

更多细节可在 免疫接种要求.


  • 年龄:18岁及以下,根据加州法律(HSC第120390-120390条).7)
  • Enrollees who are 18 years of age or younger are required to provide proof of full immunization against the hepatitis B virus prior to enrollment


  • 可要求医疗和宗教豁免.

The immunization requirement must be completed by the end of the first term of enrollment.

Please note: It takes approximately 7-10 business days to process documentation once entered into the 病人门户. 我们鼓励学生尽快完成这些要求.


Current immunization recommendations* advise students 26 years of age or younger to be fully vaccinated against human papillomavirus (HPV) before first-time enrollment at a California State University, 加州大学或加州社区学院校园.

HPV疫苗可以预防90%以上由HPV引起的癌症. HPV疫苗是非常安全的, and scientific research shows that the benefits of HPV vaccination far outweigh the potential risks.

Please see your primary care physician or contact the 学生健康中心 at 323.343.3302讨论可用的疫苗接种方案.

*Advisory Committee on 免疫接种 Practices of the federal 疾病控制和预防中心, 美国儿科学会, 以及美国家庭医生学会


  • Outbreak risk reduction: 流感; measles, mumps and rubella (MMR); meningococcal conjugate (serogroups A, C, Y, W-135), serogroup B meningococcal; Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap), 还有水痘疫苗.
  • Adults: 甲型肝炎 (Hep A); hepatitis B (Hep B - ages 19 and older); pneumococcal, 小儿麻痹症, 以及其他适用的疫苗.
  • The following recommended vaccines are available to eligible students through the 学生健康中心:
    • 以合理的成本
      • 甲型肝炎
      • 乙型肝炎
      • 人类乳头状瘤病毒
      • 脑膜炎球菌病
      • 麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹
      • 破伤风、白喉和百日咳
      • 水痘
    • 不花钱
      • 流感


  • For students enrolled in health care fields of study or teacher education programs will be required to provide immunization completion documentation as required by state licensing agencies or clinical placement or fieldwork sites.
  • 在当地或校园爆发疫苗可预防疾病的情况下, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and/or the 加州公共卫生部 are authorized to require immunizations beyond those required by the CSU.



所有学生必须提交可接受的全面免疫证明. Acceptable proof is defined as a written document that includes immunization names and dates (e.g., immunization record) or dates and results of blood testing indicating immunity (e.g.(实验室报告),由有执照的医疗保健提供者签署并注明日期.

Please note: 学生健康中心只接受英文文件. Records in other languages must be translated into English by a licensed healthcare provider prior to submission to the 病人门户.

Incoming students submit the required immunization records through the 病人门户.

  • 访问患者门户, log into MyCalStateLA and click the “学生健康中心 病人门户” icon.
    • For security reasons, be sure to log out when you are finished using the 病人门户.

  • 点击“许可和表格”选项卡.

  • 全面免疫接种证明

    • 输入免疫接种和接种日期.

    • 上传免疫记录文件. 确保文件符合可接受证明的定义.

    • 其他记录可以在任何时候上传,无论合规状态如何.

学生可以检查许可和表格选项卡以获取合规状态更新. 学生 will receive a message through the 病人门户 if any items are missing or require further action.


如果您在访问患者门户网站时遇到困难, 请与学生健康中心的健康记录联系,电话:323-343-3337.


访问患者门户, 登录MyCalStateLA,点击“学生健康中心患者门户”图标.

  • 重要提示:
    • 患者门户和MyCalStateLA之间不共享信息.
    • 出于安全原因,请在使用完病人门户后登出.

The 病人门户 provides students with access to their confidential health information, 包括参观记录, 测试结果, 药物治疗的历史, 供应商信息, 以及任命历史.

以保护您的机密健康信息的隐私, please do not share your MyCalStateLA/network/email account password with anyone. If you are concerned that someone may have access to your password, please change your password at 主页- MyCalStateLA ID.




  • 访问您的健康信息
  • 填写及提交表格
  • 提供患者反馈
  • 安排和取消某些约会
  • 选择首选的通信方式
  • 发送和接收安全消息
  • 提交、查看和打印免疫记录
  • 更新联系人和紧急联系人信息
  • 上传,审查和打印免疫记录


The 病人门户 provides students with access to their confidential health information, 包括参观记录, 测试结果, 药物治疗的历史, 供应商信息, 以及任命历史.

以保护您的健康信息的隐私, please do not share your MyCalStateLA/network/email account password with anyone. If you are concerned that someone may have access to your password, please change your password at 主页- MyCalStateLA ID.


访问患者门户, 登录MyCalStateLA,点击“学生健康中心患者门户”图标.

  • 重要的笔记
    • Information is not shared between the 学生健康中心 病人门户 and MyCalStateLA.
    • For security reasons, students should log out when finished using the 病人门户.

The immunization requirement must be completed by the end of the first term of enrollment.

Please note: It takes approximately 7-10 business days to process documentation once entered into the 学生健康中心 病人门户. 我们鼓励学生尽快完成这些要求.

The immunization requirement must be completed whether or not courses are online or in-person.


只要需要的文件已经上传到患者门户网站, 免疫接种已在“许可和表格”选项卡中输入, 你的记录已经收到了.


  • It takes approximately 7-10 business days to process documentation once entered into the 病人门户.
  • 没有发送确认消息. 学生可以检查许可和表格选项卡以获取合规状态更新. 学生 with missing documentation or who have any items that require further action will receive secure messages through the 病人门户.

确认电子邮件不发送. You can check your compliance status through the 病人门户's Clearances and 形式 tab.

You will receive secure messages through the 病人门户 if you have any missing documentation or items that require further action.

学生 may obtain required immunizations or lab testing through their personal healthcare providers or the 学生健康中心.



学生 who would like to fulfill the immunization requirement (or department-required lab or TB screening) through the 学生健康中心 should call 323-343-3300 to schedule an appointment.

新到大学的学生可以完成足彩外围网站要求的免疫接种, 结核病筛查, or related lab tests prior to their first semester of enrollment under the following conditions:

  • Services are available only during the term immediately preceding the first semester of enrollment.
  • Proof of acceptance into the University and program enrollment verification must be shown prior to receiving services.
  • 学生必须支付相应的免疫和实验室费用.
  • 资格 for all other 学生健康中心 services begins with the first semester of enrollment. 请按 资格 获取有关学生健康中心资格标准的重要信息.


The following table identifies 学生健康中心 immunization and TB screening fees. 请注意:费用可能会有所变化.

免疫接种和结核病检测 费用及相关资料





Two (2) doses with first dose on or after 1st birthday; OR positive titer (laboratory evidence of immunity to disease).

脑膜炎球菌结合物(血清群A, C, Y, W-135)





感染结核病风险较高的学生, 对任何一个筛选问题回答“是”就表明了这一点.






Two (2) doses with first dose on or after 1st birthday; OR positive titer. 患病史不符合要求.

学生健康中心只接受英文文件. Records in other languages must be translated into English by a licensed healthcare provider prior to submission to the 病人门户.

学生 are encouraged to discuss the following strongly recommended immunizations with their healthcare provider:

  • 甲型肝炎
  • 人类乳头状瘤病毒
  • 流感
  • 脑膜炎球菌病
  • 麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹
  • 破伤风、白喉和百日咳
  • 水痘

Questions regarding these requirements and recommendations may be directed to the 学生健康中心:

  • 电话:323-343-3300

  • 位置:职业中心和La Kretz大厅之间的主要走道