Bachelor of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Services



Rehabilitation Services is a diverse field within the general area of human services which provides services for people who have physical, 情感, 还有智力障碍, and for individuals with economic and social disadvantages.

With a Bachelor of Science degree in Rehabilitation Services, one may find work in the human services field. Here are some samples of professions and settings where our alumni work for your reference:

  • 人类服务个案工作者/个案经理
  • 卫生服务协调员
  • 无家可归者收容所协调员
  • 临终关怀协调员
  • 工作教练
  • 工作开发人员或工作安置专家
  • 支援就业协调员
  • 残疾中心驻院辅导员
  • 家庭暴力协调员
  • 假释及感化主任
  • 职业培训设施指导员

  • 康复科(DOR)
  • 退伍军人管理局
  • 心理健康机构
  • 公立和私立学校
  • 阿坝诊所
  • 家庭暴力机构 
  • 无家可归者收容所 
  • 社区非牟利机构 
  • 宗教机构 
  • 支持生活机构 
  • 大专院校 


  • 学生 will develop 技能 for accessing community resources that serve individuals with rehabilitation needs.
  • 学生 will attain appropriate interviewing and communication 技能.
  • 学生 will acquire technical writing 技能.
  • 学生 will be able to integrate information to provide a diverse range of services to clients with rehabilitation needs.
  • 学生 will learn to advocate and teach advocacy 技能 to their clients to integrate people with disabilities within the community.
  • 学生 will master 技能 to maximize independence for people with disabilities.
  • 学生 will obtain 技能 in working with culturally diverse individuals within an urban setting. 
  • 学生 will apply learned 知识 and 技能 to real-life settings.
  • 学生 will be able to provide services to persons with rehabilitation needs, working in collaboration with community agencies within an urban setting.


学生 will demonstrate fundamental 知识 and comprehension of the major concepts, 理论观点, 历史趋势, and empirical findings of the rehabilitation profession.

  • 1.1 Describe disability and its impact on the individual
  • 1.2 Define key concepts, principles, and history in rehabilitation
  • 1.3 Demonstrate experiential 知识 of a variety of rehabilitation settings

学生 will use scientific reasoning and problem-solving, including effective program evaluation strategies.

  • 2.1 Identify and analyze observed problems in rehabilitation settings
  • 2.2 Use rehabilitation literature to choose and evaluate best practices
  • 2.3 Engage in creative thinking and problem-solving
  • 2.4 Discuss disability-related research and program evaluation
  • 2.5 Identify and discuss sociocultural factors in research and data interpretation

学生 will choose ethically and socially responsible behaviors for use in professional and personal settings in a landscape that involves increasing diversity.

  • 3.1 Apply ethical standards to practice in rehabilitation settings
  • 3.2 Exhibit the professional responsibility to advocate for individuals with disabilities
  • 3.3 Incorporate values that build community at local, national, and global levels

学生 will demonstrate competence in a professional presentation.

  • 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
  • 4.2 Demonstrate professional presentation 技能
  • 4.3 Collaborate professionally with various populations

学生 will demonstrate the use of appropriate counseling 技能, 有效的自我反省, 团队合作技能, 以及职业准备方面的知识.

  • 5.将咨询技巧应用于职业目标
  • 5.2 Develop self-awareness and self-efficacy
  • 5.展示团队合作能力
  • 5.4 Disseminate acquired 知识 into practice



The mission of the Rehabilitation Services Program is to provide an inclusive learning environment for students from diverse cultural backgrounds. The program prepares students to work in a variety of occupational settings to enhance their professional development, 知识, 技能, 和能力. 在这些设置中, 他们将推进独立, 集成, and full participation of individuals with rehabilitation needs in the urban community and workforce.



The Division of Special Education and Counseling offers a minor in Rehabilitation Services. It is a program designed to provide valuable preparation for students majoring in psychology, 社会学, 社会工作, 刑事司法, and other fields for occupations related to the needs and activities of people with disabilities. 

这是 程序目录.


标题: Graduate Program Advisor, (Internship Credentials and Multiple, Single, and Education Specialist)
办公室: KH D2078B
电话: (323) 343-4320
联系电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)


标题: Academic Advisor (Rehab and ULRN Freshman and Sophmore counseling)
办公室: KH C2094A
电话: (323) 343-6064
电子邮件:  (电子邮件保护)


标题: Academic Advisor (Rehab and ULRN Jr and Senior counseling)
办公室: KH D2078
电话: (323) 343-4324
电子邮件:  (电子邮件保护)

Natalie Williams Awodeha

娜塔莉·F. Williams Awodeha博士.D., crc, bcba
Title: Co-Program Coordinator, Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Services (B.S.)
办公室: KH-C2057
联系电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)


黄云珍,博士.D., CRC
Title: Co-Program Coordinator, Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Services (B.S.)
办公室: KH-C2038
联系电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

德尼斯·里奥斯·莫吉卡博士.D., BCBA-D

德尼斯·里奥斯·莫吉卡博士.D., BCBA-D
Title: Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Services (B.S.) and Master’s in Counseling Option in Applied Behavior Analysis
办公室: KH-A2034
联系电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)