
ADN-BSN协作计划是一个协作的, dual-enrollment program between 13 local community college partners 和 加州大学洛杉矶分校 that facilitates seamless academic progression to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 for ADN-BSN协作计划 students. 学生 must be enrolled in the ADN program at a community college partner 和 successfully complete the first 和 second semesters in the ADN program before starting the first 加州大学洛杉矶分校 暑期班. Collaborative Program students who successfully meet the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 program 需求 will continue after graduation from the ADN program to complete their final year of BSN coursework. This Collaborative Program enables the ADN RN to earn a BSN degree in one year after graduating from a community college. Successful Collaborative students maintain a reserved space in their cohort throughout the BSN program.


为了有资格参加足彩外围网站的ADN-BSN合作项目,学生必须满足这些要求 需求.

To determine if you meet the ADN-BSN协作计划 eligibility 需求, 请参阅 ADN-BSN合作学生资格表.



学生 in their first or second semester of the ADN program during the fall semester are eligible to apply to the ADN-BSN协作计划 through their community college nursing program.

Each of the 13 community college partner schools evaluates 和 selects the students they will send forward to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 to be part of the ADN-BSN协作计划. 每个学院都确定合格的选拔生和候补生. 每个学院的学生人数可能有所不同.

如果您有兴趣成为ADN-BSN合作计划的一部分, 请让你的社区大学护理顾问和/或主任知道. 他们会让你知道你所在大学的具体申请流程. 虽然每个社区大学可能有不同的申请流程, 所有学生必须符合足彩外围网站的资格要求. 阅读ADN-BSN合作计划 资格要求 有关具体计划资格要求的更多信息.

一旦所有13所社区大学都提交了录取学生名单, the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 ADN-BSN协作计划 Office will compile them into the final list of 80 accepted students; all remaining alternate students will be compiled into a single list as well. 如果任何被选中的学生在夏季开始前退出课程, 加州大学洛杉矶分校 will fill the vacant space with the next student from the alternate list (ranked by GPAs 和 number of outst和ing prerequisite courses remaining).


学生 who have been admitted into the ADN-BSN协作计划 will be notified when to apply to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 through the Cal State Apply website for formal enrollment. The ADN-BSN协作计划 has a special time window for students to apply to Cal State Apply after students have completed Summer 1. Additional information about this application process 和 timeline will be provided to each cohort individually.


有关ADN-BSN合作计划时间表和每学期要求的信息, 请参阅 学生时间表清单.

有关ADN-BSN协作计划的更多信息,请参阅 项目目标/背景 和 程序手册.



  • 健康评估+实验室
  • 病理生理学
  • 发展专业实践+实验室
  • 信息/信息素养
  • 领导/护理管理+临床
  • 护理研究概论
  • 社区/公共卫生+临床*



  • 定向高年级通识教育课程:
    • 人类衰老生物学
    • 参与哲学:一种交叉的方法
    • 美国的种族、性别和贫困


The ADN-BSN协作计划 is a self-support program offered through the 专业与全球教育学院 (PaGE). 在自助项目中, 学生费用包括与提供课程和服务有关的所有直接和间接费用. Once students enroll in the fall semester of the program, they are considered matriculated students. Matriculation simply means that students are enrolled in a degree-granting program 和 will be eligible to receive a BSN degree from 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 这不是 意味着学生将被视为州立学生. 



学生健康中心的费用是149美元.每学期19 *(仅限夏季、秋季和春季)


*这些费用可以让学生获得由学校提供的服务 学生健康中心 和 大学学生会.

During the first two 加州大学洛杉矶分校 暑期班s (Summer 1 和 2) of the ADN-BSN协作计划, 学生被认为是“继续教育”学生. 因为这种分类, the only financial assistance students are eligible to apply for are private educational loans from outside lenders. These loans will be facilitated through the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Financial 援助 Office 和 the 专业与全球教育学院. 这些部门将直接与银行或贷方合作,以证明贷款, 方便支付学费, 并将剩余的资金支付给学生.

一旦ADN-BSN合作学生开始秋季学期(以及继续春季学期), they are considered fully enrolled students in the 专业与全球教育学院 at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 as they are no longer taking courses at the community college level. 在这个时候,学生可能有资格获得额外形式的经济援助. Eligibility for financial aid is determined by the information submitted on each student’s FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student 援助) 和 will vary for each student. Below is a list of the types of aid ADN-BSN Collaborative students may potentially be eligible for beginning in the fall semester:


  • 联邦助学贷款
  • 无补贴的联邦学生贷款
  • 佩尔助学金
  • 奖学金
  • 私人贷款

由于ADN-BSN协作计划的自我支持结构, there are certain types of financial assistance that students enrolled in the ADN-BSN协作计划 will not be eligible for:


  • 州立大学助学金
  • 卡尔格兰特
  • 免兽医服务费

**请注意加州大学承诺助学金(CCPG), formerly the Board of Governor’s (BOG) Fee Waiver) available at community colleges is not available at the CSU level**


ADN-BSN协作计划课程在下面列出的每个路线图中都有概述. 请在下面选择合适的路线图以获取更多信息:

路线图 对于已获得学士学位的学生.

路线图 对于之前没有学士学位的学生.


下面的路线图为学生完成ADN先决条件提供了一般指导方针, 主要, 副学士学位要求, 以及足彩外围网站的BSN要求. 请 see the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 roadmaps above for more detailed information about the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 BSN curriculum.


ADN-BSN协作计划与RN-BSN计划在几个方面有所不同. The ADN-BSN协作计划 is a self-support program offered through the 专业与全球教育学院 (PaGE). 在自助项目中, 学生费用包括与提供课程和服务有关的所有直接和间接费用. 这使得Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing to significantly increase access 和 capacity to advance more BSN-prepared RNs into the nursing workforce. RN-BSN计划是一个国家支持的计划, 这意味着总成本是多少, 包括教师薪酬, 是否包括国家普通基金和学生学费. (请 see the 学费/杂费/经济援助 drop-down menu for more information about ADN-BSN协作计划 tuition costs.)

在ADN-BSN协作计划中, students begin their BSN coursework while they are still in the ADN program at one of our 13 partner community colleges. 学生 in the RN-BSN program must be graduated from an accredited ADN program 和 hold an RN license before beginning the BSN program.

要确定您可能符合资格的项目,请查看我们的 项目比较 图.

请浏览 RN-BSN程序 网站提供更多资料.

  • 且(自筹资金)
  • 学生们就读于与足彩外围网站合作的13所社区学院之一
  • 在ADN程序中开始BSN程序
  • 全日制课程,在ADN课程后再增加一年


  • 部分支持
  • 学生毕业于经过认证的ADN课程
  • 在开始BSN计划之前必须有注册护士执照吗
  • 全日制课程,一年(可在获得注册护士执照后随时申请)

Representatives from the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 ADN-BSN协作计划 will host information sessions with each of our 13 community college partners during the fall semester. 学生 interested in attending one of these information sessions should inquire with the Nursing department at their community college regarding the dates 和 times of these information sessions.

请  ADN-BSN协作计划常见问题文档.


加入我们的 兴趣列表 以了解更多有关ADN-BSN合作计划的信息.


洛杉矶,CA 90032


(323) 343-4905

(323) 343-4900