
卡尔. 管理. 代码多. 5, s 41301
标题5. 教育
部门5. 加州州立大学董事会
第一章. 加州州立大学
分章4. 学生事务
第二条. 学生的行为

s 41301. 学生行为准则.

The University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy living and learning environment for students, 教师, 和工作人员. Each member of the campus community must choose behaviors that contribute toward this end. Student behavior that is not consistent with the Student Conduct Code is addressed through an educational process that is designed to promote safety and good citizenship and, 在必要的时候, 施加适当的后果.

A. 学生的责任

学生 are expected to be good citizens and to engage in responsible behaviors that reflect well upon their university, 在校园社区中,对彼此和他人都要彬彬有礼, 并为学生和大学生活做出积极贡献.

B. 不可接受的学生行为


  1. 不诚实,包括:
    • 作弊, 剽窃, or other forms of academic dishonesty that are intended to gain unfair academic advantage.
    • Furnishing false information to a University official, 教师 member, or campus office.
    • Forgery, alteration, or misuse of a University document, key, or identification instrument.
    • Misrepresenting one's self to be an authorized agent of the University or one of its auxiliaries.
  2. Unauthorized entry into, presence in, use of, or misuse of University property.
  3. 任性的, material and substantial disruption or obstruction of a University related activity, 或者任何校园活动.
  4. Participating in an activity that substantially and materially disrupts the normal operations of the University, 或侵犯大学社区成员的权利.
  5. 任性的, material and substantial obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or other traffic, on or leading to campus property or an off-campus University related activity.
  6. 无序, 淫荡的, 有伤风化的, 或在与大学有关的活动中有猥亵行为, 或直接指向大学社区的成员.
  7. Conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person within or related to the University community, 包括身体虐待, 威胁, 恐吓, 骚扰, 或者性行为不端.
  8. 欺侮,或阴谋欺侮. Hazing is defined as any method of initiation or pre-initiation into a student organization or student body, whether or not the organization or body is officially recognized by an educational institution, 哪一种可能对前者造成严重的身体伤害, 当前的, 或者任何学校的未来学生, 社区学院, 大学, 本州大学或其他教育机构(刑法第245条).6), 另外, 任何可能造成身体伤害的行为, 耻辱:导致身体或精神伤害的个人堕落或耻辱, 对任何前者, 当前的, 或者任何学校的未来学生, 社区学院, 大学, 大学或其他教育机构. The term "hazing" does not include customary athletic events or school sanctioned events.  既不是欺凌受害者的明示同意也不是暗示同意, nor the lack of active participation in a particular hazing incident is a defense. 面对欺侮时的冷漠或默许不是一种中立的行为, 也违反了这一规定.
  9. 使用, 占有, 制造, 或分发非法毒品或与毒品有关的用具, (except as expressly permitted by law and University regulations) or the misuse of legal pharmaceutical drugs.
  10. 使用, 占有, 制造, or distribution of alcoholic beverages (except as expressly permitted by law and University regulations), or public intoxication while on campus or at a University related activity.
  11. 盗窃大学社区的财产或服务, 或挪用大学资源.
  12. 未经授权的破坏, or damage to University property or other property in the University community.
  13. 持有或滥用火器或枪支, 副本, 弹药, 炸药, 烟花, 刀, 其他武器, or dangerous chemicals (without the prior authorization of the campus president) on campus or at a University related activity.
  14. 未经授权的记录, 传播, or publication of academic presentations (including handwritten notes) for a commercial purpose.
  15. 滥用电脑设施或资源,包括:
    • 为任何目的而未经授权进入文件.
    • 未经授权传输文件.
    • 使用他人的身份证明或密码.
    • 使用电脑设施, 校园网络, or other resources to interfere with the work of another member of the University community.
    • 使用电脑设施 and resources to send obscene or intimidating and abusive messages.
    • 使用电脑设施 and resources to interfere with normal University operations.
    • 违反版权法使用计算机设备和资源.
    • 违反校园电脑使用规定.
  16. Violation of any published University policy, rule, regulation or presidential order.
  17. 不遵守指示或, 或者干扰, any University official or any public safety officer while acting in the performance of his/her duties.
  18. 任何违反联邦法律的行为, 状态, or local law that poses a substantial threat to the safety or well being of members of the University community, to property within the University community or poses a significant threat of disruption 或者干扰 University operations.
  19. 违反学生行为规范,包括
    • 伪造, 失真, or misrepresentation of information related to a student discipline matter.
    • Disruption 或者干扰 the orderly progress of a student discipline proceeding.
    • 恶意启动学生纪律程序.
    • Attempting to discourage another from participating in the student discipline matter.
    • Attempting to influence the impartiality of any participant in a student discipline matter.
    • Verbal or physical 骚扰 or 恐吓 of any participant in a student discipline matter.
    • Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under a student discipline proceeding.
  20. 鼓励, 允许, or assisting another to do any act that could subject him or her to discipline.

C. 执行本守则的程序

The Chancellor shall adopt procedures to ensure students are afforded appropriate notice and an opportunity to be heard before the University imposes any sanction for a violation of the Student Conduct Code.

D. 本守则的适用范围

申请人可因上述行为而受到制裁, 注册学生, 学期之间的学生, 等待学位的毕业生, and students who withdraw from school while a disciplinary matter is pending. 威胁校园安全的行为, or substantially disrupts the functions or operation of the University is within the jurisdiction of this Article regardless of whether it occurs on or off campus. Nothing in this Code may conflict with Education Code Section 66301 that prohibits disciplinary action against students based on behavior protected by the First Amendment.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 66017, 66452, 66600, 69810, 89030 and 89035, Education Code. 参考文献:第66450、69813等部分. 和教育守则89030.