

2024-2025 Positions


RA and CM roles will open December 11, 2023 and close February 11, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

Scope of Function

居民助理(RA)的主要职责是在住房和居住生活的居民之间建立社区. 社区建设是通过项目来完成的, social interaction, 执行住房和居住生活部门以及社区居民制定的社区标准.


预约时间是星期一。 2024年7月29日至2025年5月14日星期三


  • Single room in a furnished apartment or residential hall with utilities included.
  • 膳食计划(大学关闭期间不提供膳食, holidays, 或任何一天的膳食计划不活跃).

Required Qualifications

  • Minimum GPA:
    • Undergraduate - 2.0 | Graduate - 3.0
  • Minimum # of Class Units: 6 Units (undergraduate and graduate students).
  • Minimum Years at CalStateLA: 1 Academic Year by time of Appointment (meaning, 至2024年8月1学年, 无论阶级地位如何).
  • Completed Application: Submit a complete Application by the above deadlines. 该应用程序包括多个自由回答问题和上传简历附件的请求.

Position Requirements

  • 在被雇用之前进行实时扫描(指纹识别).
  • 必须在工作日上班, nights, weekends, holidays, 当学校不上课(如寒假和春假) 随叫随到的职责和其他特殊事件 整个预约.
  • 需要100美元的住房申请保证金. 在工作人员搬出指定的房间后进行公寓/房间检查之前,这笔费用可退还.
  • 在住房方面有良好的学术、财务和司法地位 & Residence Life.
  • 可能的额外要求基于 健康和安全要求 由于2019冠状病毒病 在 时和整个 租用期限.


  • 助理助理必须出席下列会议:
    • 每周RA员工会议(周五下午2-4点.m.)
    • 与主管/宿舍生活协调员进行一对一的会谈
    • 委员会会议(按指定)
  • 注册助理必须充分参加所有预定的培训活动和主要的住房和居住生活活动, 无论是面对面的还是虚拟的. 这包括但不限于:
  • 公寓参观-使用RA公寓作为陈列室
  • 每周五下午2点至4点举行在职例会和每周员工会议.m.
  • Central Student Leadership Drive-In (a one-day conference for Residence Life Paraprofessionals)
  • 春季预览日/房屋导览日(四月周末)
  • 秋季搬家日(决赛后)
  • 春季学期员工培训(TBA)
  • 春季学期新生入住日
  • 鹰节/入学日/预习日- TBA
  • Honors Day – TBA
  • 宿舍助理甄选程序
  • Spring Madness / Who Got Game – Carnival and Basketball Tournament – TBA
  • Move-Out Day (TBA)
  • Closing Week (TBA)

日期和额外培训, athletic events, and programs are subject to change dependent upon the department’s needs.


Community Development

  • Plan, execute, and assess department-wide social and educational programs in consultation with fellow RAs and PAs.
  • Fulfill programming requirements as set forth in the Programming Model and by the department. Initiate, plan, implement, and assess programs according to expectations.
  • Assist in the coordination of student transition and orientation during opening meetings, town hall meetings, and Welcome Weekend.
  • 参与部门和学校的活动.
  • Promote community-wide and department-wide programs to residents in all residential communities.
  • 与工作人员和其他学生合作,根据评估的需求为社区创建项目或倡议.
  • Participate and present at Central Student Leadership Drive-In conference.
  • 作为方案编制委员会,为工作人员和住院医生协调方案和活动,担任内容专家.
  • 满足学生和客人的需求, 包括被隔离和隔离的人, 包括但不限于送餐, package deliveries, 以及虚拟健康检查.


