


Perusall is a social e-reader platform designed to promote reading and engagement for all classes. Using artificial intelligence (AI) technology and text readers, Perusall is an excellent tool for making reading a central, 积极的, 也是我们课程的一部分.

To hear a little bit more about what Perusall is and where it was developed, watch the video below:

帆布的 学生的观点 按钮将不工作与Perusall, since Canvas doesn't send an email address to Perusall as part of that launch. To see what students will see once they launch into Perusall, utilize the 学生的观点 link on the left navigation bar within your Perusall course.

Are you or your students having trouble with annotations appearing in Perusall? 检查 浏览状态页 了解更多信息.


Since Perusall can be integrated into your Canvas course shell, students and instructors need the same technology needed to access their Canvas course shell: a computer, phone or tablet connected to the internet via an up-to-date web browser.

For more information, please refer to the following online resources:


Perusall has been configured at the university level, you will need to add it to your 课程导航.

设置 你的课程范围. 从选项卡中选择 导航 option.

From here, scroll down to the bottom of the list and find Persuall. 要么 拖放 读到你的顶部 导航 项,或选择 烤肉串 Perusall旁边的设置,然后选择 启用.

在以上任一步骤之后, please remember to scroll down to the bottom of the 导航 page and select 保存. 这将确保 Persuall 被添加到你的 导航.


从那里,选择 Perusall 按照提示创建新创建的类.



将Perusall添加到您的课程中. After that, please create and add all materials in Perusall first, then tie them to items in Canvas. You can look at our steps below for any grade syncs or other tools you want to explore.


If you would like to incorporate a blurb about Perusall into a Canvas page or your syllabus, 请复制并粘贴下面的报价:

Perusall是一款社交注释软件. 它把学生们聚集在一起, 异步和在线, 这样他们就可以注释和讨论pdf了, 教科书和录像. 它与Canvas接口,并使用AI进行分级."

Please note that if you’ve used Perusall before with your CalStateLA email, 您将需要合并您的帐户. After following the above steps, you may get a message like the one below:


选择时按照提示操作 确认并合并账户. This will only need to be done once and should help with ongoing course management.

If you would like to use the assignment and grading synchronization for Perusall to Canvas, 请跟 Perusall分配设置的官方步骤 对于你的每一个任务.

To enable grade sync, create assignments in Canvas that map to assignments in Perusall. For each reading assignment you create in Perusall, create a corresponding assignment in Canvas. Each assignment should be created as an External Tool assignment in Canvas, pointing to Perusall.

To link each assignment in Canvas to the proper assignment in Perusall, make sure that the name of the assignment in Canvas exactly matches the name of the assignment in Perusall. To retrieve the name of an assignment in Perusall (Perusall assigns names automatically when you have not explicitly given an assignment a name), 在 作业 panel on your course home page in Perusall, and then click the 复制LMS的完整标题 按钮。.

tab to map canvas assignment to perusall assignment option

作业名称将被复制到剪贴板, and you can paste it into the assignment name field in Canvas.

来测试赋值链接是否工作, launch the assignment in Canvas and ensure that you are taken to the correct assignment in Perusall -- you should bypass the course home page in Perusall when clicking on a Perusall assignment from Canvas.

请注意: To ensure that grade sync works throughout the semester, make sure that students access each Perusall assignment by clicking through the corresponding assignment in Canvas. If a student accesses an assignment in Perusall without ever clicking through the corresponding Canvas assignment, then Perusall will not be able to send that student's score back to Canvas.


If you would like to synchronize your Perusall groups with your Canvas groups, go to 设置 > Grouping 然后选择 手动分配学生到小组 然后启用这个选项 从画布中应用组. 然后单击 保存更改.

If you already have students enrolled in the course, they will temporarily be placed in Group 1. 在Perusall首次发布时, 学生 will be placed in a group within Perusall matching their group within Canvas. 学生 not assigned to a group in Canvas will remain in Group 1 in Perusall. (If all of your students have been assigned to a group in Canvas, Group 1 will be empty once all students join the course in Perusall.)

To ensure this integration works as expected, make sure that 在Canvas中只指定一个“组集”.

请注意 that the group numbers in Perusall will not necessarily correspond with the group numbers in Canvas, but students grouped together in Canvas will be grouped together in Perusall as well.

阅读 and Writing in the Discplines: Building disciplinary literacy into our curriculum.

社交阅读,增进理解. This hands-on workshop will help you introduce students to social reading, 哪些可以促进同侪学习, 知识构建, 和元认知. You will also learn how to use Perusall, a social-annotation software now integrated into Canvas.


Perusall also provides accessibility support for students and users. 请探索他们的 无障碍声明页.


Perusal provides a robust support for how to leverage their tool in your teaching. 他们的 教师支持页面 has been divided along 4 major support lines, which you may also access with the direct links below.


Perusall also provides some helpful articles for students. 他们的 足彩外围网站页面 has been divided along 4 major support lines, which you may also access with the direct links below.



Visit our Status Support page for updates regarding our services, 常见的Canvas/变焦故障排除问题, 常见问题的, 以及我们目前的虚拟支持办公时间.