Apply for 你的 Degree

Online payments for fees may be made via 办理, the same online system used for payment of tuition 和 other fees.

欢迎. 毕业事务处的宗旨是为学生提供优质、及时的服务, staff 和 faculty in the processing 和 awarding of degrees. 其工作人员致力于维护大学的学术诚信,遵守学术和行政政策. 的 Graduation Office, along with students, 工作人员和教师是一个团队的一部分,将提供解决方案,以解决学生的问题,因为他们与毕业有关. 毕业事务处将积极参与以改善学生服务为重点的技术进步.

Declared Graduation Term:
研究生 & Doctorate 度:






Winter Intersession


当一个 graduation application is filed after the corresponding deadline.
Late fees must be paid before the selected term ends.

Additional Graduation Application 和 Degree Information

Graduation Application 是学生用来通知学校他们已经准备好完成学位课程的吗. 的 degree program is the combination of the degree (e.g. Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, etc.), major(s), 和 minor(s). 所有学位课程必须在授予日期(毕业学期结束)之前完成。. 在授予学位后,学生的记录不得更改,因此至关重要的是 Graduation Application be accurate at the time of filing.

A Graduation Application is filed once for a degree program. 学生在提交申请时支付20美元的申请费和10美元的文凭费(总共30美元). 一旦 Graduation Application is filed, it may be updated (e.g. change term, major, minor, etc.),使用 Request to Change Graduation Term form 和 paying a $25 late filing fee.

  1. 回顾你的 Academic Requirements 报告 in the 得到 学生中心 to ensure you have met the following requirements:
    • Earned at least 90 semester units
    • Earned a minimum grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.000 in each of the following:
      • All college work attempted (includes transfer work)
      • All courses attempted at 加州大学洛杉矶分校
      • All general education courses
      • All courses required for major(s)
    • Must be matriculated in order for the application to be reviewed
    • 有望在学期结束前完成所有毕业要求
  2. 完成 Graduation Application
  3. 使用你的 Academic Requirements 报告, list 所有 incomplete graduation requirements on the Degree Completion Worksheet 附于 Graduation Application. 这必须包括你仍然需要完成的所有课程,以及任何课程替代或其他需要部门批准的例外情况.
  4. 与你的专业部门或学院预约毕业咨询. Bring 你的 completed Graduation ApplicationDegree Completion Worksheet to the appointment. 的 Academic advisor(s) will review the Graduation ApplicationDegree Completion Worksheet. 如果你的计划是合理的,考虑到未完成的要求和你选择的毕业期限, 然后指导老师会在表格上签字,表明你已经完成了咨询. 的 advisor's signature does 不 guarantee graduation. 它只是确认你已经提出了一个合理的计划,在宣布的学期结束前完成学位.
  5. 支付申请费(20美元),文凭费(10美元),如果需要,还需要支付25美元的逾期申请费.


    Online payments for fees may be made via 办理, the same online system used for payment of tuition 和 other fees.
  6. Email the Graduation Office copies of payment receipts 和 documentation.

    In 你的 email, be sure to attach:
    1. 显示申请费($20)已支付的交易付款确认电子邮件, Diploma fee ($10), 和, 如果需要, the $25 late filing fee
    2. 适当的证明文件(毕业申请,毕业学期更新表)

Applying for Dual Majors / 双度:

  • 双度 (BS & 英航,废话 & 女士等.):
    • You must submit 1 Graduation Application 和1 Degree Completion Worksheet 每度. One-Stop Financial Services 将收取所需费用:20美元的申请费和20美元的文凭费.
      • This type of award receives 2 diplomas
  • 双专业(BS & 废话,英航 & 英航等.):
    • You must submit 1 Graduation Application 和2 Degree Completion Worksheet (每专业1名). One-Stop Financial Services 会收取所需费用:20元申请费及10元文凭费.
      • Both majors appear on a single diploma.

Graduation Application 是学生用来通知学校他们已经准备好完成学位课程的吗. 所有学位课程必须在授予日期(毕业学期结束)之前完成。. 在授予学位后,学生的记录不得更改,因此至关重要的是 Graduation Application be accurate at the time of filing.

A Graduation Application is filed once for a degree program. 学生在提交申请时支付20美元的申请费和10美元的文凭费(总共30美元). 一旦 Graduation Application is filed it may be updated (e.g. change term, major, option, etc.),使用 Request to Change Graduation Term form 和 paying a $25 late filing fee.

