The information on this webpage has changed as of October 1st, 2023, to reflect the new EEAAP process in AdobeSign.  EEAAPs are no longer created in ServiceNow.

What is the Purpose of an Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan? (EEAAP)

当ICT产品或服务不完全符合第508节无障碍标准时, EEAAP提供了一种预先规划的替代访问方法,可以绕过已知的可访问性障碍. With an EEAAP, 可能受到已知可访问性障碍影响的用户将有办法得到缓解,并减少可访问性障碍可能带来的负担. In addition, the EEAAP process makes barriers known to the end-user upfront before interacting with the product; these choices save time and reduce frustration for those affected.

Proactive EEAAP (508) Versus Individualized Accommodations (504)

Note that an EEAAP is not an accommodation plan; EEAAPs are created proactively to address specific technology barriers and name alternate solutions to that technology that will apply to a group of affected users. Accommodations are reactive and occur on a per-person basis. If an EEAAP states, "contact OSD for assistance, " it has been created incorrectly and provides no value. Individualized accommodations will always occur when necessary; we don't need an EEAAP to tell us that.

When is an EEAAP Created?

As technology is rarely 100% accessible, EEAAPs are usually created during the accessible procurement process, 特别是如果一个高影响力的产品或服务有明显的可访问性障碍. Occasionally, 一旦技术投入使用,当发现可访问性障碍时,就需要EEAAP. 稍后创建EEAAP的常见原因包括对可访问性产生负面影响的产品修订,或者供应商没有解决已知问题.

To recap, an EEAAP is required when:

  • 该技术具有明显的可访问性障碍(一个会阻止某人使用该技术实现其预期目的或“核心功能”的问题)。

And when any of the following are also true:

  • The technology isn't for a single user but for multiple users
  • Technology is a required component of a student's coursework or an employee's workflow
  • The technology is intended to be used for the foreseeable future (not a pilot)

Ensuring an EEAAP is High Quality

A thoughtful EEAAP will indicate:

  • Clear information about the product's known accessibility barrier(s) 
  • Who may be affected, including scenarios or use cases
  • Any technology dependencies that either cause the issue or are part of a workaround
  • A solution that provides the same or similar outcomes and convenience for the end-user
  • Personnel and resources required to provide an alternative solution
  • How and by which means a user will get help if they experience a problem; an accessibility statement
  • Frequent revisions, at least annually, and to coincide with technology renewal or significant updates to the technology

What an EEAAP should not contain:

  • 指示学生联系残疾学生办公室(OSD)的通用住宿声明
  • Generic support statements that do not outline an effective alternative
  • Personnel named in an EEAAP solution must be aware of their role, and they should actively participate during the EEAAP process. 在没有告知这些人他们在为替代解决方案做出贡献时所扮演的角色的情况下,不要指名道姓.

Initiating the EEAAP Process

如果您已经收到了通过AdobeSign完成的EEAAP,或者在尝试自己启动EEAAP之前,请查看以下部分. Typically, eeaap由ITS无障碍服务发起,作为ITC采购批准请求无障碍审查流程的一个组件. 但是,在AdobeSign中也有一个模板,用户可以在其中从头创建EEAAP.

In the typical case where the EEAAP is a part of the ICT-PAR process, 它将由学院或系ITC收到,其中包括预先填充的无障碍障碍信息,以及ITS无障碍服务在无障碍审查过程中获得的无障碍声明.

EEAAP文档首先发送到ITC- par中指定的ITC,然后发送到产品请求者和学院或部门的适当管理员. 最后,它返回ITS无障碍服务进行审查并上传到ACR存储库. EEAAPs are reviewed at each product renewal.


An updated list of ITCs is available on the Information Technology Services webpage.

ITC应与产品请求方合作,完成EEAAP“描述替代访问方式”部分.“此外,国际贸易中心应审查无障碍声明并提供联系信息.  单击下一节获取有关完成EEAAP所需部分的更多信息.

The ITC should complete the following sections on behalf of, and in conjunction with, the product requester:

Review the Accessibility Statement and Provide Contact Information

可访问性语句已经包含了可访问性障碍信息和可能受到影响的最终用户. ITC必须与产品请求者合作,确定真人的联系信息,以便受此可访问性障碍影响的个人可以启动EEAAP替代解决方案,以减少挫败感和工作量. Include a real person's name and at least two methods of contact. Do not require that the end-user contact this person at a specific location or time.

Describe the Alternative Solution for the End-User

In this section, ITC必须要求产品请求者为最终用户确定一种替代方法,以便在不使用具有可访问性障碍的产品的情况下实现相同的预期结果.

例如,假设该产品用于检索和提交家庭作业或作业. In that case, 教授应该概述一种替代方法来检索和提交作业,而不依赖于无法获得的产品. To be truly effective, 每当常规方法可用时,这种替代方法应该提供给学生. In other words, 如果替代方法要求学生在特定的营业时间或在特定的地点检索或提交家庭作业或作业, the alternative isn't equally effective, as the regular method would always be available to students.

The alternative needs some careful thought, and typically, 只有产品请求者才能与备选者对话,因为他们是首先知道如何使用产品的人.

Once the ITC, in conjunction with the product requester, has completed the EEAAP, it will route for signatures and final approval from ITS Accessibility Services.

完成的EEAAP将存储在产品文件夹中的ACR Repository中.

Publish the Accessibility Statement Wherever the Product Resides

The product requester must alert end-users of accessibility barriers. 这主要是通过在使用产品的任何地方发布可访问性声明来实现的. For faculty, 可访问性声明应该出现在将使用该技术的课程大纲中. In addition, if the technology is accessed from a website under Cal State LA's control, 还应该提供可访问性语句,提醒用户注意已知的可访问性障碍和请求支持的方法.