
盟友 Provides Alternative Formats of Course Materials

For information on the faculty 盟友 interface in Canvas, visit the CETL联盟网页.

学生 can access alternative-format course documents on the fly in a course with 盟友 enabled. 在Canvas LMS学生视图中, next to each file is a drop-down menu that will reveal an alternate format for the course document. 可供选择的格式对每个人都有利. 例如, maybe you have a lot of course material to read and get eye strain, 或者你是一个听觉学习者. Listen to an audio format of the learning materials by selecting Audio MP3 from the 盟友 drop-down.

不要拘泥于一种格式! 使用尽可能多的格式. 例如, 如果不是你的母语, you could follow along in the ePub as you listen to the audio file, all from the comfort of your favorite coffee shop or study corner. Choose the format, or formats, that best suit your learning needs.

盟友 drop down to access alternative formats in Canvas
盟友 alternate formats; tagged PDF, HTML, ePub, e-braille, 直线的读者

What alternative formats does 盟友 generate?

盟友 provides alternative formats for the following file types:

  • PDF文件
  • Microsoft®Word文件
  • Microsoft®Powerpoint®文件
  • OpenOffice / LibreOffice文件
  • 上传HTML文件

盟友 can generate the following alternative forOCR'd

  • OCR版本(适用于扫描文件)
  • PDF标记 (currently for Word, Powerpoint, OpenOffice / LibreOffice文件)
  • 页面的HTML
  • 音频:MP3
  • ePub: for use with personal e-readers, such as Kindle
  • 电子盲文: a braille ready file version for use with an electronic refreshable braille display
  • 直线的读者
  • Language translated version: provides up to 58 language translation options (not available during the pilot)


不知道下载什么格式? 让我们帮你决定. This table shows at-a-glance the best formats for your different needs.


你的需求 电子盲文 Audio PDF, OCR PDF,标记 HTML,语义 ePub 翻译版本 直线的读者
调整文本、字体和背景颜色         是的 是的    
调整音频播放速度   是的            
通勤   是的 是的 是的   是的 是的 是的
通勤,开   是的            
复制、粘贴和搜索     是的 是的 是的 是的 是的  
格式适应设备,响应         是的 是的   是的
Highlighting, note taking, bookmarking     是的 是的   是的    
移动设备   是的     是的 是的   是的
离线 是的 是的 是的 是的 是的 是的 是的 是的
喜欢听   是的            
喜欢阅读 是的   是的 是的 是的 是的 是的 是的
打印 是的   是的 是的 是的 是的 是的  
文字到语音的速度调整     是的 是的 是的 是的    
不同的语言             是的  

The audio alternative reads aloud the text in the original content. This also includes alternative descriptions for images, if they are provided.

音频格式保存为MP3. MP3s are compressed, high-quality sound files that can be played on any computer or mobile device.

也许这些听起来像你. 如果是的话,音频是一个不错的选择.

  • 你喜欢听而不喜欢读.
  • 你是听觉学习者.
  • You want to read and listen to the content at the same time.
  • You have a lot of material to read and find your eyes get tired.
  • 你在上下班路上看书.
  • You don’t want to, or can’t, carry print materials for any length of time.
  • 你有视力障碍.
  • 你需要调整音频的速度.

The electronic braille alternative creates a BRF file that can be read on a refreshable Braille display (RBD), 其他盲文阅读设备, or within a Braille software like Duxbury. 

Think of a Refreshable Braille Display (RBD) as a monitor-less computer. 大多数rbd都可以连接到互联网, 创建文档, 访问日历, a lot of the basic functionality a computer provides. rbd可以是一个独立的设备. They can also be connected to a smartphone, iPad, or laptop. Most RBDs are limited to reading one line of Braille at a time. 

也许这些听起来像你. If so, electronic braille is a good option.

  • 你有视力障碍.
  • 你熟悉盲文.
  • 你更喜欢阅读.
  • You want to read and listen to the content at the same time.

The ePub alternative creates a digital publishing file that can be viewed on mobile devices. ePub文件是可回流的. Reflowable means that the content displayed automatically adapts to the device it is viewed on.


ePub功能强大. 用它, 读者可以做笔记, 强调的内容, 调整文字和背景, 在某些情况下使用文本转语音.

也许这些听起来像你. 如果是的话,ePub是个不错的选择.

  • You want to adjust font size and background color.
  • You want to 强调的内容, take notes, bookmark important pages.
  • You want to be able to copy, paste, search text.
  • You want to use text-to-speech and adjust the speed of the speech.
  • 你更喜欢阅读.
  • 你在上下班路上看书.



什么是语义HTML? Tags and elements—such as blockquote, 段, headings—are added to add meaning to a page. These tags and elements aid screen reader users with good content structure.

语义HTML is viewed in a browser and adapts to the device you are viewing it on.

也许这些听起来像你. 如果是这样,语义HTML是一个不错的选择.

  • You want to adjust the font size and background color.
  • You want to 强调的内容, take notes, bookmark important pages.
  • You want to be able to copy, paste, search text.
  • You want to use text-to-speech and adjust the speed of the speech.
  • 你更喜欢阅读.
  • 你使用屏幕阅读器.

OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition. The OCR PDF alternatives are created when the original content is a PDF of an image. OCR technology analyses the content and converts the image into searchable text.

OCR PDF是一个很好的选择,如果:

  • You want to be able to copy, paste, search text.
  • You want to use text-to-speech and adjust the speed of the speech.
  • 你更喜欢阅读.
  • 你在上下班路上看书.
  • 你使用屏幕阅读器.

A PDF标记 alternative uses tags and elements—such as blockquote, 段, 还有标题——给页面添加意义. It aids screen reader users with good content structure.


也许这些听起来像你. 如果是这样的话,PDF标记是一个不错的选择.

  • You want to be able to copy, paste, search text.
  • You want to use text-to-speech and adjust the speed of the speech.
  • 你更喜欢阅读.
  • 你在上下班路上看书.
  • 你使用屏幕阅读器.

直线的读者 makes reading on-screen easier and faster. 而不是使用纯黑色文本, 直线的读者 displays text using a subtle color gradient that helps pull your eye through your readings. This new display format has been honored by the United Nations and is used by readers in 120 countries around the world.


直线的读者's color gradient technique not only increases reading speed but also enhances focus. 直线的读者 is popular among undergraduate and graduate students with heavy reading loads. This includes programs like law, medicine, the humanities. 直线的读者's approach also benefits people with dyslexia, 注意力缺陷多动症, 低视力, anybody who may have difficulty with visual tracking or focus.

也许这些听起来像你. 如果是这样,直线的读者是一个不错的选择.

  • You read a lot on screen and wish you could read more easily and quickly.
  • 你在上下班路上看书 and find reading in this environment difficult.
  • 你更喜欢阅读.
  • You have a lot of material to read and find your eyes get tired.
  • You read late at night, when your eyes are tired.
  • You want to be able to read the content faster.
  • You experience dyslexia, 注意力缺陷多动症, or 低视力.
  • You have difficulty with visual tracking or focus.