Policy Enforcement

  • Enforce system, University, Housing, and county policies and public health guidance
  • 按期履行职责:
  • Monday – Sunday
  • 按计划完成工作时间. 轮班安排在轮流的基础上(包括周末), holidays, and other campus closures) and serves as point persons in emergency situations. 轮班是根据工作需要而定的.
  • 在紧急情况下,可请援助机构提供协助.
  • Assist in enforcing University and 住房和居住生活 Policies, 以及联邦和加州法律. This includes computing guidelines, confidentiality, alcohol policies, and FERPA compliance. RAs还必须遵守这些政策和指导方针.
  • Respond to behavioral issues and policy infractions that occur within the Housing community.
  • 在需要时,通过培训和遵守住房和居住生活协议,协助危机干预和紧急反应.
  • 负责保管值班物品和用品(值班员), Cell Phone, Cell Phone Charger, iPad, and Master Keys).
  • 协助调解社区内的冲突.
  • 协助教育和执行由大学和洛杉矶卫生局提供的健康和安全指导方针.
  • 其他分配的工作.



  • Complete apartment Fire, Health, and Safety Inspections and Occupancy Reports in an accurate and timely manner.
  • 完成分配的所有行政职责(每周报告), duty logs, programming paperwork, roommate agreements).
  • 及时向主管通报住客问题.
  • Monitor phone messages, email, and mailbox regularly for communication.
  • 按照计划完成办公时间,根据需要协助宿舍管理工作. Office Hours will be scheduled each week with the exception of Finals Week each semester, Thanksgiving break, 寒假或大学假期.



  • 注册会计师总是被期望保持高水准的道德操守, including honoring, 遵守大学和住房生活政策以及学生行为期望. RAs必须在职位之前和整个任期内与住房和居住生活以及大学司法事务办公室保持良好的司法信誉.
  • 助理教师应遵守由大学和洛杉矶公共卫生系制定的健康和安全政策和做法.
  • 注册会计师应在主管规定的期限内完成工作,并及时提供敏感的重要信息.
  • 注册机构必须按照FERPA的规定维护个人和机构记录和信息的安全性和机密性, 学生助理适当使用协议, 确认被授权的报告人身份, the federal Clery Act, 及任何其他适用的大学政策.


Learn More

Scope of Function

社区导师(CM)的主要职责是支持主题社区(性别包容住房), Halisi Honors Community, Nuestra Casa, Justice. Equity. Diversity. Inclusion.),提供节目编排及社区参与活动. CMs也将作为一个团队来开发, plan, promote, and execute department-wide initiatives and programs that help to enhance the Diversity, Equity, 以及为居民提供包容体验.


这次任命的期限是 July 29, 2023,中午十二时至关闭住宅设施 Saturday, May 25, 2024. CMs must check out of their designated apartments no later than noon on Saturday, May 25, 2024. The appointment is contingent upon completion of assigned tasks and performance evaluation. Area assignment is dependent upon department need and is subject to change.


  • Single room in a furnished apartment or residential hall with utilities included.
  • 膳食计划(大学关闭期间不提供膳食, holidays, 或任何一天的膳食计划不活跃).

Required Qualifications

  • 必须是足彩外围网站的学生

  • 必须是二年级,三年级,四年级或研究生班的学生

  • GPA minimum of 2.在2021年春季学期和整个任期内,研究生必须至少获得3分.0 GPA. GPA will be verified at the time of offer and the beginning of each semester.

  • CMs must be enrolled as full-time students (minimum of 12 units undergrad, 毕业于足彩外围网站, each semester. The offer to serve as a Community Mentor will be rescinded if this is not maintained.

  • Students must be in good standing with the University and with 住房和居住生活. Candidates must not currently be on disciplinary probation or have a concerning disciplinary record.

Position Requirements

  • 必须是足彩外围网站的学生

  • 必须是二年级,三年级,四年级或研究生班的学生

  • GPA minimum of 2.在2021年春季学期和整个任期内,研究生必须至少获得3分.0 GPA. GPA will be verified at the time of offer and the beginning of each semester.

  • CMs must be enrolled as full-time students (minimum of 12 units undergrad, 毕业于足彩外围网站, each semester. The offer to serve as a Community Mentor will be rescinded if this is not maintained.

  • Students must be in good standing with the University and with 住房和居住生活. Candidates must not currently be on disciplinary probation or have a concerning disciplinary record.


