学生焦点:Niku Nourmohammadi


Niku Nourmohammadi




因为我的父亲,我对医学很感兴趣. One of my many passions is to ensure that what happened to my father does not happen to others. 我父亲是沙利度胺药丸的副产品. 沙利度胺是孕妇的止痛药. 因此,他生来就没有左臂. 为子孙后代减少amelia因子是我的热情所在. 当一种治疗方法或药物只对公众开放时, I would like to increase the percentage or probability of cure for the other 20%. 我希望成为一名执业外科医生. 我也想从事研究. 治疗和减轻疼痛是一项非常有益的职业, 我决心有一天把它作为我的职业.


我真的很享受在足彩外围网站的四年本科时光. My involvement in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Club took me to inner city schools where I mentored students interested in the field of science by demonstrating basic chemistry experiments. 类似的, 我还帮助成立了足彩外围网站的第一个美国红十字会, guiding 30 members of a new student club to practice and exemplify humanitarian values through mission-related service projects such as blood drives, 食物驱动器, 和筹款活动. I helped coordinate many guest speaker events on campus where doctors from USC and UCLA spoke about their journey into the field of medicine and provided advice to other pre-med students. 类似的, I was a part of a great community of 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students that were also passionate about pursuing a career in medicine in the Chicanos/Latinos for Community in Medicine (CCM CSULA) club. A club that formed 6 fundraiser events on campus and that helped form multiple science health events to inspire and motivate many students interested in a career in medicine and research. My involvement in ASI student government's Environmental Policy Committee also allowed me to work for a greener and safer environment on campus.

我非常喜欢在急诊室和手术室做志愿者的经历, shadowing physicians in the most overcrowded county hospital in Los Angeles, 位于右边的贫民窟. I have seen multiple cases in the overcrowded emergency department filled with patients screaming for narcotics, 严重车祸, 犯罪嫌疑人, 还有脑损伤. On a Thursday night in the emergency room, a young man died from a car crash accident before my eyes. 这只是我在加州医院医疗中心的第三次志愿者轮班. 他的母亲完全震惊了. 在目睹一位母亲的儿子在我眼前死去之后, 想帮忙却不知道怎么做, I knew what kind of physician I wanted to be and what great responsibility I would hold. I knew right then that I wanted to help others with a career in the medical field. 看到医院团队和医生们如何协同工作让我着迷. I learned of the great responsibility a physician must hold and patience every hospital team member must have. I would be a strong and passionate physician who is willing to help and caring to her patients. 我会尽一切可能以各种可能的方式帮助别人. 任何病人都可以通过正确的心态和医院团队得到治疗. My experiences in this hospital gave me new perspective on the clinical side of medicine.

此外,我喜欢我的研究经历在足彩外围网站博士. Aguilar's biology research lab with a main emphasis on the evolution and conservation of California's native freshwater ichthyofauna and evolutionary genomic studies of diverse group of marine fishes (rockfish) along with endangered vernal pool crustaceans, 两栖动物, 还有海鸟.

遗传结构 Paracottus knerii 在贝加尔湖

I am currently finishing a thesis with a research topic that has never been done before, 的遗传结构研究 Paracottus knerii 经过两年的研究. I am determining whether this evolutionary species of fish that formed 42 other species is monophyletic or polyphyletic and under what conditions. I gathered their samples, studied their gene sequences, and am forming a phylogenetic tree. 该原创研究项目将于2018年发表.


自从夫人. Kilkenny’s eighth grade biology class, I became extremely passionate about biology and science. I knew that I would like to pursue an academic career in the field of biology. What drew me to this project was the shocking fact that there were no articles published about Paracottus knerii. 这个论文项目成为了一个填补这一空白的机会. Providing valuable information to the public and to the National Science Foundation about this ancient species will allow future scientists 50 years from now to never forget the importance of this species that contributed to the main biodiversity of species in Russia’s Lake Baikal.


This experience allowed me to apply my knowledge that I learned from my science courses over the past four years. 我从李博士身上学到了很多. Aguilar’s expertise and am incredibly thankful for his guidance and knowledge.


Fortunately my challenges were limited since I had two older sister to look up to, Nika and Niki.  I especially learned from Niki because she is also pursuing a career in medicine. I grew up watching my sisters succeed during their academic careers at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 他们为我打破了所有的障碍. 我该有的恐惧, were gone when I began as a 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Early Entrance Program and 荣誉学院 student.


你必须做好准备,坚持不懈,有耐心,有条理. This rigorous experience will teach you more about what you do not know in your own field of study.


After graduating this May 2018, I will be continuing my passions in Washington D.C. 乔治华盛顿大学. 从今年夏天开始, I will be working in George Washington University’s medical school studying cold atmospheric gas and how it is used to kill cancer cells. I will be injecting this ionized gas into different cancer cell lines (pancreatic, 乳腺癌细胞), and will be assessing how these cancer cells die by looking at its reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. I will be working on an important cancer research project that will be published by the end of this summer.

2018年秋季开始, I will be attending graduate school 乔治华盛顿大学’s Masters of Science in Anatomical and Translational Sciences. 研究生毕业后,我打算开始医学院成为一名外科医生.


I really believe in education and its impact on my life and enjoy giving back to the community.