
加州大学洛杉矶分校 supports both 微软团队 and 变焦 for Virtual 会议.


微软团队 is a conferencing tool that allows users to set up a shared, 合作的空间, 安排虚拟会议, 分配任务, 和更多的.



变焦 Web会议

犯罪现场调查组和极速签了合同, 它为所有校园提供了一些音频, 视频和网络会议工具. 使用以下链接访问变焦.

加州州立大学LA 变焦

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to get started with 变焦. For more in-depth instructions and video tutorials, see the following resources:


Before you can use 变焦, you must install the 变焦 software 对于你的设备. 变焦适用于Windows、Mac、iOS和Android设备.

注意: When you start or join your first 变焦 meeting without installing 变焦, the 变焦 software 对于你的设备 will automatically download and you will need to install it. It is recommended to install 变焦 ahead of time so it does not delay your first meeting.


  1. From the 变焦 Download Center, download and run the 应用程序ropriate 桌面客户端 or 手机应用程序 对于你的设备.
  2. 按照屏幕上的提示安装变焦.

无需登录即可加入变焦会议, but you must log in if you want to start or schedule a 变焦 meeting.


  1. 去 加州州立大学LA 变焦 网站.
  2. 点击 登录 在页面的右上角.
  3. 使用您的 MyCalStateLA ID 账户.


  1. 打开 变焦 设备上的应用程序.
  2. 点击 登录,然后点击 使用SSO登录.
  3. 输入 calstatela 如公司域名,再点击 继续.
  4. 使用您的 MyCalStateLA ID 账户.
  5. 如果出现提示,单击打开 变焦会议.


  1. 打开 变焦 移动设备上的应用程序.
  2. 利用 登录,然后点击 SSO.
  3. 输入 calstatela 作为公司的域,然后点击 Go or 继续.
  4. 使用您的 MyCalStateLA ID 账户.
  5. 如果出现提示,点击 开放 打开 变焦 应用程序.

You can use 变焦 to schedule a one-time meeting or a recurring meeting. When you schedule a recurring meeting, each occurrence uses the same meeting ID and settings.

看到 安排会议 page of the 缩放帮助中心 for a video tutorial and information about the meeting options for each device.


  1. 登录 加州州立大学LA 变焦 网站与你的 MyCalStateLA ID 账户.
  2. 点击 会议 在左侧窗格中.
  3. 下 即将到来的会议,点击 安排新的会议.
  4. 输入 the meeting details (topic, start date and time, duration, etc.),并选择所需的会议选项.
    • 如果这是定期会议,请选择 反复出现的会议 复选框,然后设置重复模式.
  5. 点击 保存 完成调度.
  6. 邀请与会者, 选择日历选项或复制邀请, 然后通过电子邮件或会议请求发送.
    • If this is a recurring meeting, set the recurrence pattern in the meeting request before sending.


  1. 打开 变焦 电脑上的应用程序.
  2. 如果您还没有登录,请使用您的 MyCalStateLA ID 账户.
  3. 点击 时间表.
  4. 输入 the meeting details (topic, start date and time, duration, etc.),并选择所需的会议选项.
    • 如果这是定期会议,请选择 反复出现的会议 复选框.
  5. Select the calendar you want to use to send the meeting invitation.
  6. 点击 时间表 完成调度.
  7. 在所选日历中打开预填充的会议请求. 添加与会者,如果需要设置重复模式,然后发送.
    • 如果你选择 其他的日历, copy the invitation, 然后通过电子邮件或会议请求发送.


  1. 打开 变焦 移动设备上的应用程序.
  2. 如果您还没有登录,请使用您的 MyCalStateLA ID 账户.
  3. 利用 时间表.
  4. 输入 the meeting details (topic, start date and time, duration, etc.),并选择所需的会议选项.
  5. 利用 完成 完成调度.
  6. 添加与会者并发送.

When you schedule a 变焦 meeting, you are considered the host of that meeting. As the host, you can control various aspects of the meeting, such as managing the participants.

看到 会议中的主持人和共同主持人控件 page of the 缩放帮助中心 for a video tutorial and information about the host controls for each device.


  1. 登录 加州州立大学LA 变焦 网站与你的 MyCalStateLA ID 账户.
  2. 点击 会议 在左侧窗格中.
  3. 下 即将到来的会议,点击 开始 在你想开始的会议旁边.
  4. 如果出现提示,单击打开 变焦会议.
  5. 选择通过电话或计算机加入音频.


  1. 打开 变焦 电脑上的应用程序.
  2. 如果您还没有登录,请使用您的 MyCalStateLA ID 账户.
  3. 点击 会议 在窗户的底部.
  4. 在 即将到来的 页签,选择要开始的会议,单击 开始.
  5. 选择通过电话或计算机加入音频.


