Summer 2024 Rates

Summer 2024 Housing Rates


May Intersession May 20-June 8 (3 Weeks)

Session A Only May 24-July 1 (6 Weeks)

Session B Only July 5-Aug 10 (6 weeks)

Sessions A & B May 24-Aug 10 (11 weeks)
Single-Occupancy $1,104 $1,998 $1,893 $4,724
Double-Occupancy $853 $1,544 $1,462 $3,168
Triple-Occupancy $687 $1,243 $1,178 $2,551



Summer 2024 Meal Plan Rates

Meal Plan

Per Semester Allocation


Summer 2024 Block 200 200 meal swipes with $50 declining balance $1,373 
Summer 2024 Block 150 150 meal swipes with $50 declining balance $1,067
Summer 2024 Block 100 100 meal swipes with $50 declining balance $736
Summer 2024 Block 50 50 meal swipes with $50 declining balance $421
Summer 2024 Weekly 5 5 meal swipes per week with $50 declining balance $647


All meal plans are voluntary for the summer.

Important Payment Information


For summer 2024 deadlines, please visit the Important Dates & Deadlines webpage.

Please note:

  • 在付款截止日期之后收到的任何付款将被视为逾期,并且每个月逾期将收取20美元的滞纳金.
  • 延迟支付的财政援助受助人将承担滞纳金,除非延迟是由财政援助办公室处理错误, verified by the Director of Financial Aid.
  • 住宿费直接通过CASHNet Smartpay支付. The Housing Office is not able to collect or process payments.
  • 延迟入住:如果你需要额外的时间来支付你的第一笔付款, you may request a late move-in date. 在许可协议正式开始后的第(5)天内,可以延迟入住.

Yes, but it depends.

Financial Aid can be applied to your housing fees. 经济援助计划将包括不同类型的援助组合,包括, but not limited to grants, scholarships, Federal Student loans, Perkins loans, and Parent PLUS loans. You may also have other outside aid, such as scholarships, 你可以申请到你的大学费用(参见非大学奖学金的信息). You should calculate all of your expenses, including tuition, fees, incidentals such as books, 以及住房费用,以便在接受提供给你的各种经济援助时做出最佳决定. Based on your need, 然后,您将在线接受经济援助,并注册为全日制,以便将援助支付到您的帐户中. 只有被学生正式接受并被学校批准支付的经济援助才会被释放到你的学生账户中. 请记住,只有在满足其他费用后,才能支付住宿费. See below. 经济援助将按以下顺序应用于您的学费:

  • Tuition
  • Mandatory Campus Fees
  • Room (Room Rent)
  • Board (Meal Plan)
  • Housing Fees (Program Fee and Damage Deposits)

*Click here to view the cost of attendance estimates for the academic year 2023-2024.

如果经济援助不包括学期到期的总余额, 学生将负责在规定的截止日期前支付剩余的余额.

Notification of Financial Aid

足彩外围网站学生经济援助和奖学金中心将于3月底开始向学生发送经济援助信息. 学生有责任完成“待办事项清单”上的所有要求.一定要在MyCalStateLA门户网站上查看你的“待办事项清单”,以确保你预期的经济援助支出将被支付. 没有完成你的“待办事项清单”可能会延迟经济援助的支付和住房支付, thereby resulting in late fees.

Scheduled Disbursement

Housing fees are paid only after Tuition and Fees have been paid. Each semester Financial Aid will pay tuition and fees first, 然后,支付的任何余额将用于足彩外围网站的其他费用,如住房、房间和食宿费.

First-Time Borrowers

接受联邦珀金斯贷款或联邦直接贷款(有补贴或无补贴)的学生必须完成他们的“待办事项清单”,包括, but not limited to, the first-time borrowers' Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Loan Counseling. 请参考您的MyCalStateLA学生门户网站,以确保您的贷款发放. 有关家长PLUS贷款计划的问题,请与 Center for Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Non-University Scholarships

从校外获得的奖学金被认为是校外奖学金. 获得校外奖学金的学生必须将获得的任何奖学金通知学生经济援助和奖学金中心, even if those awards will be sent directly to you. Please visit the Off-Campus Scholarship website page 访问提交信息的详细信息,以及奖学金可以邮寄到哪里.

Online Payments

You can pay online by credit card, debit card, or e-check on Transact. 有关帐单或交易的问题,请致电323343-3630与一站式办公室联系.

Guardians Paying Online

According to Transact, a student may create a Parent PIN to allow parents, guardians, and other authorized users to access their account information. 学生必须在家长访问支付系统之前创建一个家长密码. The student can follow these steps to create a Parent PIN:

  1. 点击位于页面顶部菜单栏的“你的账户”.
  2. Click on "Add New," located in the box labeled "Parent PINs."
  3. 在父PIN字段中,输入您希望分配给父PIN用户的登录名.
  4. Enter the Parent PIN user’s email address.
  5. 在将发送给父PIN用户的欢迎电子邮件中添加可选注释.
  6. Select the Parent PIN user’s permission level.
  7. Click on "OK."

家长将收到一封欢迎电子邮件,发送到在设置家长密码用户时注册的电子邮件地址. 电子邮件将包含可选的注释、登录信息和临时密码.


支票抬头:足彩外围网站-住房和居住生活. Write the following on the money order, personal, or cashier's check: "Housing," the student’s name, their CIN, 以及您希望付款的期限(2023年秋季或2024年春季).

Mail to:

Cal State LA
One Stop Financial Services
Student Services Building # 2380
5151 State University Drive, ADM 128
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8524

International Payments (Wire Transfers and Credit Cards)

International payments are processed by Flywire. Please complete your Flywire payment within Transact by selecting International Payment as the payment method. Flywire接受国际信用卡支付和其他100多个国家和地区的本地支付,包括支付宝和银联. 您可以安全地从任何国家通过银行电汇付款, and bank typically in your home currency. When completing your Flywire payment within CASHNet, 您的信息将提供给Flywire,您将被引导到Flywire网站. 您在Flywire网站上的活动受Flywire隐私政策(见“http://www”)的约束". 请注意,国际交易可能会产生额外的费用,如货币汇率和信用卡服务费. 在Flywire中选择您的付款方式时会显示总费用.

您的Flywire付款不应超过您的学费和其他所需费用. 所有电汇付款的退款将通过Flywire处理并退还给原始来源.