  • CMs必须出席下列会议:
    • 每周CM员工会议(周五下午2-4点.m.)
    • 与主管/住校主任进行一对一的会谈
    • 委员会会议(按指定)
  • CMs必须充分参与所有预定的培训活动和主要的住房和居住生活活动, 无论是面对面的还是虚拟的. 这包括但不限于:
    • 公寓参观-使用CM公寓作为陈列室
    • 每周五下午2点至4点举行在职例会和每周员工会议.m.
    • Central Student Leadership Drive-In (a one-day conference for Residence Life Paraprofessionals)
    • 春季预览日/房屋导览日(四月周末)
    • 秋季搬家日(决赛后)
    • 春季学期员工培训(TBA)
    • 春季学期新生入住日
    • 鹰节/入学日/预习日- TBA
    • Honors Day – TBA
    • 宿舍助理甄选程序
    • Spring Madness / Who Got Game – Carnival and Basketball Tournament – TBA
    • Move-Out Day (TBA)
    • Closing Week (TBA)

日期和额外培训, athletic events, and programs are subject to change dependent upon the department’s needs.


Community Development

  • Plan, execute, 评估整个部门的社会公正, Equity, Diversity, 及共融计划.

  • Work with specific Themed Community for GIH, Halisi, Nuestra Casa, and J.E.D.I to develop floor programs, monthly newsletters, and activities related to that floor’s theme.

  • 参与部门和学校的活动.

  • Facilitate monthly tabling within residential community regarding cultural celebrations, education, and recognition.

  • 与实习人员合作,为所有住院医生提供每学期培训的机会, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion lens.

  • Participate and present at Central Student Leadership Drive-In conference.

  • 作为司法方案编制委员会,为工作人员和住院医生协调方案和活动,担任内容专家, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

  • Design social media and residential campaigns focused on information on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion concepts


Policy Enforcement

  • Enforce system, University, Housing, and county policies and public health guidance
  • 按期履行职责:
  • Monday – Sunday
  • 按计划完成工作时间. 轮班安排在轮流的基础上(包括周末), holidays, and other campus closures) and serves as point persons in emergency situations. 轮班是根据工作需要而定的.
  • 在紧急情况下,可请援助机构提供协助.
  • Assist in enforcing University and 住房和居住生活 Policies, 以及联邦和加州法律. This includes computing guidelines, confidentiality, alcohol policies, and FERPA compliance. RAs还必须遵守这些政策和指导方针.
  • Respond to behavioral issues and policy infractions that occur within the Housing community.
  • 在需要时,通过培训和遵守住房和居住生活协议,协助危机干预和紧急反应.
  • 负责保管值班物品和用品(值班员), Cell Phone, Cell Phone Charger, iPad, and Master Keys).
  • 协助调解社区内的冲突.
  • 协助教育和执行由大学和洛杉矶卫生局提供的健康和安全指导方针.
  • 其他分配的工作.



  • Complete apartment Fire, Health, and Safety Inspections and Occupancy Reports in an accurate and timely manner.
  • 完成分配的所有行政职责(每周报告), duty logs, programming paperwork, roommate agreements).
  • 及时向主管通报住客问题.
  • Monitor phone messages, email, and mailbox regularly for communication.
  • 按照计划完成办公时间,根据需要协助宿舍管理工作. Office Hours will be scheduled each week with the exception of Finals Week each semester, Thanksgiving break, winter break, or University holidays.



  • 注册会计师总是被期望保持高水准的道德操守, including honoring, 遵守大学和住房生活政策以及学生行为期望. RAs必须在职位之前和整个任期内与住房和居住生活以及大学司法事务办公室保持良好的司法信誉.
  • 助理教师应遵守由大学和洛杉矶公共卫生系制定的健康和安全政策和做法.
  • 注册会计师应在主管规定的期限内完成工作,并及时提供敏感的重要信息.
  • 注册机构必须按照FERPA的规定维护个人和机构记录和信息的安全性和机密性, 学生助理适当使用协议, 确认被授权的报告人身份, the federal Clery Act, 及任何其他适用的大学政策.


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2023-2024 Positions



Scope of Function

The primary responsibility of the Program Assistant (PA) is to develop and implement department-

wide large-scale programming that shapes an environment to support academic and personal development. PA在一个团队中进行开发, plan, 推动和执行全院系范围内的活动,以提高住院医师的课外体验.


