M.A. 定向学位和证书课程 & 流动性




方向 & 流动性(O&M) program prepares specialists to teach independent travel skills 和 concepts to infants, 孩子们, 以及失明或视力受损的成年人. This program provides extensive h和s-on training 和 fieldwork experiences with coursework in visual impairment, 理论与有效的教学实践. 这个项目的候选人在M.A. 特殊教育学位, Option in 取向 和 流动性 和 the Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential in 取向 和 流动性




  • Federal grant funding (for eligible c和idates) to pay for tuition 和 most textbooks.
  • M的完成.A. 学位和证书在一年(密集).
  • Eligibility to take the exam for national certification offered by the Academy on Certification of Vision Rehabilitation 和 Education Professionals (ACVREP).
  • 在各种环境中有丰富的模拟经验.g., 在校园, 住宅区, 业务环境, 和 using public transit) to learn the foundation skills 和 concepts of orientation 和 mobility. 链接到2023年的Sleepshade亮点视频.
  • 参与实习教学经历&对学龄学生和有视力障碍的成年人都有帮助.
  • 亲身体验学习如何使用长长的白色手杖, 低视力设备和其他辅助技术,以帮助定向和行动.


视障人士的定向和行动是一门动态的学科. 我们的目标是满足我们所服务的多元文化人群的需求. 成功的先前就业, volunteer service or personal experience with individuals who are visually impaired is preferred, 但不是必需的. Due to the highly specialized nature of the program 和 intensive training resources required, 每年开设的课程数量有限.


  • 良好的人际沟通能力(口头和书面)
  • 常识和态势感知
  • 智商高,学术能力强
  • 对个人需求的敏感性和洞察力
  • 创造力
  • 致力于为广大视障学生提供教学服务.

申请M的大学入学要求.A. 学位课程要求GPA不低于2分.(在某些情况下, c和idates with strong qualifications may be conditionally admitted with a GPA that is lower). Admission requirements for the Credential program require that c和idates receive a 清关证书 加州教师资格认证委员会(CTC). 在接受证书计划后,候选人必须通过CTC的考试 基本技能要求 (建议,但不是必须申请).

O申请表&M项目从申请M开始.A. 通过加州州立大学申请学位. O的申请人&M program are typically considered for admission in the Summer session 和 Fall semester. Application deadlines for Summer are typically late February 和 Fall terms are typically in late May. 

All applicants to the 取向 和 流动性 Specialist Training Program must complete:

  • 通过加州州立大学申请大学.A. 特殊教育学位,选修O&M
  • 亲自面试
  • 至少有一次现场观察练习O&M专家在面试前.

Federal grant support (when available) for this program requires that trainee recipients maintain a 3.每学期平均绩点0分,总绩点0分, 每学期最少要修12-16个单元, 和 plan a course of study resulting in completion of the MA program in four consecutive academic terms (e.g.(秋季学期、冬季学期、春季学期、夏季学期). C和idates who accept grant support agree to a service obligation to work with 孩子们 with visual impairments.


请与安妮·珍妮特·德怀特联系 (电子邮件保护) who will be happy to respond to any questions you have about the application process. 如果你对O有任何疑问&M程序,请随时联系博士. 尼古拉斯·卡西亚斯 (电子邮件保护) 或者布伦达Naimy (电子邮件保护)




  • teaching 1:1 with students with visual impairments of all ages, cultures, 和 abilities,
  • seeing students learn skills that lead to greater independence in movement 和 travel,
  • 在各种室内和室外社区环境中工作, 比如学校, 家社区, 商业领域, 和
  • 有广泛的就业选择, 包括公立学校, 和私人, 州和联邦机构, 私人承包,

然后是职业定位和流动性(O)&专科医生可能适合你. 阅读更多足彩外围网站O的信息&并观看以下链接中的视频,以了解更多足彩外围网站O的信息&M!

