Reading and Writing in the Disciplines

Reading and writing in the disciplines

Click Here to view all upcoming CETL Workshops and Events

Programming Overview

学科阅读和写作是一个多证书途径,旨在满足所有学科阅读和写作指导的持续需求. 如下图所示,有不同类型的项目来满足我们教师的不同需求.

You can earn certificates in:

  • 积极在线阅读:阅读学徒(参加五次同步研讨会中的四次), one self-paced asynchronous workshop, final consultation, and teaching artifact required for the certificate.)
  • 教师读书俱乐部(每学期同步举行会议,讨论一本以学习/读写能力为重点的新书. Attendance at all sessions required for the certificate.) 
  • 在学科中写作(出席五个同步研讨会, final consultation, and teaching artifact required for the certificate.)

每年,CETL都会收到来自不同学科的教师的许多请求,要求他们在各自领域提供阅读和写作指导的支持和最佳实践. In response, our CETL Faculty Fellow for Reading and Writing, Dr. Margaret Finnegan, 帮助我们开发了两个新的证书系列,向你介绍最佳的阅读和写作方法. The workshops have a special focus on managing grading.

Dr. 芬尼根在足彩外围网站工作了15年多,并在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得了历史学博士学位. Her work has appeared in American Quarterly, College Composition and Communication, The Los Angeles Times and other publications. 她还著有《足彩外围网站》(哥伦比亚大学出版社)和中级小说《足彩外围网站》和《足彩外围网站》. Won't Back Down (both from Atheneum Books for Young Readers). With her diverse experiences and scholarly practice, 玛格丽特已经磨练了最好的和最实用的策略来接近大学水平的阅读和写作.


To consult with Dr. 帮助你的学生成为更好的学科读者和作家, email her directly at [email protected].

CETL Faculty Book Club

BookClub badge an open book with a cup of tea

加强你的职业发展,享受乐趣,结交一些工作上的朋友! Join the CETL Faculty Book Club! 每学期都会选择一本新书,并将其分成易于管理的部分,这些部分可以在大约四个月的时间里进行讨论. ALL faculty are welcome. Watch your email for annoucements. 


Writing In The Disciplines, Workshops And Descriptions

This pathway consists of 5 workshops. All workshops are required. 讲习班介绍了分配写作、处理反馈和评分的最佳实践.


  • Attend and participate in all five workshops.
  • 将最好的阅读和写作练习纳入你的教学大纲/课程安排.
  • 将最佳的阅读和写作方法整合到一个作业中.
  • Conference at least once with CETL staff about what you've done. 

Threshold Writing Concepts 阈值概念不仅是你在一个学科中所知道的东西的核心, but how you think and act in one. Unpack key threshold writing 概念,并学习如何将它们与您的学科专业知识相结合,以帮助学生进行元认知, transfer of knowledge, and real-world writing situations.

Workshop Duration: 1.5 Hours


Feedback that Counts


Drowning in papers? 学习在不牺牲你的理智或评估完整性的情况下对学生作者做出有意义的回应的最佳做法.

Workshop Duration: 1 Hour


Not your Grandma's Grammar Workshop
Tired of playing the grammar cop? Drawing on meta-analyses of grammar and writing instruction, 这个工作坊分享技巧和活动,帮助学生(和评分者)与语法惯例和教学和平相处.
Workshop Duration: 1 Hour


Creating Significant Writing Assignments
研究表明,当学生培养个人能动性时,他们会发现写作任务是有意义的, build social engagement, and provide opportunities for knowledge transfer. 学习如何设计作业,利用这些强大的因素,提高学生的学习.
Workshop Duration: 1 Hour


Working with Evidence
Are your students struggling with choosing and using evidence? We’ve got you covered. 本工作坊提供主动学习策略,帮助学生找出可靠的资料来源, select relevant evidence, and integrate quotations, paraphrases, and summaries into writing.
Workshop Duration: 1 Hour



该课程由6个工作坊组成:一个必修的自定进度工作坊和5个选修的主动学习教学实践工作坊. 在你提交最终作业并获得证书之前,你需要完成自定进度的研讨会和其他5门课程中的4门



  • 参加至少4个主动在线学习:阅读学徒工作坊
  • Choose one of the RA strategies that you learn.
  • Create a video of you introducing and then modeling the strategy
  • 创建一个画布作业或讨论板,要求学生自己使用策略
  • Submit your completed work
  • Do an exit interview.consultation with a CETL staff member

Threshold Writing Concepts

这个自定进度的网络研讨会提供了RA模型的概述,以及我们如何在足彩外围网站内化它. Instructors will learn about the 4 dimensions of reading, 他们将使用我们最喜欢的主动学习阅读技巧之一进行练习, the Think Aloud!

Workshop Duration: Self-paced

Feedback that Counts

学习如何创建课堂规范和协作阅读策略列表. 这些阅读学徒工具将增加你课堂上的社交和导师的存在感,并有助于建立一个更具包容性的课堂.

Workshop Duration: 45-minutes

Not your Grandma's Grammar Workshop

The Reading Apprenticeship take on double-entry notetakers, 证据解释图表的使用促进了主动阅读和元认知. Learn how you can add them to your classroom.

Workshop Duration: 45-minutes

Creating Significant Writing Assignments 通过帮助学生理解GIST,帮助他们记住所读内容. 这个伟大的教学策略也可以被学生用来帮助他们避免抄袭.
Workshop Duration: 45-minutes

Working with Evidence 本工作坊将介绍各种有助于学生积极阅读的策略, increase metacognition, and strategize on how to approach a text.

Workshop Duration:45-minutes

Working with Evidence 介绍使用Perusall注释文本的阅读学徒策略.
Workshop Duration:45-minutes



想要创造创造性的写作作业,吸引学生,让他们像纪律性的人一样思考? Fantastic! Here is what you do:

  1. Self-enroll in the Showcase of Faculty Writing Canvas hub.
  2. Read the home page and then explore the modules. 第一个模块向你介绍有意义的写作作业的概念. It also gives you some ideas on how to create your own. 最后三个模块将提交的作品分为三类:
    • Career relevant assignments
    • 与社区联系并建立公民参与的任务
    • Assignments that help students set/achieve personal goals