这次任命的期限是 July 31, 2023,中午十二时至关闭住宅设施 Saturday, May 25, 2024. PAs must check out of their designated apartments no later than noon on Saturday, May 25, 2024. The appointment is contingent upon completion of assigned tasks and performance evaluation. Area assignment is dependent upon department need and is subject to change.


  • Single room in a furnished apartment or residential hall with utilities included.
  • 膳食计划(大学关闭期间不提供膳食, holidays, 或任何一天的膳食计划不活跃).

Required Qualifications

  • 必须是足彩外围网站的学生
  • 必须是二年级,三年级,四年级或研究生班的学生
  • GPA minimum of 2.在2021年春季学期和整个任期内,研究生必须至少获得3分.0 GPA. GPA will be verified at the time of offer and the beginning of each semester.
  • PAs must be enrolled as full-time students (minimum of 12 units undergrad, 毕业于足彩外围网站, each semester. The offer to serve as a Program Assistant will be rescinded if this is not maintained.
  • Students must be in good standing with the University and with 住房和居住生活. Candidates must not currently be on disciplinary probation or have a concerning disciplinary record.

Position Requirements:

  • 在被雇用之前进行实时扫描(指纹识别).
  • TB Clearance
  • 必须在工作日上班, nights, weekends, holidays, 并在学校不上课时(如寒假和春假)为随叫随到的任务和其他特殊
  • 整个约会过程中的事件.
  • 根据2019冠状病毒病在聘期期间和整个聘期期间的健康和安全要求,可能需要额外的费用.
  • 需要100美元的公寓保证金. This is refundable pending apartment inspection after the staff member moves out of the apartment.


  • 考察员必须出席下列会议:
  • 每周PA员工会议(周五下午2-4点)
  • 与主管/住校主任进行一对一的会谈
  • 委员会会议(按指定)
  • 助理必须充分参加所有预定的培训活动和主要的住房和居住生活活动, 无论是面对面的还是虚拟的. 这包括但不限于:
  • 公寓参观-使用RA公寓作为陈列室
  • 每周五下午2点至4点举行在职例会和每周员工会议.m.
  • Central Student Leadership Drive-In (a one-day conference for Residence Life Paraprofessionals)
  • 春季预览日/房屋导览日(四月周末)
  • 秋季搬家日(期末考试后)
  • 春季学期员工培训(TBA)
  • 春季学期新生入住日
  • 鹰节/录取学生日/预习日- 2023年春季学期
  • 荣誉日- 2023年春季学期
  • 项目助理甄选流程
  • Spring Madness / Who Got Game – Carnival and Basketball Tournament – Spring Semester 2023
  • Move-Out Day (TBA)
  • Closing Week (TBA)

日期和额外培训, athletic events, and programs are subject to change dependent upon the department’s needs.



Community Development

  • 程序助理应满足程序设计的要求, 包括复杂的编程任务, 详见秋季训练, Meetings, and the PA Manual.
  • Program Assistants interact and build relationships with residents by developing, advertising, and implementing large scale programming in each community and across communities.
  • pa将建立并加强与校园合作伙伴的关系,以开发复杂的跨社区住房和居住生活的大规模项目.
  • 通过复杂的大规模规划提供校园资源,为所有社区的住房和居住生活提供帮助和资源.
  • Mediate conflicts within the community while on duty and during programs.
  • Maintain regular Office Hours for students each week (post 3 hours per week). 除了每学期期末周和学校放假的几周外,每周应安排办公时间进行就业志愿活动.
  • 个人助理应该监控他们的电子邮件账户,并及时回应宿舍和宿舍生活人员的问题. 预计将在24小时内作出回应.
  • 满足学生和客人的需求, 包括被隔离和隔离的人, 包括但不限于送餐, package deliveries, 以及虚拟健康检查.


