
老师和孩子们的合影 信息链接: ABACC Pre-Kindergarten vs. 学区过渡幼稚园

The Center offers a preschool program for children 36 months to 5 years of age. This program serves 60 children in three classrooms and offers appropriate challenge and interest for active preschool children. 幼儿园的师生比例为1:7.

The preschool is designed to provide an enriched developmental curriculum that will foster children’s dispositions to be curious and involved learners who are active participants in constructing their knowledge of the world. 支持孩子的知识建构:

  • Teachers support child-initiated engagement and experimentation with a variety of materials based on the child’s interest level and ability.
  • 随着时间的推移,孩子们被鼓励发展自己的想法, to deepen their understanding of the natural and social world by questioning, 探索, 并通过各种创意媒介来表达想法.
  • 室内和室外活动使孩子们接触艺术, 科学, 音乐, 表演游戏, 以及每天的语言发展.
  • 积极鼓励成为共享社区的一部分. Center teachers emphasize cooperation and create classroom groups that develop concern for each other as they problem solve and work together.
  • The curriculum is carried out with the belief that children are learning at all times and that the teacher's role is to facilitate and enrich the learning process.



7:30-8:30- Children and parents are greeted by their teacher and children are encouraged to visit a classroom learning center or participate in a table activity. 取决于到达的时间, children and parents will often use this opportunity to read a book together before their good-byes.

8:30-9:15- Children are provided with a nutritious breakfast prepared fresh in our kitchen. Teachers and children sit family style so that children can express ideas, 使用语言, 制定计划, 养成良好的饮食习惯.

9:15-10:30- Children have the option to join a larger group of friends on the lower yard or may choose to stay inside to do small group project work with a teacher. Both options give opportunities for fine and gross motor development. 在下面的院子里, children will co-mingle with other classrooms so that they may develop relationships and practice social skills with new friends.

10:30-10:45- The morning circle allows the children and teachers an opportunity to come together as a whole group. The whole group experience offers children the opportunity to express ideas, 制定计划, 学习概念,创造社区意识. Music and stories are utilized as a teaching tool to facilitate language and literacy development and for pure enjoyment! Children are individually dismissed from circle to work on a project of their choosing.

10:45-11:30- Children will work in small groups on a project of their choice. Teachers have also planned activities that will build upon skills and encourage children to explore ideas and concepts through open-ended materials and questioning. Projects can be extended in order to give children an opportunity to add depth and detail to their exploration and research. Through this open-ended balance of teacher/child initiated learning, 老师和孩子都是研究者. Teachers use observation and documentation of children’s work for both assessment and curriculum development.

11:30-12:00- Children use this time to use our climbing structure, make tunnel systems in the sand or research one of the many insects and critters that have made their habitat the play yard.

12:00-2:30- Our Center is fortunate to have meals cooked fresh daily. Children are separated into small groups and eat family style with a primary teacher. Eating family style in small groups allows children the opportunity to engage in thoughtful conversation and model healthy eating habits. Teachers are active participants in conversation and help to facilitate cooperation and model pro-social behaviors. After lunch, children use the bathroom, wash hands and pick a favorite book to read during rest time. Teachers individually read to each child to insure a calm transition to quiet time.

2:30-3:30- Children awake to brush their teeth and wash their hands for afternoon snack. Children then self-select a quiet activity while other friends are waking.

3:30-4:30- Teachers and children come together to discuss ideas, 扩展概念, 读书或玩合作小组游戏. Teachers are skilled listeners able to assist children in developing language, 认知和社交技能. This important time of day allows children the opportunity to be thoughtful about their workday and allows teachers the opportunity to assess thought process and to plan curriculum that supports children’s interests and learning.

4:30-5:30- Children have the option to join a larger group of friends on the upper yard or may choose to stay inside to do small group project work with a teacher. Both options give opportunities to explore the child’s interests. 在上院, children will co-mingle with other classrooms so that they may develop relationships and practice social skills with new friends until departure.

*During cold weather the children will come in at 5:00 to work in the Maple Room or on the court yard.