Éxito! Request for Proposals and Application

Call for Éxito! Faculty Fellow for Inclusive Teaching
Deadline: Wednesday, May 24, 2023

得到了美国教育部拉美裔服务机构发展资助项目的慷慨资助, Cal State LA has launched Éxito! Building Student Support and Faculty Quality, a project designed to improve student success, retention, and graduation and to close equity gaps among students.

我们正在为2023-24年的AY寻找一名教员,成为一个合作和共同梦想的团队的一员. 与DHSI项目团队以及彼此合作, 教员研究员将开发一个综合的愿景,并建立连接项目优先级的实施过程.
Questions? Contact Michelle Hawley

Éxito Faculty Fellow for Inclusive Teaching

Overview: 这位教员促进了包容性教学计划. Developed by faculty at Cal State LA, 这个为期15周的在线课程在Canvas上托管,有七个模块, 每个都致力于一个特定的包容性主题,包括教学身份, first-generation learners, students with disabilities, student veterans, difficult discussions, implicit bias, and faculty self-care. 该学院每学期招募并促进一个多达25名教师的在线队列参与该课程. 优先考虑之前参加并完成包容性教学计划的教师.

In Summer and Fall 2023, this faculty fellow will:

  • Work with CETL e-learning specialist and Inclusive Teaching contributor; Arcadia Le Vias Chukwudifu in June to be trained with the goal of facilitating a Fall 2023 cohort (5 full days of training).
  • Facilitate one section of the Inclusive Teaching program in Fall 2023 including: 
    • 监督论坛讨论并给予反馈,鼓励参与.
    • 在作业截止日期后的5-7天内,每周对模块交付成果进行评分.
      • 提供作业反馈以评论参与者的叙述, discuss solutions, 并推动实施包容性教学实践. 
      • 在适当的时候,推荐更多的文章或奖学金以及校园内外的可用资源.
    • Facilitate one live (on-line) workshop in November.
    • 跟踪参与情况,以确定激励和推广的机会,帮助参与者成功获得包容性教学计划认证.
    • 通过每周公告提供提醒和支持.
    • Hold weekly office hours for faculty; provide one-on-one consultation to motivate and mentor participants throughout the course.
    • Meet bi-monthly with the CETL Director (C. Haras); meet bi-weekly with the Éxito faculty fellows' team; collaborate informally and as needed with other team members.

Deliverables for December 15, 2023

  • Report on facilitation 其中包括足彩外围网站如何加强社区对项目的参与、改进内容和向参与者提供反馈的建议.
  • Consult with CETL staff to edit and revise materials.

包容性教学的教员研究员将获得最高2美元的奖金,500 dollars total additional pay for summer; 3 units reimbursed time or up to $6,054.**

* 我们鼓励终身教职员工和讲师申请这些奖学金. Because this is grant funded, tenure track faculty are eligible for assigned time and/or additional pay; lecturer faculty are eligible for additional pay or consultant pay only.

Be an Éxito! Faculty Fellow

完成申请并上传一份简短的(2页)简历.  Note this is an online application. You will need to login through MyCalStateLA to access this link. Once you login, it will prompt you to these prompts:

  1. Name and contact information
  2. 你为什么对促进全纳教学计划感兴趣? If you participated in the program before, 描述一两个影响你教学的重要经历. (250 words)

  3. 您如何确保学员专注于任务,并通过课程内容和评估顺利进步?  How would you keep faculty motivated?  Discuss one facilitation strategy you would use. 
  4.  Attach abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (2 pages max). 请在简历中注明任何有关促进或包容性卓越的经验或培训.

For further questions, contact Cat Haras .

我们欢迎来自所有学科的教员,他们对教授第一代和有色人种学生的最佳实践有深刻的理解, in particular Chicanx/Latinx, Asian-American, American Indian, and Black students. 足彩外围网站的教师在任何种族研究系任教, 我们特别鼓励那些教授社会公正和多样性课程的人申请.

  • 提供对该职位感兴趣的充分理由的申请;
  • 熟悉英语教学资源;
  • Completion of the Inclusive Teaching Program;
  • 在促进方面的经验或培训,重点是包容性卓越;
  • Experience working in community organizations, schools, 或者其他为第一代有色人种学生服务的基于地点的项目, preferably in Los Angeles;
  • 采用基于资产的方法与学生合作,并在双语和双文化社区的文化财富基础上建立经验;
  • Experience teaching social justice and/or ethnic studies; experience implementing culturally relevant and culturally responsive approaches in and out of the classroom;
  • 在教学第一代学生和符合资格的学生方面具有应用最佳实践的经验;
  • Experience in course facilitation in online modalities, including consultation and curriculum redesign, implementation and assessment, 以及如何以包容性和参与性的方式发展这些项目;
  • 设施与学术技术,包括画布,校园学习管理软件(LMS)
  • 在促进包容性和文化响应对话以及创建支持发现和学习的空间方面具有经验;
  • High level of initiative and ability to work independently and in a team setting; time sensitivity