<艺术icle about="/eep/apply-eep" class="node node--type-page node--view-mode-full" data-history-node-id="475366">


The student considered for admission to the Honors Academy Summer Program is one who:

  • Has educational needs that will be met in an accelerated pathway, including college-level coursework
  • Demonstrates a strong desire to attempt a challenging educational program
  • 具有足够的自我激励能力, 自律, 以及在专业场合的得体行为
  • Has a strong support network to undertake a program of radical educational acceleration.
  • 年龄在11-15岁之间. (一定是11岁了. 3月1日前满,16岁以下. 6月1日前)



I am excited to provide you with some guidance on how to complete a successful EEP Application.


  • Read the following application instructions carefully before opening the link. The EEP application is completed by the applying scholar, as an individual. 
  • You will not have the opportunity to send any documents outside of the application, ACT/SAT考试成绩除外.  

Gather all documents required for a complete application before you open the link to complete the EEP application.

  • 论文
  • 成绩单
  • 联系方式(推荐人)
  • 图片/头像
  • URL链接(可选)

您将无法保存您的工作并返回. 您需要在一次设置中完成申请. 

完成此步骤之前 打开EEP应用程序链接. 

  • Create your type-written (size 12 font, Times Roman) essay response as one-word document.  
  • 一旦完成,将您的3篇论文回复保存为一个pdf.  
  • 另存为:Lastname_Firstname_EEPESSAY24 



Read the prompts carefully to ensure you are including personal examples. 每个问题的回答限制在500字以内.  


  • 个人陈述/项目兴趣 
  • 在校经历  
  • 自我概念  


  • 你想让提前入学项目了解你什么, the reasons why you are interested in the EEP and why EEP would be a good fit for you? 例如, 提到价值观, 愿望, 活动, 或者激起你好奇心的兴趣, detail your motives supporting acceleration to college and why the EEP is a suitable option at this point in your academic journey.   


  • 描述一下你目前的学校经历. 例如, 讨论你的满意程度, 中性, 对你目前的学习环境不满意, and detail strategies you may have used to maintain academic engagement.  


  • What lessons have you learned from a challenging event or time in your life? 例如, 简要描述发生情况, detail lesson/s learned and discuss how you might apply the lesson/s as a scholar enrolled in the EEP.  

  • 包括2022-2023学年和2023-2024学年. 

  • 唯一可以通过电子邮件提交的文件. 
  • 评估成绩将通过电子邮件发送至 (电子邮件保护) 不迟于2024年4月5日下午5点(太平洋标准时间. 

  • Letters must be selected from the applicant’s current (2023-2024) and/previous (2022-2023) academic year teachers.  
  • Recommendation forms from friends or family members will not be accepted, 无论专业背景如何. The provided form template must be used to request letters of recommendation. 
  • EEP will not accept letters of recommendation if the online form request is not used.  
  • 所有的推荐信必须由 2024年3月1日.  
  • It is the applicant’s responsibility to inform recommenders a request will be forthcoming. 

Incomplete letters of recommendation will result in an incomplete application. 

  • 学生 may submit a digital 艺术ifact representative of major interests showcasing a unique skill or talent. 例子包括但不限于:  
  • 一篇创造性的文章, 艺术, 摄影, 学生制作视频或电影, 音乐或戏剧表演的短录像, 科学海报:科学海报或报告, 音乐作品, 技术发明或应用程序的文档, YouTube页面, 参加公民组织的证明.  
  • 包括项目的打印说明 以及它的重要性. 

  • 收集所需文件. 
  • 留出足够的时间一次性完成申请. 
  • Progress cannot be saved once you have opened the EEP application link. 
  • Your attention to detail and adherence to all instructions will contribute to a successful and stress-free application process.  

Scholar, we look forward to receiving your application and guiding you through this exciting journey. Thank you for considering the 早期入学计划 at Cal State 洛杉矶. If you have any questions or require further assistance, feel free to contact (电子邮件保护)


Declare an interest in applying and contact EEP to schedule a preliminary meeting with the director.


Submit an online application, including 3 short essays written by the student applicant. 完成申请后, a link will be provided to the student to share with their (3) recommenders. 所有提交的文件将直接退还给EEP工作人员. 推荐表格应在2024年3月1日前收到.  Applicants will receive a confirmation email for each submitted recommendation form.

Before applying, please thoroughly review the "Application Guidance" section above. Note in p艺术icular that you should be prepared to submit your application in one online session—you will not be able to save your progress and return to the application. If your session is interrupted, you will need to st艺术 over with the online application.



Successful applicants will have minimum scores of 22 in English and 23 in math on the ACT, or 550 evidence-based reading and writing (EBRW) and 570 in math on the SAT. 感兴趣的学生可以参加内部课程, locally scored ACT (results not distributed nationally) at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 on February 24th, or take any national SAT or ACT offering before the EEP application deadline and qualifying test scores must be received by the EEP office by April 5th, 2024.


有关全国考试日期的信息可在 行为的网站.

For individuals who have confirmed their attendance for the ACT examination scheduled at California State University, 洛杉矶, 请参考以下提供的信息:

考试地点: 英皇堂(D2071室)

家长等候室位置: 英皇堂(1076室)

签到: 8:30 a.m. (上午9点关门.m.)


基于应用, 面试, and test scores selected students will be invited to attend a required Applicant Orientation session (held in May) before beginning the summer Honors Academy, 2024.

基于对申请和考试成绩的初步审查, 学生将被邀请参加 EEP荣誉学院.

在参加了荣誉学院之后, students will be evaluated by the admissions committee and students will be notified of their admissions status no later than two weeks after the Honors Academy ends.

*请注意, 申请参加2024年夏季EEP荣誉学院的学生, 而不是2024年秋季的大学录取通知书. The EEP荣誉学院 is a multi-week experience offering college-level workshops and group 活动. EEP荣誉学院 attendance is required for consideration for Fall 2024 admission. 完成EEP荣誉学院后, select students will be invited for admission to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 through the EEP pathway.


金融援助 & 奖学金

联邦, 国家和其他补助金, scholarships and loans are available to EEP students just as they are to all 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students.

More information about scholarships and financial aid is available on the 金融援助 webpage.