
International Student 健康保险 Policy

足彩外围网站, the safety and well-being of our F-1 International Student and Athletes is paramount. 像这样, it is a mandatory requirement for all F-1 International Student and Athletes, including those on athletic scholarships, to purchase and maintain the pre-approved health insurance policy through 加拉格尔 prior to the commencement of their initial semester and throughout their program of study at the university.

This policy is in place to ensure compliance with SEVIS (Student and Exchange 访问or Information System) regulations and California State Law, which mandate that international students maintain adequate health insurance coverage throughout their stay in the United States. 通过坚持这一政策, we not only safeguard the health and security of our F-1 students (including F-1 athletes) but also uphold our commitment to regulatory compliance and the overall well-being of our international student community.

A registration hold will be imposed on all F-1 student accounts by the ISSO until verification is provided that students have obtained the pre-approved health insurance coverage. Failing to procure the mandated health insurance policy will render F-1 students ineligible to enroll in semester courses, thus jeopardizing their F-1 status.

To purchase health insurance, visit 加拉格尔. The International Office will receive an email notification after your purchase, so there is no additional need to contact our office. Please allow 2-3 business days to waive the registration hold from your student account.

学生 on a government scholarship that provides compatible insurance coverage as a partnership are exempt from this requirement. Please email a copy of the scholarship letter that includes a reference to your health insurance to (电子邮件保护)

加州大学洛杉矶分校 学生健康中心

All registered students at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 are eligible for health services at the 学生健康中心. Services include a family doctor, 预防医学, 实验室诊断, x射线, 生育控制, 妊娠检查, sexually transmitted diseases tests, 艾滋病/艾滋病毒信息, and psychological counseling.

A $100 deductible is required per policy year for medical services. The deductible can be waived if the student first utilizes and is referred out by the University 学生健康中心. If the 学生健康中心 is closed or emergency medical care is required, then the deductible is automatically waived.

Urgent Care Centers are medical facilities designed to offer immediate evaluation and treatment for health conditions that are not severe enough to require treatment in the hospital or a hospital emergency room. Conditions treated through Urgent Care Centers include common medical ailments such as sore throats, 流感, 耳朵疼, 呼吸道感染, 小削减, 扭伤, 轻微骨折. Urgent Care Centers provide care and treatment through qualified physicians when such care needs fall outside of a physician's regular office hours or before an appointment is available with your primary physician. Emergency room co-payment costs can be three to five times as much as a standard office visit, so visiting an Urgent Care center offers patients lower co-payments and lower overall care costs.

Some local Urgent Care Centers are:

443 s soto st
(323) 261-2273

(213) 480-1000

For life-threatening emergencies, call “911”.


The following will help you understand when to use the hospital emergency room. Remember that you may pay more for using the emergency room for any non emergency reasons.

Some Good Reasons to Go to the Emergency Room

  • 失去知觉
  • Intolerable and uncontrollable pain
  • 呼吸严重短促
  • 胸部疼痛
  • 无法控制的出血
  • Poisoning (Note: If possible, call your poison control center first and ask for immediate home-treatment advice)
  • A major injury, such as a head injury.
  • Severe or worsening reaction to an insect bite or sting, 或者是药物, especially if breathing is difficult
  • Stupor, drowsiness, or disorientation that cannot be explained.

Treatable Conditions Not Requiring 访问 to the Emergency Room

  • 耳痛

  • Minor laceration (cut) where bleeding is controlled

  • Minor dog bite where bleeding is controlled

  • Possible broken bone (if bone is showing or if limb is deformed, go directly to Emergency Room)

  • 可能的应变

  • A blistered sunburn or minor blistered cooking burns

  • Bee or insect sting or delayed swelling (if there is breathing difficulty, go directly to the Emergency Room)

  • 皮疹

  • Fever (if there is a convulsion, go directly to the Emergency Room)

  • Sexually transmitted disease (STD)

  • Colds and cough, sore throat, 流感

Locating Physicians/Urgent Care Centers/Hospitals

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