  1. 回顾你的 Academic Requirements 报告 in the 得到 学生中心 to ensure you have met the following requirements:
    • 只有从英语不是主要教学语言的大学毕业的国际研究生必须在前12个单元内通过UNIV 4000或UNIV 4010的写作能力考试. 欲了解更多信息,请联系大学考试中心,电话:323-343-3160.
    • 有望在学期结束前完成所有毕业要求
    • Must be matriculated in order for the application to be reviewed.
  2. 完成 Graduation Application.
  3. 使用你的 Academic Requirements 报告, list 所有 incomplete graduation requirements on the 可选 Degree Completion Worksheet 附于 Graduation Application. 这必须包括你仍然需要完成的所有课程,以及任何课程替代或其他需要部门批准的例外情况.
  4. 支付申请费(20美元),文凭费(10美元),如果需要,还需要支付25美元的逾期申请费.


    Online payments for fees may be made via 办理, the same online system used for payment of tuition 和 other fees.
  5. Email the Graduation Office copies of payment receipts 和 documentation.
    In 你的 email, be sure to attach:
    1. 显示申请费($20)已支付的交易付款确认电子邮件, Diploma fee ($10), 和, 如果需要, the $25 late filing fee
    2. 适当的证明文件(毕业申请,毕业学期更新表)

You can check the status of 你的 Graduation Application 和 the details of 你的 remaining requirement(s) on 你的 Academic Requirements 报告.

检出状态 Short Description
应用 Request to 研究生 has been recorded but 不 yet reviewed.
在检查中 毕业申请已被审核,毕业检查已完成.
否认 否认 graduation for that term.
授予 Degree has been conferred.


If 你的 checkout status is 应用, 你的 Graduation Application 已收到,并会在宣布的学期开始前检讨. An email will be sent to you when the review has been completed. When you receive this email, be sure to check 你的 Academic Requirements 报告 to verify the updates 和 review any remaining requirements. 保持你的邮寄地址和电子邮件地址是最新的,这样你就能收到重要的通知!


If 你的 checkout status is 在检查中, 你的 Graduation Application 已经审阅过了,学期末成绩确定后还会再审阅吗. If you have 不 already, be sure to check 你的 Academic Requirements 报告.


If 你的 checkout status is 否认, the review at the end of the declared Expected Graduation Term 确定仍有未达到的学位要求. Your remaining requirements are available on 你的 Academic Requirements 报告. 建议你与你的学术顾问密切合作.

使用 Request to Change Graduation Term 表格,以更新您最初提交的预期毕业学期 Graduation Application (restrictions apply). 如果需要,安排一个咨询预约来审查和确认一个新的预期毕业学期.

Request to Change Graduation Term (本科)


Request to Change Graduation Term (研究生)


If 你的 checkout status is 授予, Congratulations! 你的学位信息现在贴在成绩单上,你的文凭将在几周内邮寄到你的地址.

Your degree will 不 be awarded if you fail to complete any of the Academic Requirements,包括:

  • All degree requirements completed by 你的 declared graduation term:
    • Please review 你的 remaining Academic Requirements 报告 through 得到 学生中心.
  • 保持2.000 in 所有 GPA类别:
    • College work attempted (including transfer work)
    • Courses attempted at 加州大学洛杉矶分校,
    • 通用电气课程
    • Courses required for the major(s).
  • Completion of Incomplete Grades
    • 在授予学位之前未删除的不完整部分将在平均绩点计算中被视为“F”. Once 你的 degree has been awarded, 在获得学位之前的所有课程都不能因任何原因更改.
  • 成绩单 from other institutions
    • 如果需要其他机构的官方成绩单显示最终成绩, these must be submitted to the Admissions Office (SA 101). Be sure to follow up with 你的 academic advisor. 选修课程须经教务部门批准.


如果辅修课程在学位完成前未完成,将从学生的记录中删除 the degree will be awarded without it.

学位的授予不会因为辅修课程的完成而延迟. 的 student does need to submit a Request to Change Graduation Term form to remove an incomplete minor.

加州大学L.A. 在毕业时使用三种荣誉名称:以优等成绩毕业者, 优等生和优等生. Effective F所有 2016, to be eligible for honors, 本科生必须在加州州立大学L分校完成至少45个单元的住宿.A. 并已达到适当的地位(在加州州立大学获得的累积平均绩点).A.) as described below:

  • 优等生: GPA equal to or greater than 3.9
  • 优等生: GPA equal to or greater than 3.75 但是少于 3.9
  • 以优等成绩毕业者: GPA equal to or greater than 3.5 但是少于 3.75
