Advisory Board Members















扬•伯克 Author, Crime Lab Project

While doing research for her novels, Jan Burke became aware of a gap between public perceptions and the realities facing crime labs. With the support of forensic scientists, 的作家, and members of the public she founded the Crime Lab Project in 2003, 一个非营利组织,提倡提高法医科学水平,增加法医科学实验室的资金, 教育, 和研究. She is also the cohost, with Dr. Doug Lyle, of Crime and Science Radio. 

Photo of 伊丽莎白·迪瓦恩














伊丽莎白·迪瓦恩, Writer Producer, CBS

Elizabeth graduated from UCLA in 1983 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology.  She received a Master of Science Degree in Criminalistics from 加州 State University, 1985年的洛杉矶. She was promoted to Supervising Criminalist, ultimately heading up the Crime Scene Unit and co-supervising the DNA lab.  She trained investigators in homicide investigation, sexual assault investigation and crime scene reconstruction.  After 15 years with the LA Sheriff, in 2000, 迪瓦恩从他们最有经验的犯罪现场重建专家的职位上退休,加入了一部名为《足彩外围网站》的全新电视剧的制作团队,担任技术顾问.  迪瓦恩目前是《足彩外围网站》的联合执行制片人,该剧将于明年1月结束第十五季.

H照片. 埃文斯


希兰K. 埃文斯

Mr. 埃文斯 has spent his entire working life in forensic science as a criminalist, consultant and forensic science educator.  He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry degree from Central College,  斗篷, 爱荷华州, an Associate in Science in Criminology/Law Enforcement from Southwestern College; Chula Vista, 加州, 并获得足彩外围网站犯罪学硕士学位,发表了一篇足彩外围网站用化学显微镜鉴定苯环利定相关药物的论文.

Mr. 埃文斯曾在文图拉县和圣地亚哥县(CA)治安部门担任犯罪学家,之后在圣贝纳迪诺县(CA)治安部门担任副治安官/监督犯罪学家. 他获得了加州卫生服务部颁发的法医酒精分析师实习执照, Analyst and Supervisor, 和基本的, 中间, 加州警官标准和培训委员会颁发的高级和监督证书. He is among the first Certified Criminalists, 最初被加州犯罪学家协会认可,后来成为美国犯罪学委员会一般犯罪学和毒品鉴定的研究员.  他曾担任美国犯罪实验室主任协会(ASCLD)实验室认证委员会(LAB)和法医教育项目认证委员会(FEPAC)的检查员和评估员。. 进一步, he is qualified as an expert witness in the courts of Ventura, 圣地亚哥, 洛杉矶, and San Bernardino Counties (CA), US District Court for the Central District of CA, and US Naval and Marine Corps Courts Martial.

Mr. 埃文斯活跃于专业组织,是加州犯罪学家协会的前任主席和终身会员, a Retired Member of the ASCLD, and member of the CA Association of Crime Laboratory Directors, 美国法医学学会犯罪学分会的研究员和前任主席.  He currently serves on ASTM Committee E-30 on Forensic Sciences, and has presented and published on drug and explosive identification, clandestine drug laboratories, and forensic science history. 此外,Mr。. 埃文斯有幸在加州大学河滨分校和足彩外围网站任教. 

D照片. Gialamas




迪安米. Gialamas,洛杉矶县警长部技术服务部助理处长  

Dean Gialamas是洛杉矶县治安部门技术服务部门的助理部门主任.  在他的角色中, he assists in leading and managing the Department's technology services, which includes communications, 舰队, information technology, 记录, biometric identification, forensic sciences and crime analysis/intelligence. 大于1,100 sworn and technical personnel and a budget over $216 million, 该司支持整个部门将技术服务应用于公共安全.  As a former crime lab director, he is an active member of several professional organizations, including a past President of ASCLD, 并被任命为几个州和联邦特别工作组和工作组足彩外围网站法医学问题, including the National Commission on Forensic Science. 

