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The 通勤服务 Office provides faculty, 工作人员 和学生 with an extensive Rideshare Program. 以下计划可帮助您通勤到足彩外围网站.

Spring 2024 给程序


METRO Mobile 给 is Now Available 


Get around for less with the Golden Eagle 给!


The Metro 给 is a reduced-fare transit pass, 为大学生提供洛杉矶县任何接受TAP的地铁系统的无限次乘坐, including all Metro buses and rail, 以及全县范围内的所有Foothill Transit本地巴士和Foothill Silver Streak(在所有出发站), City of Commerce Transit, 卡尔弗城巴士, 嘉丁拿交通, LA破折号, 托兰斯交通, 长滩公交, 蒙特贝罗公交公司, 诺沃克交通, 帕萨迪纳市交通, Santa Monica’s Big Blue Bus. 

The Spring 2024 Metro 给 is $95.00 and is valid from January 22, 2024, to May 26, 2024. 给由地铁、大学学生会、足彩外围网站资助. 运输 Services, the 学生的成功 Fee. Don't miss out on getting your Spring 给!


学生现在可以使用Metro TAP应用程序选择获得春季学期的给. 这一新的转变将允许学生使用移动设备支付车费, thus elimination the need to carry a physical TAP 给 card. 请花几分钟仔细阅读此信息,以了解此新流程.

激活学期给需要6位代码. 当您在线购物时,此代码将为您唯一创建. 此代码必须在购买后24小时内或在购买后一个工作日内激活.

Where Can I Find the Activation Code?

When an on-line purchase has been made for a 给, this unique 6-digit code PERMIT/CODE # will be generated. This PERMIT/CODE # can be found:

  • On your receipt, next to the PERMIT/CODE#
  • On the emailed receipt, next to the PERMIT/CODE#
  • 当您在您的停车帐户中进行在线购买后,在页面左上角的许可项下, then under the All Active Permits section under “Permit #".

For more information on locating your Permit/Code# please visit Where can I find my PERMIT/CODE # Activation Code? 


  1. Complete the mandatory 地铁的调查 for first-time 给 purchases
  2. Please forward the Metro email confirmation to (电子邮件保护) with the subject to read: New 给 Confirmation
  3. 通勤服务将在1-2个工作日内回复您的电子邮件,告知您下一步购买给的信息.

Renewing 给 for 学生


  1. 登录到 calstatela.aimsparking.com using your campus credentials.
  2. Click on the icon labeled Purchase 给.
  3. Follow the prompts and complete your purchase online.
  4. You will receive an email from (电子邮件保护) confirming your purchase.
  5. 您的收据将有一个6位数的激活码列在许可证/ code #旁边.
  6. 下载 Metro TAP App on your phone, activate your 6-digit code.
  7. 您的给将于春季学期的第一天,即2024年1月22日生效.



  1. 下载 Metro TAP App 在你的手机上.
  2. 登录(如果你已经有一个TAP帐户)或在Metro TAP应用程序上创建一个新帐户
  3. Add TAP card to wallet
  4. 添加使用代码
  5. Enter the 6-digit unique PERMIT/CODE#, 请注意:此6位密码只能使用一次!
  6. 您的卡现在已激活,并在课程的第一天有效

For more information, view our Mobile 给 Activation Instructions.



请注意:如果您已经使用Metro Tap应用程序激活了PERMIT/CODE#, you cannot activate your card doing this process.

  1. www.taptogo.网/calstatelaUPASS
  2. Enter your 20 digit 给 card #. This is the number on the back of your TAP card
  3. Enter your 6-digit unique PERMIT/CODE# from your receipt
  4. 点击提交
  5. 您的卡现在已激活,并在课程的第一天有效.


丢失给? PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS There is replacement fee for a lost 给. Contact 通勤服务 at (电子邮件保护) for information and clearance to purchase a replacement.

Please view the Spring 2024 给 Proration Schedule below.