Policy Enforcement

  • Enforce system, University, Housing, and county policies and public health guidance
  • 按期履行职责:
  • Monday – Sunday
  • 按计划完成工作时间. 轮班安排在轮流的基础上(包括周末), holidays, and other campus closures) and serves as point persons in emergency situations. 轮班是根据工作需要而定的.
  • PAs may be asked to assist as available in situations including but not limited to policy violations, emergencies, and lock outs.
  • Assist in enforcing University and 住房和居住生活 Policies, 以及联邦和加州法律. This includes computing guidelines, confidentiality, alcohol policies, and FERPA compliance. 私人助理也必须遵守这些政策和指引.
  • Respond to behavioral issues and policy infractions that occur within the Housing community.
  • 在需要时,通过培训和遵守住房和居住生活协议,协助危机干预和紧急反应.
  • 负责保管值班物品和用品(值班员), Cell Phone, Cell Phone Charger, iPad, and Master Keys).
  • 协助调解社区内的冲突.
  • 协助教育和执行由大学和洛杉矶卫生局提供的健康和安全指导方针.
  • 其他分配的工作.



  • 完成分配的所有行政职责(每周报告), duty logs, programming paperwork, etc.).
  • 及时通知主管和助理处理住客问题.
  • Monitor phone messages, email, and mailbox regularly for communication.
  • 按照计划完成办公时间,根据需要协助宿舍管理工作. Office Hours will be scheduled each week with the exception of Finals Week each semester, Thanksgiving break, 寒假或大学假期.



  • 私人助理总是被期望保持高水准的道德操守, including honoring, 遵守大学和住房生活政策以及学生行为期望. 个人助理在任职前和整个任期内,必须在住房和居住生活以及大学司法事务办公室有良好的司法信誉.
  • 私人助理应遵守由大学和洛杉矶公共卫生部门制定的健康和安全政策和做法.
  • 助理应在主管规定的期限内完成工作,并及时提供敏感的重要信息.
  • pa必须按照FERPA的规定维护个人和机构记录和信息的安全性和机密性, 学生助理适当使用协议, 确认被授权的报告人身份, the federal Clery Act, 及任何其他适用的大学政策.


PA Application

Scope of Function

居民助理(RA)的主要职责是在住房和居住生活的居民之间建立社区. 社区建设是通过项目来完成的, social interaction, 执行住房和居住生活部门以及社区居民制定的社区标准.


这次任命的期限是 July 31, 2023,中午十二时至关闭住宅设施 Saturday, May 25, 2024. RAs must check out of their designated apartments no later than noon on Saturday, May 25, 2024. The appointment is contingent upon completion of assigned tasks and performance evaluation. Area assignment is dependent upon department need and is subject to change.


  • Single room in a furnished apartment or residential hall with utilities included.
  • 膳食计划(大学关闭期间不提供膳食, holidays, 或任何一天的膳食计划不活跃).

Required Qualifications

  • 必须是足彩外围网站的学生.
  • 必须是二年级,三年级,四年级或研究生班的学生.
  • GPA minimum of 2.在2024年春季学期和整个任期内,研究生必须至少达到3分.0 GPA. GPA will be verified at the time of offer and the beginning of each semester.
  • RAs must be enrolled as full-time students (minimum of 12 units undergrad, 毕业于足彩外围网站, each semester. The offer to serve as a Resident Assistant will be rescinded if this is not maintained.
  • Students must be in good standing with the University and with 住房和居住生活. Candidates must not currently be on disciplinary probation or have a concerning disciplinary record.


Position Requirements

  • 在被雇用之前进行实时扫描(指纹识别).
  • TB Clearance
  • 必须在工作日上班, nights, weekends, holidays, 并在学校不上课时(如寒假和春假)为随叫随到的任务和其他特殊
  • 整个约会过程中的事件.
  • 根据2019冠状病毒病在聘期期间和整个聘期期间的健康和安全要求,可能需要额外的费用.
  • 需要100美元的公寓保证金. This is refundable pending apartment inspection after the staff member moves out of the apartment.