O有各种各样的职业机会&M专家. As a graduate of the master's degree program in Special Education, Option in 取向 & 流动性,一个人可能会找到工作作为一个方向 & 为以下雇主提供流动专家服务:   

  • 公共, 私人, 以及为婴儿服务的寄宿学校, 失明或视力受损的儿童和青少年.
  • 为盲人或视力受损的成年人服务的私人机构.
  • Veteran’s Administration Hospitals with Blind Rehabilitation 中心 or Low Vision Outpatient 中心 serving veterans who are blind or visually impaired.
  • 国家康复机构, 国家盲人委员会, 和 state rehabilitation agencies 和 centers providing services for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.
  • Regional centers or state departments of developmental services for individuals who have developmental disabilities including blindness.
  • Companies that provide short- 和 long-term professional staffing in the field of visual impairment.
  • 作为独立承包人的自营职业(e.g., for the California Department of Rehabilitation 和 other agencies serving individuals with visual impairments)

O&M is a profession specific to the fields of vision education 和 rehabilitation that teaches skills 和 concepts needed for safe movement 和 travel. 视力损害, 包括失明和弱视, 为独立运动和旅行带来独特的挑战. 没有啊&M培训, individuals with visual impairments may experience difficulties with orientation 和 may face potential safety risks from tripping or falling, 撞到东西, 或者过马路.

  • 取向 指的是知道你在哪里,以及如何到达你想去的地方. Instruction in orientation skills 和 concepts focuses on increasing the student’s ability to know where they are in relationship to their surroundings 和 what route they need to take to get to their desired destination. Developing orientation skills typically includes teaching spatial 和 environmental concepts, 认知制图和空间更新技能, 使用辅助技术(如.g.、单筒望远镜、触觉地图及无障碍GPS).
  • 流动性 是指身体运动的旅行. Instruction in mobility skills may include teaching a student how to walk using a 长藤 (or other mobility devices) to detect obstacles in their path, 或即将到来的下降,如路边或楼梯.


  • 与身体有关的概念发展, 定位, 方向, 空间意识, 还有环境,
  • Use of remaining vision, hearing 和 tactile senses to aid orientation 和 safe movement,
  • 检测下降的技术(如.g.障碍物,以及地面的变化(如斜坡).g.,不平整的表面,从人行道到草地的变化等.)
  • 路线规划技巧, 遵从指示的能力, 解决问题, 以及请求/拒绝援助,
  • Use of assistive technology apps 和 devices to aid orientation, route planning 和 safe movement,
  • 过马路的技巧和技巧(包括路口的分析), 交通模式及交通管制装置)
  • 在室内环境中旅行的技术, 户外住宅, 大大小小的商业区, 旅游购物中心, 农村地区
  • 使用公共交通工具(例如.g.(公共汽车、火车、辅助交通选择)和拼车选择

  • 足彩外围网站&M项目是大约15个项目中的一个&在美国,有许多人才培训项目.S.是加州仅有的两家之一. In existence for over 55 years, this program has prepared hundreds of highly qualified O&M专家. Program faculty are highly experienced in working with 孩子们 和 adults with visual impairments 和 are actively involved in statewide 和 national organizations that impact the field of O&M. 2017年,足彩外围网站庆祝了建校50周年 视频展示了这些年来的一些亮点.
  • 程序结构: 这是一个高度密集的, one-year program that incorporates extensive h和s-on training 和 fieldwork experiences with coursework in visual impairment, 理论与有效的教学实践. 就教学交付而言,它被认为是“混合”的, 通过广泛的面对面工作以及在线课程. 学生 in the program typically live in the Los Angeles area 和 surrounding counties, 然而,许多人成功地从圣地亚哥通勤, 克恩县和圣巴巴拉县.  
  • 时间和运输要求: 由于课程的密集性, 包括白天的实地考察和晚上的课程作业, 在这个项目中,学生通常不能工作.  The exceptions to this are c和idates who already possess an Education Specialist Credential in Visual Impairments 和 are employed as a teacher of students with visual impairments. Reliable transportation will be needed to travel to 和 from classes held in the community as well as to 和 from student teaching 和 internship sites.


作为O的一部分&硕士学位和证书课程, students receive individual advisement 和 instruction from expert faculty members who combine extensive teaching experience, 研究, 以及职前和在职教师的发展 & 流动性. 了解更多有关迎新活动的信息 & 流动性计划,联系以下任何教员:

KH C1070
杰出讲师奖得主,2022年 (Verbit无障碍智能视频播放器)