
A variety of funding opportunities are available to support students who are interested in doing research during their Master’s studies in 材料科学与工程 (MSE). Interested applicants may also contact individual faculty members and inquire about their open positions and research opportunities. Please contact the Center for Financial 援助 for financial assistance available from federal, 状态, 以及足彩外围网站的机构资源.


的 following funding opportunities are currently available through different research centers and university programs. If you have any further questions about funding opportunities, please contact us at (电子邮件保护)

  cea 研究生奖学金  

能源与可持续发展中心(cea) offers 研究生奖学金s to students who are interested in research in the broad field of energy and sustainability. 的 研究生奖学金 is a year-round research fellowship. 学生 work with a faculty advisor to complete a thesis research project by the time they complete their graduate programs.

  • Application Deadline: Applications are accepted on a continuous basis
  • 时间承诺:每周20小时
  • 供应 & 差旅:支持研究用品和差旅
  • 研讨会:必须参加研讨会课程
  • 身份:必须是美国.S. 公民或永久居民
  • 请联系博士. Pacheco-Vega在 (电子邮件保护) 有关cea研究生奖学金的更多信息.

  但是过犹不及 -为MSE学生提供研究机会  

的 材料研究与教育伙伴关系(但是过犹不及) 足彩外围网站, in partnership with the MRSEC Center for Nanoscale Science at Penn State University (PSU), enhances the research and education of students in materials science and engineering 足彩外围网站.

的 NSF 但是过犹不及 program will be offering partial stipend support for up to four MS 材料科学与工程 (MSE) students to work with 但是过犹不及 faculty on MSE research projects. 的 following projects are available to be supported through this program. If you are interested in this opportunity, please apply to the program, and send your CV to (电子邮件保护). 在你的邮件里, please list up to three projects (from the following list) that are of your interest and sort them based on your research background and interest. You may email the faculty advisors and ask about the details of their projects.





Understanding the Adhesion and Friction Coupling in Gecko‐Inspired Dry Adhesives with Controlled 联系 Geometry and Structural Gradient

Dr. 胡特拉维斯


Modeling Microstructural Evolution during Metal Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)

Dr. Mohsen Eshraghi



Dr. 克里斯·巴赫曼



Dr. x射线检验Jishi



Dr. “阳阳”刘



Dr. 弗兰克·戈麦斯

 For more information about 但是过犹不及 opportunities, please contact Dr. 克里斯·巴赫曼 (电子邮件保护).


的 materials for the following Student Support Programs are due to the Office of Graduate Studies (LIB N A124) by the deadlines listed.


的se grants are designed to increase the number of master’s degrees awarded to economically disadvantaged CSU students, especially those graduate students that are underrepresented among graduate degree recipients in their discipline and those who are disabled.


A limited number of non-resident tuition fee waivers or tuition fee reductions may be granted to non-resident graduate students who are either domestic non-resident students or citizens of a foreign country.


**ATTENTION** CSU Travel Restrictions, effective October 5, 2019: 由于1887年布朗州长批准的议会法案, California law prohibits approving 状态-funded or 状态-sponsored travel to the following 状态s: 阿拉巴马州,爱荷华州,堪萨斯州,肯塔基州, 密西西比州北卡罗来纳州,俄克拉何马州, 南卡罗来纳, 南达科他州,田纳西州, 和德州. 法律适用于所有犯罪现场组的员工, 军官, 或成员, 以及非雇员旅行者, 包括学生. 了解更多.

Travel Support for 学生 Presenting at Professional Conferences (TSSP)

的 Travel Support for Student Presentations (TSSP) is a reimbursement program designed to encourage and assist 加州大学洛杉矶分校 graduate students whose work has been accepted into a professional/academic conference. 

Travel Support for Professional Development of Graduate 学生 (TSPD)

的 Travel Support for Professional Development of Graduate 学生 (TSPD) is a reimbursement program designed to encourage and assist 加州大学洛杉矶分校 graduate students to participate in professional development activities that will foster their educational and career goals. 

Culminating Project Fund to Support Completion of 的sis, Creative Activity, or Dissertation

This fund is a reimbursement program designed to support 加州大学洛杉矶分校 graduate student research and/or scholarship conducted toward completing a thesis, 创造性活动, 或论文. 学生 funded through this award will receive reimbursement for approved supplies, 设备, 和服务.


的 California Pre-Doctoral program is designed to increase diversity within the pool of university faculty by supporting the doctoral aspirations of students at the CSU.

注意: Applications will be submitted electronically to the Chancellor's Office. 申请的复印件 必须 submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies on or before the deadline, prior to submission to the Chancellor's Office for further consideration.


的 California State University (CSU) 校长博士奖励计划 (CDIP) aims to increase the number of promising doctoral students applying for future CSU instructional faculty positions by offering financial assistance in the form of a loan and mentorship by CSU faculty.