

展品, 以及它们相关的事件, are a valuable part of the 大学图书馆's outreach efforts and public programming. 他们应该告知, 教育, 娱乐, 突出的成就, 为公众提供欣赏艺术和文物的机会, 及/或推广图书馆的资源及服务. We encourage the creative and scholarly pursuit of exhibit curation through hosting and supporting faculty and student exhibitions. Below is a comprehensive list of the detailed criteria employed by the 展品 Committee in the approval process.


  • 展品应显示教育和信息的重要性, 与图书馆馆藏或大学课程相关, 以及广泛的吸引力.
  • 展品 must be appropriate for the intended 图书馆 location and feasible for 安装.
  • 大学图书馆档案和特别收藏的文物, 学生工作, 或者使用独特的materials或人工制品, 和/或与社区中其他事件的关系, 是首选.
  • 展品必须符合公共security考虑.
  • 参观展览是免费的.e.,图书馆不得收取任何费用、捐款或金钱.
  • 大学图书馆将全权决定是否接受申请.

需求 & 安装

  • Exhibit 安装 outline/map including all items to be displayed must be approved in consultation with the 图书馆 展品 Committee 提前30天付款. 这必须包括:
    • Include 安装 plan documenting the general location of items and detailing how these items will be mounted/displayed.
    • 一个项目列表,描述了输入的所有物理项目 template 提供.
    • Digital files of all images reproduced for the exhibit; see specifications below.
    • 参展商将为展览准备所有标签和标牌, 其中将包括识别赞助个人或团体的信息. 在谘询期间,当局会检讨标签和标志的草案.
    • If exhibitors are interested in providing images or graphics for promotional use it must be submitted during consultation.
    • 所有展览资料(安装大纲/地图), 项目列表, 标签/标志, 促销图形)必须提交给 (电子邮件保护)
  • 展品必须在图书馆正常办公时间内安装, 在图书馆展品委员会预先安排的时间.
  • 参展商将为展览准备所有标签和标牌, 其中将包括识别赞助个人或团体的信息. 参展商必须获得所有标签和标识的批准 安装前10个工作日.
  • 参展商负责展品的维护保养, 包括但不限于清洁, 维修, 和调整, 在整个过程中.
  • 参展商必须安排在展览结束时移走展品. The 图书馆 reserves the right to take down the exhibit if the party responsible does not remove the items in a timely manner. The 图书馆 assumes no responsibility for items that are left behind after the exhibition has closed.
  • 参展商承担所有遗失或损坏物品的责任. The 图书馆 does not provide 保险 for exhibits and cannot be held responsible for the safety of exhibited items. 如有需要,保险由参展商负责。.
  • It is the sole responsibility of exhibitors to assure that they have acquired the necessary permissions and licenses for any use of copyrighted materials.
  • Exhibitors will not permanently alter the exhibit space and must return the exhibit area to its original condition at closing.
  • 学生参展商必须有一个教师或工作人员积极监督的项目.


  • The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 大学图书馆 uses Omeka as the platform for digital exhibits to highlight 加州大学洛杉矶分校 special collections and archival material. Omeka is a user-friendly publishing platform for sharing digital collections and creating media-rich digital exhibits.
  • The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 社区 is welcome to propose digital exhibits under the supervision of the 图书馆 展品 Committee.
  • 通常, exhibitions hosted by the 大学图书馆 are comprised of materials housed in Cal State La 特殊的集合 and 档案. Curators must either own the copyright to all materials not housed in the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 档案 & 特殊的集合, 如欲展示,请出示版权持有人的书面许可, 或materials必须在公共领域.
  • 所有提交的文件将存档/捐赠给加州州立大学洛杉矶特别收藏 & 档案, unless the material is from other institutions with the proper permissions or loan paperwork.
  • 回顾是任何学术努力的重要组成部分, and library faculty and staff participate in this activity through constructive feedback and ensuring that standards and protocols are met for digital exhibits.
  • 馆长职责:
    • Curators assume full responsibility for creation of the exhibit including selecting and developing the content, 向档案馆和特别馆藏提交扫描请求, 回顾, 提供版权许可, 校对, 和周全.
    • Members of the 图书馆 Exhibit Committee will only take on these responsibilities when co-curating exhibits.
  • 大学图书馆展品委员会职责:
    • 上传内容到Omeka
    • 输入管理员提供的描述性元数据
    • Reviewing the exhibit prior to publication to ensure it meets technical and ethical standards.
  • 工作流程:
    • Propose your exhibit along the steps below following all guidelines presented in this document.
    • The 图书馆 展品 Committee will give initial approval, request changes, or deny the proposal.
    • 一旦获得批准,使用所提供的模板提供一份展览materials清单. 下载模板副本以准备提交. 模板必须包含标识信息(元数据), 版权审查, 扫描/文件信息
    • 图书馆职员将审阅和批准建议的名单.
    • 图书馆 staff will upload the content and work with curators to arrange and design and the exhibit.
    • 图书馆工作人员将进行最终审查并出版数字展览.


