M.A. in Educational Administration with Preliminary Administrative Service Credential


Preliminary Administrative Services Credential

初级行政服务证书是加州公立学校pK-12和成人教育的所有行政和监督职位所必需的. 该计划是基于一套必要的胜任能力作为一个成功的加州学校管理者的表现. 规定, 政策, and procedures 政府erning the program for the Preliminary Administrative Services credential, 可从分部办公室获得, 是根据加州教师资格认证委员会制定的指导方针制定的吗.


The initial five-year preliminary credential is issued once basic requirements are met, and it evolves into a clear credential upon fulfilling all necessary criteria. Credential holders can provide essential services in grades preschool through 12, 在成人教育项目中也是如此. These services encompass overseeing instructional programs, 人员评估, 纪律的行为, and the management of various school services. 证书是评估教学质量和处理学校现场纪律服务的先决条件.

马上申请 for Fall 2024 - Deadline is May 31, 2024.


  • 该计划的重点是装备候选人的技能和知识,需要在幼儿园-12学校的教学领导.
  • 候选人在整个项目中有多种机会将理论和实践联系起来.
  • The program offers an intertwined curriculum for both degrees and service credentials.
  • 成功完成学业后,候选人将获得教育管理硕士学位和加州初级行政服务(一级)证书.
  • 一级证书是加州公立学校pre -12和成人教育行政和监督服务的候选人.
  • 证件有效期为5年.
  • Accepted candidates are placed in a cohort that meets two evenings a week over 3 semesters.
  • 候选人将与同辈同伴和导师建立同志关系和终身网络关系.
  • 该项目通过数字作品集指导和指导所有候选人成为技术专家.


  • 拥有有效的先决条件证书-您必须拥有有效的加州教学或服务证书,并持有英语学习者授权证书.  (符合资格的证书见下文).  
  •  经验证明-至少五年在公立或私立学校成功的全职课堂教学或服务经验. Verification must be documented on the district or employing agency's letterhead
  • 具备基本技能要求, 你可以在委员会小册子CL-667“基本技能要求."
  • Letters of Recommendation – Two letters of recommendations, including one from a practicing school administrators.  These letters should indicate that you possess administrative and leadership potential.
  • A 2.75 grade point average in the last 60 semester units attempted.


Upon successfully completing 加州大学洛杉矶分校的M.A. 教育管理专业, candidates fulfill the degree requirements and are awarded the degree. If they lack an administrative job offer, they can apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (CoE). 该CoE确认他们已准备好获得初步证书,并允许他们寻求管理职位. The Certificate of Eligibility has no expiration date.

具有经核实的行政职位就业机会的候选人可以被推荐参加初步行政服务证书. 对于那些拥有CoE的人, 在获得工作机会后, 他们可透过递交“核实受雇表格”(CL-777)申请初步证书。.

加州大学洛杉矶分校的M.A. 教育管理课程符合行政服务证书课程标准. 项目总监确保所有候选人都能成功完成所有课程要求和实地工作经验, 并通过每个CalAPA周期,然后被推荐获得行政服务初级证书或CTC的资格证书



  • 一个明确的或终身的加州教师资格证书,需要学士学位和专业准备计划, including student teaching or the equivalent, and holds an English learner authorization.
  • A clear or life California designated subjects teaching credential in adult education, 职业技术教育, 职业教育, 或者特殊科目, 前提是申请人拥有学士学位并持有英语学习者授权书.
  • A clear or life California services credential in pupil personnel services, 为学校护士提供保健服务, 教师图书馆员服务, or speech-language pathology or clinical or rehabilitative services, which requires a bachelor's degree and a program of professional preparation, 包括实地工作或同等工作.


