
Group of students standing next to professor on an outside stairwell


  • URISE项目有四大支柱, 教师指导的研究, 2)进入研究性课程, 3)教师导师包容性培训, and 4) building scientific identity with community.   

  • Student participants explore research and prepare for on-campus and off campus summer research through an activity-type course (contact (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息). 他们还参加各种讲习班, 研讨会, and other program activities connecting them with peers and their communities year-round which all aim to help student discover and solidify their scientist identity (contact (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息). 在他们的最后一年, students will prepare and submit competitive applications for PhD programs in their field of study with support from the U-RISE program. 

  • On-campus faculty mentors are specifically trained to offer an inclusive research environment (contact (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息). U-RISE计划的捐款在1美元到1美元之间,000元及1元,500 in supplies towards the research activities of the U-RISE student.  

  • U-RISE students receive up to 60% of their tuition and an annual stipend of up to $13,644, depending on their 加州大学洛杉矶分校 financial package. 他们还将获得最高3美元的奖金,500 towards their off-campus summer research experience to cover travel and living costs. U-RISE students are also expected to present their research at a conference and will receive up to $1,000元用作交通费, 住宿, 还有注册费.  

  • Along with participants from other research training programs on campus, U-RISE students and their faculty mentors will be invited to celebrate research at an annual two-day retreat for which 住宿 and travel (contact (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息). 

  • The U-RISE program seeks underrepresented undergraduate students majoring in a field related to the biomedical sciences such as Biology, 化学, 生物化学, 物理, 数学, 运动机能学, 营养与食品科学, 心理学, 营养科学, 机械工程, 土木工程, 电气与计算机工程. 

  • The eligible student is from a group traditionally under-represented in the health-related sciences which includes as defined by NIH (http://diversity.nih.gov /About我们/ population-underrepresented种族(黑人或非裔美国人, 美国印第安人或阿拉斯加原住民, 夏威夷原住民, 及其他太平洋岛民), 种族(西班牙裔或拉丁裔), ability (physical or mental impairment) or disadvantaged backgrounds (homeless, 寄养, no parent who completed a bachelor’s degree, 符合联邦佩尔助学金资格, 有资格参加联邦食品计划, 在美国长大.S. 高中服务不足地区). 

  • 所有申请人必须是美国公民.S. 公民或合法永久居民.

  • The ideal candidate is a sophomore with two to three years left until graduation. 

  • The applicant has completed the first semester of their major specific courses (e.g., BIOL 1100 Cellular Basis of Life or CHEM 1100 General 化学 I) with a grade of at least a B- and has developed a strong interest to explore a research career in the biomedical sciences.  

It will take you about 10 to 15 minutes to fill out the form itself. 除了, 在启动应用程序之前, please gather the following items as PDF files for upload:

  • Your transcripts of all your college and university work. Coursework from 加州大学洛杉矶分校 can be uploaded as unofficial transcripts which you download from GET;
  • A current, signed Academic Advisement Plan to verify your anticipated graduation date: 
    • Meet with an NSS Advisor and mention that this is for their U RISE application.
    • Develop with the advisor their degree plan laying out which courses they have to take in which year and indicating the expected year of graduation.
    • Send the completed degree plan as a PDF via electronic signature to the advisor who has helped them with the degree plan to obtain their approval.
    • You will upload the signed advisor approved degree plan to the U RISE application page.
  • 目前的个人履历(CV)或简历; if you are unsure about what either is and which to choose, you can find some 足彩外围网站简历和简历的资源
  • 一篇回答几个提示的文章:
    • Any experience you have in research or related areas. What research question did you pursue; what experimental work did you do; and what do think your results mean?
    • The U-RISE Program is designed to prepare students for admission and success in PhD programs immediately following the BS/BA degree at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. Please explain how these goals are consistent with your plans.
    • Discuss your career plans after you complete your formal education, 尤其是科学研究, 工程, or mathematics fits into these plans; and why you consider the PhD as necessary for your work.
    • It is expected that you will complete the BS degree with a 3.专业平均绩点不低于3分. Explain any discrepancy between your grades in academic coursework and your talents and potential. If applicable, how will you raise your GPA as a U-RISE scholar?
    • Explain how your selection as a U-RISE scholar will enhance the participation of marginalized individuals in research careers.
    • How will you continue to advance your research training if you are not accepted into the U-RISE Program?
  • If applicable, a notarized copy of your Alien Registration ("Green") card.


You also need to arrange for two letters of recommendation written on your behalf by science, 工程, or mathematics faculty members who know you well. These may be from previous schools you have attended. Please ask your recommenders to submit their letters and complete a brief questionnaire 在这里.