Spring 2024 给 Proration Schedule

购买日期 价格 周内有效

January 16 - February 4, 2024

$ 95.00


February 5 - February 11, 2024

$ 89.25


February 12 - February 18, 2024

$ 83.50


February 19 - February 25, 2024

$ 77.75


February 26 - March 3, 2024

$ 72.00


March 4 - March 10, 2024

$ 66.25


March 11 - March 17, 2024

$ 60.50


March 18 - March 24, 2024

$ 54.75


March 25 - March 31, 2024

$ 49.00


April 1 - April 7, 2024

$ 43.25


April 8 - April 14, 2024

$ 37.50 7周
April 15 - April 21, 2024

$ 31.75


April 22 - April 28, 2024

$ 26.75


April 29 - May 5, 2024

$ 20.25


2024年5月6日- 5月12日

$ 14.50


2024年5月13日- 5月19日

$ 8.75


2024年5月20日- 26日

$ 5.75




All currently enrolled students are eligible.

No, 学生不能同时持有足彩外围网站学期停车许可证和有效的给.


是的, you must have a valid 加州大学洛杉矶分校 student ID. 如果你没有你的校园ID,你必须从校园一站式办公室获得一个.


For the Spring 2024 semester, the 给 will cost $95.


给 is valid on all local Metro bus and rail, 以及Foothill Silver Streak(仅在El Monte和Union Station之间), 卡尔弗城巴士, GTrans, LA破折号, 托兰斯交通, 长滩公交, 蒙特贝罗公交公司, 诺沃克交通, 帕萨迪纳市交通, 和蓝色大客车.


给 is not valid on Metrolink. 给 is valid on all local Metro bus and rail, 以及Foothill Silver Streak(仅在El Monte和Union Station之间), 卡尔弗城巴士, GTrans, LA破折号, 托兰斯交通, 长滩公交, 蒙特贝罗公交公司, 诺沃克交通, 帕萨迪纳市交通, 和蓝色大客车.


If you are requesting a physical card, 你必须在公共安全部的通勤服务办公室停下来, 建设46, 办公时间. 如果您决定申请一张数字卡在您的移动设备上使用, 然后,通勤服务公司会向你发送如何激活卡的说明.


For the spring 2024 semester, the 给 is valid for 18 weeks beginning January 22, 2024年至5月26日, 2024..


是的, 但我们强烈建议您加载您购买第一次给时最初发给您的给. 这将有助于您的通勤服务记录保持最新状态.


每位学生必须在网上购物后的24小时内,用网上收据上唯一的6位数许可证/CODE #激活给. 如果不这样做,给将在开学第一天失效.


For digital UPasses, visit TAP应用程序(taptogo.网) For Physical UPass Users, visit http://www.taptogo.net/calstatelaUPASS


When an on-line purchase has been made for a 给, this unique 6-digit code PERMIT/CODE # will be generated. This PERMIT/CODE # can be found:

  • On your receipt, next to the PERMIT/CODE#
  • On the emailed receipt, next to the PERMIT/CODE#
  • 当您在您的停车帐户中进行在线购买后,在页面左上角的许可项下, then under the All Active Permits section under “PERMIT#".


Contact 通勤服务 by email at (电子邮件保护)




一旦被激活, 给不能添加到应用程序中,也不能从应用程序中删除并添加到TAP卡中. 然而, 学期结束时, 然后你的给卡就可以用一个新的激活码添加到你的移动设备上.


Contact 通勤服务 by email at (电子邮件保护)


所有丢失的u - pass必须首先通过电子邮件向通勤服务中心报告丢失/被盗 (电子邮件保护). The replacement cost is $25.


给是足彩外围网站出售的地铁通行证,是不可退还的物品. All sales for 给 are final.


Enrollment must be completed first to purchase a 给.

For more information contact 运输 Services 通过电子邮件 or call (323) 343-5277.




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