  • EDAD 5001 (3 units)    Introduction to Educational Administration
  • EDAD 5101 (1 unit)    Laboratory for Educational Administration Digital Portfolios
  • EDAD 5061/5161 (4 units)  教育领导 & 实地考察
  • EDAD 5062/5162 (4 units)  Research/Data Assessment & 实地考察

  • EDAD 5063/5163 (4 units)  Pluralism, Collaboration, and Social Justice & 实地考察
  • EDAD 5065/5165 (4 units)  Instructional Leadership & 实地考察
  • EDAD 5066/5166 (4 units)  School Management & 实地考察

  • EDAD 5064/5164(4个单元)校法 & 实地考察
  • EDAD 5067/5167 (4 units)  School Finance & 实地考察
  • EDAD 5281 (2 units)      Clinical Internship
  • EDAD 5290  (2 units)    Reflection and Digital Portfolio Assessment




Dr. 查尔斯·弗洛雷斯




  • 每学期的费用是多少?
  • If I am a couple of months short for the 2 years of experience requirement, will this mean I will not be eligible to apply?
    是和不是. 如果你很接近, 我们可以录取你, 如果其他因素在申请审查中被评估为突出,并且可以获得一个席位.
  • 如果我持有PPS证书和心理咨询硕士证书,而不是教师证书,我还能申请吗?
    是的. PPS是等效证书之一,具有PPS的咨询经验相当于课堂教学经验. So if you have at least 2 years of experience with the PPS credential, you'll be eligible.

  • 注册的期限是什么时候?
    The University informs you of the assigned registration period. 您需要在注册期开始前3-4天支付费用,以便访问GET系统.
  • 我什么时候能得到注册信息?
    我们部门的工作人员在注册开始前5-6周通过电子邮件通知您注册信息. If you do not receive the registration information, please call the division office at 323-343-4330.

  • 我想和主管一起做田野调查,他没有他的证书复印件,只能提供他的证书号码. 这有问题吗? 我应该找别人吗?
    Ask them to download the credential info from the www.ctc.ca.政府.
  • 我有一个新的站点主管,她期待着她的管理证书每天都能收到邮件. 与此同时, 当她打印出她的“证书”时,她会得到认证,证明她有资格获得行政服务证书. Is this sufficient for a site supervisor?
    The Certificate of Eligibility is fine for the first couple of weeks, but you’ll need to submit a copy of her administrative services credential before the end of the quarter to get a grade for the fieldwork course; otherwise, 你这门课不会得到学分. 
  • My supervisor and I have not officially met although I have attempted to contact them several times. 我已经把手册通过电子邮件发给了他们,并告知了他们这个项目,但是我还没有收到他们的任何回复. Do you think I should try a different school instead? 
    这是你自己的决定. You'll need to decide if this is a usual behavior pattern of this principal or not. Remember, it's not the principal but you whose grade depends on meeting the deadline.

  • 我目前正在参加这个项目. Unfortunately, I am unable to keep up with the required class work and fieldwork at this time. 我正在经历一些非常困难的家庭问题,我需要花更多的时间来照顾我的家人. I do not want to withdraw completely from the program. I really want to stay in the program but I cannot handle the workload at this time in my life. 
    If you cannot complete the courses you’re currently enrolled, you will need to fill out a withdrawal form from the Division Office. Ask Betty or Karen in the office for assistance. 
    另一方面, if you can complete the classes this quarter and wish to stop taking classes for a while, you’ll need to submit a 休假 form, 可向司办公室索取, KH C2098.  

  • 即使我今年6月毕业了,我的行政证书文件还能通过学校处理吗? If not, where do I go to get it processed?
    I'm assuming that you did NOT apply for the credential before you completed the program. 您可以在完成课程后的七年内通过学生服务办公室申请证书评估. 



Division of Applied and Advanced Studies in Education

California State University, Los Angeles 
电子邮件: 李贝蒂 or 凯伦VonLawn



周一:8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
星期二|上午8:00 -下午6:00
周三| 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
星期四| 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
星期五|上午8:00 -下午5:00


Dr. 安东尼·埃尔南德斯,分部主席
李贝蒂, Administrative Support Coordinator
Karen Von Lawn, Administrative Support Coordinator