Department of Geography, Geology, and Environment

Welcome to the Department of Geography, Geology, and Environment (GGE)
我们的 undergraduate options consist of a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography 和一个 Bachelor of Science degree in Geology.  我们还提供 minor in Geography 和一个 副修地质学.
For advanced studies, we offer a range of Graduate Degree 项目 such as the Master of Arts degree in Geography, the Master of Science degree in Geological Sciences, and the Master of Science degree in Environmental Science, which includes specialized tracks in Environmental Hydrology, Environmental Biology, Environmental Engineering, and Geospatial Sciences.
Additionally, we provide a certificate in Geographic Information Systems to further enhance your skills and knowledge.
Three 工作人员 standing in front of the GGE department infomation booth and banner.


Group of students standing in the desert

Undergraduate 项目

The Department GGE offers two undergraduate degree options: a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography 和一个 Bachelor of Science in Geology.

Group of students standing in a field with mountains in the background

Graduate 项目

The Department of GGE offers a variety of Graduate Degree 项目.

Group of 14 students standing in the desert.

Geographic Information Systems Certificate

The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Certificate is offered by the Department of Geosciences and Environment to students with up-to-date theory and technology in spatial analysis in urban planning, political science, and environmental studies.


Group of Geosciences and Environment staff and students standing outside of La Kretz Hall at 加州大学洛杉矶分校
办公地点: 国王厅C4067
办公时间: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
电话号码: (323) 343-2400
传真号码: (323) 343-6494
Department Chair: Edward Eivers, Ph.D.
Department Coordinator:

Upcoming Training Grant 应用程序s

REU 学生 in the field


我们的 REU site at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 aims to attract motivated, diverse students to investigate urban hydrological problems in Southern California through a nested series of events during a 10-week summer REU experience. Component activities include research activities, training activities, mentoring activities, social activities, and post-REU activities. A four day field activity at various hydrological sites is included in the summer program.  应用程序 open December 1, 2023.

加州大学洛杉矶分校 students at the Urban Garden


我们的 美国农业部REEU SITE at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 aims to attract motivated, diverse students to investigate urban natural resources and urban agriculture issues and problems through a nested series of events during a 9-week summer REEU experience. Component activities include research activities, training activities, mentoring activities, social activities, and post-REEU activities. A four day field activity in a California river basin is included for all REEU students.  应用程序 opens December 1, 2023

Geography, Geology, and Environment Department News

加州大学洛杉矶分校 Professor Jennifer Garrison sits in front of a large mountain.

加州大学洛杉矶分校’s geology professor receives Fulbright Scholar award

Jennifer Garrison, professor of geology at 加州大学洛杉矶分校, has recently received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program award to collaborate with scientists in Ecuador on an exchange program.