Welcome to the Department of 物理 & 天文学


的 Department of 物理 and 天文学 at California State University, 洛杉矶, is committed to fostering a deep understanding of the fundamental principles that govern the Universe. Whether you're fascinated by the behavior of quantum particles or the mysteries of the cosmos, our undergraduate and graduate programs offer a comprehensive range of courses and research opportunities designed to ignite your passion for physics. 我们的教师, 工作人员, and students come from very different backgrounds, collectively enriching the advancement of human understanding. We welcome collaboration with people of all social backgrounds, 种族, 年龄, 性取向, 性别认同. 

Why study physics and astronomy?

物理 and 天文学 is the bedrock upon which all other natural sciences and most branches of engineering stand. 这就形成了 理学士(理学学士.S.物理学 或者一个 理学硕士(M.S.物理学 two of the most versatile and impactful degrees available. Physicists thrive to understand the mysteries of the Universe, from the subatomic realm to the vast expanses of space. 的 principles and laws derived from physics are at the base of the countless innovations that shape our modern society, 比如电, 互联网, 电脑, 医学成像, 激光, 航空, 和更多的. T在这里fore, a degree in physics can open the door to a vast array of opportunities, including:



Our undergraduate program offers a 理学士(理学学士.S.物理学学位. 学生 have the opportunity to explore a wide range of topics and eng年龄 in hands-on research projects with faculty.

Follow the link below f或者一个 list of courses offered by our department and a roadmap to graduation in 2 or 4 years.


我们的研究生课程提供了一个 理学硕士(M.S.物理学学位. Graduate students can choose between a 研究选择 或者一个 课程的选择.  

  • 研究选择, students work closely with faculty mentors to conduct original research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their chosen field of specialization. 的 successful completion of the program is capped by the submission of a M.S. 论文. This option is recommended for students planning to pursue a Ph.D. 毕业后获得的学位. 

  • 课程的选择 offers a wider range of topics in a more structured environment. This option does not require writing a 论文. Instead, students must pass a comprehensive exam during their last semester. 的 课程的选择 is designed for students who want to quickly enter the workforce. 

Follow the link below f或者一个 list of graduate courses and a roadmap to graduation in 2 years.

[Department Website Content Update in Progress: June 2024]