
购买商品和服务可以通过多种方式完成. The department and/or requestor are not permitted to act on any purchase type requiring a requisition until Purchasing has dispatched the purchase order notification. Procurement of goods and/or services made by department personnel outside the authorized procurement methods can be considered a personal obligation of the individual making the purchase and not the obligation of the University.

We encourage all University departments and affiliates to use certified Small Business (SB) and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) suppliers 只要有可能. You may access the DGS Supplier 搜索 in order to find existing suppliers within the Department of General Services. 如供应商尚未列入CFS PeopleSoft, 他们可以添加为SB或DVBE通过填写 收款人资料记录表格 (又名Vendor 204) & W9).



Direct Pay expenditures are payments made against a department's account without the establishment of a Purchase Order. Examples of these expenditures include payments of subscriptions and memberships.


  1. 要求DOA批准发票.
  2. 交易限额:1美元.00 - $2,500.
  3. 积极的供应商.
  4. 发票在30天内付款.
  5. 服务请求的保险要求.




CSUBUY Marketplace is where CSU campuses can shop for indirect goods and services, 比如通过网上购物体验办公用品, 但可以和犯罪现场调查组协商价格. 积极的供应商s: Dell, Staples, Fisher Scientific, CDW, IRG, Waxie, and MSC, to name a few.


  1. PCard.
  2. CSUBUY安装程序,请联系p卡管理员.


A purchase order is probably the least cost-effective method for procuring low-dollar value goods.



  1. PCard.




  1. $0-$49,999
    • 一个报价
  2. $50,000-$99,999
    • 非正式投标程序
    • 三句书面名言
    • 2 - 5周
  3. $100,000或以上
    • 正式投标程序
    • 6 - 10周
  4. $0-$250,000




  1. $0-$49,999
    • 一个报价
    • 每会计年度一个采购订单
  2. $50,000-$499,999
    • 非正式投标程序
    • 三句书面名言
    • 2 - 5周
  3. $500,000或以上
    • 正式投标程序
    • 6 - 10周
  4. $0-$250,000
    • 非正式投标过程,小企业/ DVBE
    • 两个书面引用
    • 2 - 4周


如果项目涉及建设 (公共工程),将需要额外的文件. 向采购部门咨询.



  1. $0-$49,999
    • 一个报价
    • 每会计年度一个采购订单
  2. $50,000-$99,999
    • 非正式投标程序
    • 三句书面名言
    • 2 - 5周
  3. $100,000或以上
    • 正式投标程序
    • 6 - 10周
  4. $0-$250,000
    • 非正式投标过程,小企业/ DVBE
    • 两个书面引用
    • 2 - 4周


  1. $50,000-$499,999
    • 非正式投标程序
    • 三句书面名言
    • 2 - 5周
  2. $500,000或以上
    • 正式投标程序
    • 6 - 10周



公共工程包括建筑, 改变, 拆迁, 安装, 以及全部或部分由公共资金资助的维修工作. "Construction" includes all works performed during the design and preconstruction phases of a construction project including inspection and land surveying.

任何国家结构, 建筑, 路, 或者其他任何形式的改进, 以及它的构造, 变更, 绘画, 修复, 或改进, 是一个“项目”.

"Maintenance" is work performed in a routine manner for the preservation, 保护, and maintenance of any publicly owned or publicly operated facility (plant, 建筑, 结构, 地面设施, 公用系统 or any real property) or any part of it for its intended purposes in a safe and continuously serviceable condition for the purposes it was designed, 构造, 改变或修复.

公共设施的工作需要维修, 清洁, and other operations to keep the equipment permanently attached to a 建筑 or property as fixtures in a safe, 非常高效。, 它是为持续有效的条件而建造的. This includes carpentry, electrical, plumbing, glazing, and touch-up 绘画.

少于$4,999的小型基本建设工程.00 将由设施项目经理(PM)管理. The PM will directly solicit one prequalified minor cap vendor for an informal quotation (written on vendor letterhead). A requisition, along with the vendor quotation, will be sent to the Procurement office. After review, a purchase order will be emailed from the Procurement office to the awarded vendor. 



例程, 反复出现的, 和平时的保存工作, 保护, (三)保留公有或公有经营的设施(厂), 建筑, 结构, 地面设施, 公用系统, or any real property) for its intended purposes in a safe and continually usable condition for which it has been designed, 改进的, 构造, 改变或修复. Maintenance work may be contracted as a service order or service contract. It may incorporate contract terms typically associated with projects — or it may be contracted using capital outlay project documents and methods.

For differentiation between Maintenance and Projects, please see CSU guidelines: 维修工程的承包方法(PDF).

作为服务采购的维修遵循常规购买程序. 请参阅 购买页面 选择6. 服务采购单 of the Procurement website for more information. Maintenance procured as a 公共工程 Project follows regular 公共工程 Project procedures.


小额资本性支出(建设)项目 项目是否纠正了缺陷, 提供新的或改进的设施, 或为新的或改进的设施提供设备. Section 10108 of the Public Contract Code establishes the maximum cost of a project that may be budgeted as a minor capital outlay project, 目前为1美元,103,000. 较小的资本支出(建设)项目可能不太正式投标.  



小额资本性支出(建设)项目 greater than $5,000 or more:

需要投标. 该奖项将授予最低责任投标人.

    主要基本建设项目-总金额超过1,103,000美元.00 -由采购办公室管理.


      当发生涉及公共卫生的紧急情况时, 福利, 或安全, or the 保护 of State property or programs requires the immediate issuance of a purchase order, 标准的协议, 或没有正式发出招标邀请的服务订单, a statement regarding the nature of the emergency will be attached to the requisition, 并由申请方和校园采购官签字. Such statement shall include an attestation that an immediate threat to the public health, 福利, 危及国家财产安全或损害的. 紧急授权表格

      独家来源或独家品牌 procurements must be justified and approved in writing if the specified procurement exceeds $50,服务和商品, 不包括公共工程.

      • 10万-行政和财务副总裁
      • 25万-财政大臣

      A 唯一来源 acquisition is justified when it has been determined that only one source exists for the required product or service, 竞标是不可能的. a的理由 唯一来源 收购必须伴随着申请. This justification should include: the unique performance features of the product, 为什么需要这些特定的功能, and why other products that could be considered will not meet requirements.

      A 唯一的品牌 acquisition exists when only one brand-name product will satisfy the requirements of the requester, and a written justification has been authorized to limit the bidding only to dealers of that specified name-brand. Unless exempted, standard bid specifications call for "brand-name or equal."

      An "or equal" product may be offered as an alternative but the bidder must establish that the offered product is truly equal to that requested (e.g.,充分对比产品规格). Failure to provide such information may be grounds for rejection of the bid/offer without further review. No substitutions will be accepted without information and/or documentation. Failure to provide documentation is grounds to reject the bid/offer or terminate the contract/purchase order. The evaluation of the "or equal" alternative item will be made by the University whose decision is final.