  • 必须是专业的打底和装裱
  • 准备好了
  • 仅限高质量图像
    • 实物展品600 DPI
    • 300 - 600 DPI数码展品
    • 在线展览中的数字图像必须包含替代文本
  • 视频
    • 在线展览中的数字图像必须包含替代文本
    • 所有视频都需要封闭字幕
  • 参展商的责任
    • 参展商负责展品的维护保养, 包括但不限于清洁, 维修, 和调整, 在整个过程中.
    • 参展商必须安排在展览结束时移走展品. The 图书馆 reserves the right to take down the exhibit if the party responsible does not remove the items in a timely manner. The 图书馆 assumes no responsibility for items that are left behind after the exhibition has closed.
    • 参展商承担所有遗失或损坏物品的责任. The 图书馆 does not provide 保险 for exhibits and cannot be held responsible for the safety of exhibited items. 如有需要,保险由参展商负责。.
    • It is the sole responsibility of exhibitors to assure that they have acquired the necessary permissions and licenses for any use of copyrighted materials. 参展商必须出示非存档materials的展出许可证明 & 特别收藏在安装前10天. 证据可能以贷款文书、版权所有者的电子邮件等形式出现. 提交证明至 (电子邮件保护)
    • Exhibitors will not permanently alter the exhibit space and must return the exhibit area to its original condition at closing.
    • 除图书馆提供的Publicity资料外,参展商须负责Publicity.
    • 学生参展商必须有一个教师或工作人员积极监督的项目.


  1. 参展商须阅读大学图书馆展览指南.
  2. 参展商通过在线展览提案表提交他们的提案.
  3. The 大学图书馆 展品 Committee approves or rejects the proposal in a timely manner, 根据参展标准的选择和Spaces可用性. 与参展商联系并作出决定.
  4. 如果得到批准, 大学图书馆 展品 Commitee forwards the 展览建议表格 to 图书馆 Administration.
  5. Once approved the exhibitor will be contacted by the 大学图书馆 展品 Committee to plan a consultation to review exhibit 安装 outline/map, 标签, 以及图像/艺术品的质量.


The following areas are currently approved exhibition areas in the 大学图书馆; exhibit proposals for other Spaces will generally be rejected.

  • 图书馆北一楼-咖啡厅
  • 图书馆北一楼-西南角
  • 图书馆北楼梯- 2023年春季开放
  • 图书馆北二楼- 2023年秋季开放
  • 图书馆南二楼-特别馆藏外部大堂


参展商全权负责支付与展览有关的所有费用, 包括但不限于运输, 安装, 拆除, 保险, 以及相关activities. 其他安排需要特别批准.


The 图书馆 may provide Publicity in the form of social media posts on institutional accounts, 在全校推广邮件, 以及在图书馆设施内放置指示牌的Spaces.

Professional photography and/or videography of the exhibit and related events on 图书馆 premises should be independently secured by and at the expense of the exhibitors, and high-resolution copies of any footage must be shared with the 图书馆 for archival and promotional use. Other arrangements must be discussed with the Committee prior to finalizing the proposal.


展品 are often located in high traffic areas whose visibility reduces the likelihood of damage or theft of materials; however, 图书馆在任何时候都不对展品的security负责, 包括运输期间, 安装, 或拆除. 任何盗窃,丢失或损坏必须报告给大学警察.


展品必须有具体的开始和结束日期, 如果时间允许,结束日期可能会延长. 根据经验, 展品应展出一个学期, 虽然在事先批准的情况下,缩短展示时间是允许的. 大学图书馆保留随时取消展览的权利.


Exhibitors are responsible for preparing the content of publications associated with their exhibit. 参考书目, Publicity册, and other promotional and/or instructional materials to accompany an exhibit are strongly recommended but not mandatory. 声音, video, or computer displays accompanying exhibits will be installed and removed by exhibitors in consultation with the Committee. 图书馆的展览资料供应有限, 比如胶带, matboard, 还有书柜, 用于安装展品和显示器. 参展商必须提供额外的materials.


图书馆的Spaces可以, 有时, 参加接待和其他activities(研讨会), 会谈, 与展品相关的示范. 申请时应在建议书中列出这些资料. The 大学图书馆 展品 Committee will consult the room use policy and check the schedule to see whether a reception or other activity may be held.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 (电子邮件保护)