  • 助理助理必须出席下列会议:
    • 每周RA员工会议(周五下午2-4点.m.)
    • 与主管/宿舍生活协调员进行一对一的会谈
    • 委员会会议(按指定)
  • 注册助理必须充分参加所有预定的培训活动和主要的住房和居住生活活动, 无论是面对面的还是虚拟的. 这包括但不限于:
  • 公寓参观-使用RA公寓作为陈列室
  • 每周五下午2点至4点举行在职例会和每周员工会议.m.
  • Central Student Leadership Drive-In (a one-day conference for Residence Life Paraprofessionals)
  • 春季预览日/房屋导览日(四月周末)
  • 秋季搬家日(决赛后)
  • 春季学期员工培训(TBA)
  • 春季学期新生入住日
  • 鹰节/入学日/预习日- TBA
  • Honors Day – TBA
  • 宿舍助理甄选程序
  • Spring Madness / Who Got Game – Carnival and Basketball Tournament – TBA
  • Move-Out Day (TBA)
  • Closing Week (TBA)

日期和额外培训, athletic events, and programs are subject to change dependent upon the department’s needs.


Community Development

  • Plan, execute, and assess department-wide social and educational programs in consultation with fellow RAs and PAs.
  • Fulfill programming requirements as set forth in the Programming Model and by the department. Initiate, plan, implement, and assess programs according to expectations.
  • Assist in the coordination of student transition and orientation during opening meetings, town hall meetings, and Welcome Weekend.
  • 参与部门和学校的活动.
  • Promote community-wide and department-wide programs to residents in all residential communities.
  • 与工作人员和其他学生合作,根据评估的需求为社区创建项目或倡议.
  • Participate and present at Central Student Leadership Drive-In conference.
  • 作为方案编制委员会,为工作人员和住院医生协调方案和活动,担任内容专家.
  • 满足学生和客人的需求, 包括被隔离和隔离的人, 包括但不限于送餐, package deliveries, 以及虚拟健康检查.


Policy Enforcement

  • Enforce system, University, Housing, and county policies and public health guidance
  • 按期履行职责:
  • Monday – Sunday
  • 按计划完成工作时间. 轮班安排在轮流的基础上(包括周末), holidays, and other campus closures) and serves as point persons in emergency situations. 轮班是根据工作需要而定的.
  • 在紧急情况下,可请援助机构提供协助.
  • Assist in enforcing University and 住房和居住生活 Policies, 以及联邦和加州法律. This includes computing guidelines, confidentiality, alcohol policies, and FERPA compliance. RAs还必须遵守这些政策和指导方针.
  • Respond to behavioral issues and policy infractions that occur within the Housing community.
  • 在需要时,通过培训和遵守住房和居住生活协议,协助危机干预和紧急反应.
  • 负责保管值班物品和用品(值班员), Cell Phone, Cell Phone Charger, iPad, and Master Keys).
  • 协助调解社区内的冲突.
  • 协助教育和执行由大学和洛杉矶卫生局提供的健康和安全指导方针.
  • 其他分配的工作.



  • Complete apartment Fire, Health, and Safety Inspections and Occupancy Reports in an accurate and timely manner.
  • 完成分配的所有行政职责(每周报告), duty logs, programming paperwork, roommate agreements).
  • 及时向主管通报住客问题.
  • Monitor phone messages, email, and mailbox regularly for communication.
  • 按照计划完成办公时间,根据需要协助宿舍管理工作. Office Hours will be scheduled each week with the exception of Finals Week each semester, Thanksgiving break, 寒假或大学假期.



  • 注册会计师总是被期望保持高水准的道德操守, including honoring, 遵守大学和住房生活政策以及学生行为期望. RAs必须在职位之前和整个任期内与住房和居住生活以及大学司法事务办公室保持良好的司法信誉.
  • 助理教师应遵守由大学和洛杉矶公共卫生系制定的健康和安全政策和做法.
  • 注册会计师应在主管规定的期限内完成工作,并及时提供敏感的重要信息.
  • 注册机构必须按照FERPA的规定维护个人和机构记录和信息的安全性和机密性, 学生助理适当使用协议, 确认被授权的报告人身份, the federal Clery Act, 及任何其他适用的大学政策.


RA Application

如有问题,请联系住房和居住生活 [email protected].