Safeguard Your Laptop or Tablet When Traveling

Yes, you’ve seen this tip before, but it’s worth repeating.

保持 保密个人和/或 专有的 information on a removable storage device.  Do not store a removable drive or other storage device with your laptop or tablet. 保持 your removable storage device in a safe place at all times.

Never leave your laptop or tablet out of your sight, even for a moment. Busy places such as bus and train stations, 机场, 办公室, 会议和研讨会中心, 餐厅, 酒店, 大学校园, 电话亭, 库, and hospitals are places where thieves who are on the lookout for laptops and tablets easily blend into the crowd. 不被注意, some thieves pose as conference attendees, 送货的人, 或其他熟悉的人员.

Carry your laptop or tablet in a nondescript carrying case, one that does not advertise it contains a laptop or tablet.

Leave your device in the hotel safe, 或者如果该选项不可用, 把它放在你锁着的行李里. 注意:在一些国外, your laptop or tablet may not be secure in the hotel safe – it may be subject to search and seizure by local intelligence or police. When traveling to foreign countries, be sure to first check travel advisories from these two agencies: Federal Aviation Administration ( 运输 Security Administration (http://www.Transportation安全管理局.gov/)

The two people ahead of you in line at the airport security check may be thieves, working together to pull off a scam. The first of the two moves through the security check quickly, while the second delays the line using a ploy of some sort. During this delay, you put your items on the conveyor belt where they roll out of your sight. This gives the first thief the opportunity to grab your valuables off the conveyor belt as if they were his own. 小心谨慎! Put your laptop or tablet on the conveyor belt only when you are certain the person in front of you has picked up their own possessions and is moving away from the security check area. If there is a delay of any kind while going through the security check, keep an eye on your laptop or tablet at all times.

Never check your laptop or tablet at 机场. 带上它上飞机.

While you are napping or talking to the person next to you, another person can open the overhead storage and disappear with your laptop or tablet.

Never store your laptop or tablet in an airport, bus, or train station locker.

Regularly backing up your data is good practice, especially before traveling. If your laptop or tablet does get lost or stolen, at least your data won’t be lost, too.

At security checkpoints in 机场 and elsewhere, you may have to show that your laptop or tablet is a working computer and not some other kind of device. Therefore, have the power cord with your or make sure that the battery is charged. If your laptop or tablet will not power up, you may not be permitted through the security checkpoint. 保护你的笔记本电脑, tablet and electronic storage devices, ask the security guard to hand-inspect your devices rather than have it pass through the checkpoint X-ray machine.

Import restrictions may cause travel delays, or worse, confiscation of your equipment. Some countries ban encrypted telecommunications traffic. Know the laws and restrictions in the destination country. If you bring a new computer into the United States, you may have to pay an import tax. To prove your equipment is not new, have your device’s sales receipt or insurance documentation with you. To avoid any confusion about your device’s status, register your device with U.S. 旅行前的海关.