  1. 打开 变焦 移动设备上的应用程序.
  2. 如果您还没有登录,请使用您的 MyCalStateLA ID 账户.
  3. 利用 会议 在屏幕底部.
  4. 利用 开始 在你想开始的会议旁边.
  5. 选择通过麦克风或拨号加入音频.

变焦 includes several features that can be used to increase the security of your 变焦 meetings.


A meeting host can require participants to enter a passcode before joining the meeting. This provides greater access control and prevents uninvited guests from joining the meeting.

While scheduling a meeting, the host can set a meeting passcode by selecting the 要求会议密码 复选框. A numeric passcode will be automatically generated and included in the meeting invitation.

注意:在变焦链接中有一个排除密码的选项, 在邀请链接中嵌入密码,一键加入." Select this option when you have to share the 变焦 link on a public site and only provide the passcode to those pre-registered for the conference or meeting. 然而, 如果您计划将变焦链接通过电子邮件发送给已知参与者, unselect the option so that participants don't have to enter a passcode when joining. 然而, 手动输入会议ID加入, 他们仍然会被提示输入密码.


To ensure that only participants associated with 加州大学洛杉矶分校 can join your 变焦 meetings, 您可以选择只有经过身份验证的用户加入. 这意味着, all participants will have to log in through MyCalStateLA Portal prior to joining the session.

  1. 登录到变焦网站门户.
  2. 安排会议或网络研讨会.
  3. 下 会议选项 or 网络研讨会选项,点击 只有通过认证的用户才能加入.


如果 主持人前加入 选项已启用, the first person who joins a meeting will automatically be made the host and will have full control over the meeting. 为了更好的控制和保证会议的安全, the host can require participants to only join the meeting after the host arrives.

在安排会议时,要确保 在主机前启用join 选项被禁用. 看到 先加入后主持 页面的变焦帮助中心获取更多信息.


By default, any participant in a meeting can share their screen. A meeting host can disable screen sharing for participants to prevent them from taking control of the screen or sharing unwanted content.


  1. 在底部 变焦 窗口中,单击旁边的箭头 共享屏幕,然后点击 高级共享选项.
  2. 下 谁能分享中,选择 只有主机.
  3. 单击 X 单击右上角的图标,关闭对话框.


如果有不请自来的与会者加入会议, 主持人可以将与会者从会议中移除. Once removed, the participant will not be able to rejoin the meeting.


  1. 点击 管理的参与者 在底部 变焦 窗口,以显示 参与者 面板.
  2. 在 参与者 面板,将鼠标悬停在与会者的姓名上,单击 更多的,然后点击 删除.
  3. 点击 OK 在弹出的确认对话框中.


所有与会者都加入会议后, the host can lock the meeting to prevent anyone else from joining, 即使他们有会议ID和密码.


  1. 点击 管理的参与者 在底部 变焦 窗口,以显示 参与者 面板.
  2. 在底部 参与者 面板中,单击 更多的,然后点击 锁定会议.
  3. 点击 是的 在弹出的确认对话框中.

备注:您可以通过单击解锁会议 更多的,然后点击 解锁会议.


变焦视频网络研讨会 allows users to broadcast a 变焦 meeting to up to 3,000 view-only attendees. We have purchased limited licenses for faculty and staff to use.

For more in-depth instructions and video tutorials, please visit 缩放帮助中心.

教师 and staff can request access to the webinar by submitting 缩放网络研讨会申请表 在ServiceNow中(需要登录).


  1. 登录到变焦 web门户并单击 在线研讨会. 找到网络研讨会,点击 开始.
  2. 在变焦客户端中,单击 会议 选项卡. 找到网络研讨会,点击 开始.
  3. If you have added this to your calendar,点击 on the link displayed on your calendar reminder. Make sure that you are logged into your 变焦 账户 before clicking the link.

小组成员是会议的完全参与者. 他们可以观看和发送视频,屏幕共享,注释等. 学习如何邀请小组成员. 与会者是只能查看的参与者. They can interact with the host and the 面板ists through the Q&A和聊天.  

There are three different ways to invite attendees to register:

  1. Copy the registration URL and share via email, your 网站, etc.
  2. Select Copy the invitation to view and copy the invitation created by 变焦 to send out to your attendees.
  3. Select Email me the invitation to receive a copy of the 变焦 invitation that you can then forward to potential attendees.



Traditional audio conferencing is available as a feature on all standard campus provided phones for conference calls between 3-6 participants. By default, all phones have the ability to bridge 3 participants. This feature can be expanded upon request to accommodate up to 6 participants. Please note that conference calls are not joined by dialing a shared conference phone number, 而是, they are es选项卡lished by calling each participant individually and bridging them into the conference call 1 at a time. 欲了解更多说明,请访问我们的 电话和语音信箱指南.