Cal State LA RSCA T/TT Faculty Mentor Pool

A listing of faculty who have availability to mentor a student in research, scholarship, or creative activities.

Provide your first name, last name, and degree (example: Jane Doe, Ph.D.) 
College or library affiliation
Please provide a brief description of your research/scholarship/creative activities in one or two sentences.
Please list the student research program(s) with which you have been affiliated as a faculty mentor at Cal State LA.
If you have received faculty mentor training and would like to include this information in your profile that will be posted on our web page, please state how you would like to have it worded. This text will be added to your RSCA description.
Please provide your calstatela email here.
Please upload here a recent headshot for posting on our website. 
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.