预计划和目标, 选择和使用合适的材料, 在需要时修改干预计划, 对客户绩效进行适当的衡量和评价.

SLO 5:学生将制定适当的干预计划和目标.

SLO 6:学生将有效地进行干预程序, 包括选择和使用合适的材料, 在需要时修改干预计划, 对客户绩效进行适当的衡量和评价.

好处4:学生将有效地沟通, 口头和书面的, 针对不同的受众(客户), families, 其他专业人员, 社区成员)和不同目的(咨询), reporting, educational).

SLO 7: 学生将与不同的听众(客户)进行有效的口头沟通, families, 其他专业人员, 社区成员)和不同目的(咨询), reporting, educational).

SLO 8: 学生将有效地与不同的受众(客户)进行书面沟通, families, 其他专业人员, 社区成员)和不同目的(咨询), reporting, educational).

PLO 5: Students will demonstrate knowledge of processes used in research and integrate research principles into evidence-based clinical practice.

SLO 9:学生将展示在研究过程中使用的知识.

SLO 10: Students will integrate research principles into evidence-based clinical practice.

PLO 1:项目完成后, 毕业生将展示具体的解剖学知识, physiology, genetics, 以及听觉和前庭系统的疾病过程.

PLO 2:项目完成后, graduates will perform and apply evidence-based practice to the identification and diagnosis of hearing loss and other disorders.

PLO 3:项目完成后, 毕业生将为患者提供建议, families, and caregivers on treatment options and provide rehabilitation to minimize hearing loss and utilize residual hearing.

PLO 4:项目完成后, graduates will demonstrate oral and written language skills necessary to engage in entry-level clinical practice.

PLO 5:项目完成后, graduates will apply the professional code of ethics and appropriate business practices in service delivery

SLO 1:学生将解释声学的理论和应用原理, 心理声学, non-acoustic刺激, and electronics as applied to the normal and disordered auditory and vestibular systems.

SLO 2: Students will identify and describe the various localized and systemic disease processes, disorders, and abnormalities and the effect on body and major systems with special emphasis on the auditory and vestibular systems.

SLO 3: Students will explain and demonstrate the impact of genetics on the development and preservation of auditory function as well as the impact on the development of disorders of the auditory, vestibular, 以及整个生命周期的相关系统.

SLO 4:学生会开处方, perform, 应用循证实践方法进行分类, interpret clinical and laboratory procedures to diagnose auditory and vestibular/balance conditions and diseases for patients over the lifespan in diverse settings.

SLO 5: Students will interpret and synthesize the findings from the patient’s history, examination and other diagnostic tests and procedures in order to identify the etiology, 疾病的发病机制, the diagnosis, 以及任何与诊断和治疗相关的限制.

课程6:学生将讨论研究结果, 诊断和治疗方案, 以及使用声学系统或药物制剂的相关限制, 和病人在一起, 父母或监护人, family, 或者服务提供商, and formulate a treatment plan with an explanation of any modifications or consequences that may occur over the course of treatment.

SLO 7: Students will plan and implement treatment and rehabilitation methods used for the management of auditory and vestibular disorders, including pharmacological treatment options and all forms of personal amplification and hearing assistance technology.

SLO 8:学生将进行有效的沟通, 口头和书面的, 对病人表现出同理心和积极倾听的行为, families, caregivers, 以及其他医疗保健和服务提供商.

SLO 9: Students will produce professional written reports and chart notes on the diagnoses, 在临床经验中遇到的评估和咨询.

SLO 10: Students will demonstrate understanding and respect for all individuals encountered in audiologic practice, 不论残疾与否, income, gender, 性取向, race, religion, 文化或民族出身, 以及影响不同人群的力量.

SLO 11: Students will adhere to professional ethics and understand the professional, legal, public health, 以及与听力学实践相关的公共政策问题.

SLO 12:学生将描述和应用商业, 人事管理, financial, reimbursement, and contemporary practice management strategies and principles necessary for operating an audiology practice.