Vendor Related Information

Small Business (SB) Certification Requirements

In order for a small business to be eligible for certification, the small business must meet the following requirements:

  • Be independently owned and operated;
  • Not dominant in field of operation;
  • Principal office located in California;
  • Owners (officers, if a corporation) domiciled in California; and,
  • Including affiliates, be either,
    • A business with 100 or fewer 员工; an average annual gross receipts of $15 million dollars or less, over the last three tax years;
    • A manufacturer* with 100 or fewer 员工; or,
    • 微型企业——如果小型企业年总收入低于500万美元,将自动被指定为微型企业, or the small business is a manufacturer with 25 or fewer 员工.

For Small Business Certification purposes, a manufacturer is a business that is both of the following:

  1. 主要从事原料或加工物质转化为新产品的化学或机械的.
  2. Classified between Codes 31 to 339999, 包容, of the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Manual, published by the United States Census Bureau, 2007年版.

Department of General Services 小企业和DVBE服务维护加州小企业和DVBE政策的联系,并提供认证服务和其他项目管理资源.

Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (SB) Certification Requirements

For DVBE certification purposes, a "disabled veteran" is:

  • 他是美国空军的一名老兵.S. military, naval, or air service;
  • 的 veteran must have a service-connected disability of at least ten percent or more; and
  • 的 veteran must reside in California.

To be certified as a DVBE, your firm must meet the following requirements:

  • 您的企业必须至少51%由一位或多位残疾退伍军人拥有;
  • 你的日常业务运作必须由一个或多个残疾退伍军人管理和控制
  • Your home office must be located in the U.S. (the home office cannot be a branch or subsidiary of a foreign corporation, 外国公司, or other foreign based business).
  • 所有现有的和所有新的DVBE申请人必须向小企业和DVBE服务办公室(OSDS)提交过去三年DVBE联邦所得税申报表的完整副本. 营业未满三年的dvbe必须每年提交其营业年度的联邦纳税申报表.
  • 如果DVBE申请人不是独资企业,而是向州政府出租设备,则必须为每位残疾退伍军人所有者提供联邦所得税申报表,否则您的公司将被视为设备经纪人.
  • DVBE有限责任公司必须由一名或多名伤残退伍军人全资拥有.


Department of General Services 小企业和DVBE服务维护加州小企业和DVBE政策的联系,并提供认证服务和其他项目管理资源.


Outlines minimum requirements for general liability, business automobile liability, Worker’s Compensation, and professional liability insurance.

Vendor/Contractor shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, 不少于供应商/承办商与大学之间的合约期间, 因所提供的服务或产品可能引起或与之有关的索赔,至少提供下列类型和金额的保险.

  • 一般责任: comprehensive or commercial form minimum limits each Occurrence $1,000,000, General Aggregate $2,000,000
  • Business Automobile Liability: minimum limits or Owned, 计划, Non-Owned, or Hire Automobiles with a combine single limit of not less than $1,000,000次.
  • Worker’s Compensation: evidence of coverage as required under California Law
  • Professional Liability: evidence of coverage when applicable.
  • Abuse or Molestation Coverage:专门为18岁以下人士举办的活动(未成年人). Minimum limits each Occurrence $1,000,000, General Aggregate $2,000,000

作业/地点/车辆的描述必须包括以下内容: 的 State of California, the trustees of the California State University, University Auxiliary Services (UAS) the Campus, 军官们, 员工, 志愿者, 就指定被保险人的经营而言,其各自的代理人均被称为附加被保险人. 承保范围包括主要的和非分担的,以及根据书面合同要求的背书放弃代位求偿权.

一旦我们的办公室收到并核实保险证书的要求已经满足,就会发出采购订单. 卖方/承包商同意在发出采购订单之前不得进行任何工作或服务.

Insurance shall be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best’s rating of no less than 答:七世.

California State University, Los Angeles
丙:保险 & 风险管理
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032



Effective January 1, 1993, 加州税收法规要求加州州立大学系统从支付给某些供应商的款项中扣除联邦和/或州所得税. Payments made to nonresident vendors, including corporations, 个人, 合作伙伴关系, 遗产及信托, are subject to withholding. Nonresident vendors performing services in California or receiving rent, 位于加州的财产(不动产或个人财产)的租赁费或特许权使用费将有7%或其总支付额被扣作州所得税. 然而, 如果日历年支付给供应商的总金额为1美元,则不需要预扣,500或以下.

Who needs to submit a Payee Data Record Form?

以便收集居民身份、纳税人身份证号码、收款人类型等信息. the CSU now requires all vendors complete a Payee Data Record Form (又名Vendor 204) & 在…上 一次性的基础 before any payment can be made. 如果表单, Payee Data Record Form is not completed and returned by the individual or company being paid, 付款要么延迟,要么计算联邦和/或州预扣(联邦预扣率30%), and for State income tax withholding rate 7%).

Who is exempt from filing a Payee Data Record Form?

Payments made to other State or Federal agencies. 也, 向个人支付的退款或偿还款项无须提交收款人资料记录表格.


如果学校或部门直接与供应商(客座讲师)打交道, 紧急P.O.'s, e.g.) or is requesting a pre-payment for publication, subscription or membership, then the department must have the Payee Data Record Form (又名Vendor 204) & W9) , completed and signed and attached to the requisition, direct pay approval form and/or invoice when submitted. 因为没有上述完整的文件,支票就不能被释放或签发, please plan in advance to avoid payment delays.

Payee Data Record (又名Vendor 204) & W9)

Reportable Vendors State & 联邦扣缴/Non-Resident Aliens

Payee Data Record Form (又名Vendor 204) & 需要W9),以便通过确定应报告收入和州及联邦预扣税的纳税状况来处理付款.


A 1099杂项. 如果一个日历年的总付款额为$600或以上,会发出服务或租金, including Corporations for legal services.

医疗和卫生保健在您的贸易或业务过程中向每位医生或其他医疗或卫生保健服务供应商或提供者支付600美元或以上的费用, including Corporations.

Royalty payments of $10 or more will also receive a 1099 Misc.


Non Residents providing a service in California, 包括代理, 演艺人员和公司或合伙企业,如果一个日历年的支付总额为1美元,则须缴纳7%的州预扣税,500或更多.


也, 589非居民扣缴预扣税申请须提前向特许经营税务委员会提交.

888-792-4900 (Toll-Free)


Applies to Non Resident Aliens - Refer to guidelines for U. S. 税务信息.


OSFS Payee Data Form Workflow 指南 

的 Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) 反映了加州州立大学(CSU)为残疾人提供获取信息资源和技术的持续承诺. This commitment is articulated in Executive Order 1111 (EO 1111), the CSU Board of Trustees Policy on Disability Support and Accommodations.


请注意: Vendors are asked to review campus and CSU requirements.

所有无争议发票的付款均在收到材料或满意地完成服务并收到经批准的发票后进行. Unless otherwise directed, 发票应发送给加州州立大学洛杉矶审计长办公室(应付账款), 电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)).

Cal State Los Angeles
Controller's Office (Accounts Payable)
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032
供应商应该  send invoices to the department.

的 following list of active bids is for information purposes only. Prospective bidders should check with the buyer to verify all data.


To view Cal State L.A. solicitations on the CSU Public Bid Site