D照片. 哈德逊



Retired Police Administrator 多琳哈德逊, 前司法科学部(FSD)指挥官曾担任洛杉矶警察局(LAPD)犯罪学实验室主任.  FSD is comprised of forensic scientists who respond to crime scenes, analyze evidence related to crimes and provide expert witness testimony in the disciplines of DNA, 枪支, 毒理学, 毒品, Questioned Documents and Trace Evidence. 该实验室完全通过美国犯罪实验室主任实验室认可委员会(ASCLD/LAB - ANAB) ISO 17025认证为法医测试和呼气酒精校准实验室. 

Ms. 哈德森是一名经验丰富的法医科学家和犯罪现场调查员,拥有40多年的服务经验.  她的教育背景包括加州州立大学富勒顿分校的化学学士学位, 她是组织领导和犯罪现场管理的在读学生和讲师.  她也是刑事调查研究所的名誉讲师,并在洛杉矶警察局和洛杉矶消防部门领导课程中任教.

Ms. 哈德逊 is a member of the American Society of Crime Lab Directors, 加州犯罪实验室主任协会和国际警察局长协会, where she has served on their 枪支 Committee from 2003 until her retirement in 2017.  She was an ASCLD/LAB Legacy Inspector and ASCLD/LAB ISO 17025 International Program Assessor.

哈德森局长从事过枪械证据方面的科学研究并撰写过技术出版物, less-lethal weapon systems, 病例管理, latent fingerprint development, footwear identification and crime scene management.  In 2000, 她的研究, tested and helped redesign a safer beanbag impact munitions platform, which remains in service today.  2003年,她开发并实施了洛杉矶警察局周三步入式计划,以提高洛杉矶国家综合弹道信息网络(NIBIN)的有效性.  The program was very successful, 他获得了很高的荣誉,并让国际社会关注到洛杉矶警局打击暴力犯罪的创新方法.  她退休后, 她拯救无家可归的宠物,为圣盖博谷人道主义协会做志愿者,享受她的家庭生活, friends and four-legged companions.

M的照片. 普伦




梅兰妮·普伦(梅勒妮普伦)的作品曾在国际各大博物馆和画廊展出:它是世界上许多最著名的公共和私人收藏的永久藏品. 普伦’s work is included 在盖蒂博物馆展出’s upcoming exhibition, Icons of Style: A Century of Fashion Photography. 她的作品深受早期法医摄影、战争新闻、电影和时尚的影响. To create her acclaimed body of work, High Fashion Crime Scenes, 她得到了洛杉矶县验尸官的大力帮助,并被允许自由查阅洛杉矶警察局早期的犯罪档案.

She has been featured in hundreds of publications including: The New York Times Magazine, 洛杉矶时报, 时尚, 《足彩外围网站》杂志, 《足彩外围网站》杂志, London’s Sunday Independent, 自旋杂志, W杂志, 炫耀的杂志, 1814年杂志, 和《足彩外围网站》. Additionally, she has published two photography books, which received critical acclaim.

普伦’s work is scheduled to be exhibited through 2020, 在盖蒂博物馆展出, MOAH博物馆, the Leica Museum and Mexico’s MUSA Museum of Contemporary Art. 

Melanie was awarded the D&AD黄铅笔奖, which is internationally regarded as the most prestigious award in art and design.



B照片. 客


比阿特丽斯客, JD, RN, MS, FAAN is a Professor of Nursing, and Criminal Justice and Criminalistics at 加州 State University, 洛杉矶. 她是一名儿童精神科护士,也是一名律师,曾发表过足彩外围网站医疗服务提供者虐待儿童和连环谋杀的文章. She held faculty positions at Emory University, 曾在乔治亚州立大学和莫尔豪斯医学院任职,在成为足彩外围网站健康与人类服务学院院长之前,曾担任旧金山州立大学护理学院院长.