
文凭 从哪里开始? All students should begin their search for financial aid at the CSULA Center for Student Financial 援助 & 奖学金. 的 Center is committed to assisting current and prospective students with financial assistance available from federal, 状态, and institutional sources for their attendance at Cal State L.A.  Updated news about scholarships can also be found on our 政治科学 Department 脸谱网 页面.


的 following scholarships, only for Cal State Los Angeles students, will be of particular interest. 的y can be applied for at this site: /financialaid/scholarships.

  • 詹姆斯·R. 加尔布雷斯奖学金 from the Pat Brown Institute

    詹姆斯·R. 加尔布雷斯奖学金 is a local public policy internship under the supervision of the Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs. 10周, undergraduate and graduate students are placed at a political, 业务, 或者社区工作场所, where they learn more about the public policy implementation process. Past internship placements include the Office of California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, the Office of State Senator Bob Huff (2011), the Office of State Senator Gloria Romero (2007), and the Office of Congressmember Hilda Solis (2006). 学生 complete the program with a better understanding of how public policies are formed and carried out and how policies affect local communities. Fellows are selected on the basis of academic competence as well as demonstrated interest in public policy. Applicants must be currently enrolled full-time as a student at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 and possess a minimum 3.0的绩点. 的 selection process begins annually during the fall semester. 下载应用程序. Or email Monserrat Ramirez-Mendoza at (电子邮件保护) to receive updates and notifications.

  • 唐纳德W. and Majorie Bray Fellowship
    Awarded to a 拉丁美洲研究 student or a 政治科学 major with a minor in 拉丁美洲研究, 平均绩点不低于3分.0. 
  • Hector Elizalde Scholarship
    Awarded to a full-time 政治科学 major 平均绩点不低于3分.0 and evidence of University and/or community service.
  • 约翰L. 侯克纪念奖学金
    Requirements: Admission to and current enrollment in a master's degree program; working towards a Master's degree in 政治科学; 3.5 graduate GPA; completion of at least one 500 level course; university and/or community service.
  • Edward and Judith Malecki Scholarship
    Awarded to a 政治科学 graduate student with a GPA of 3.50 in 12 or more units of 政治科学 courses completed at CSULA.
  • Natural and Social Sciences Dean’s Scholarship
    Open to all majors in the School of Natural and Social Sciences with at least a 3.0的绩点 and Upper Division standing.
  • 阿克·桑德勒奖学金
    Awarded to a 政治科学 major with a 3.0的绩点 or higher in all CSULA 政治科学 courses. Applicant must have completed at least 28 undergraduate units in 政治科学 at the 200 level or above.
  • 威廉·E. Lloyd Memorial Fellowship (Emeriti)
    Awarded to a student who is admitted and enrolled in a master's degree program in 历史, 政治科学 or Public Administration with at least a 3.50个绩点, the completion of at least one 500-level course, and evidence of University and/or community service.
  • CSULA 校友 Student 奖学金
    Support deserving undergraduate and graduate students on their path towards graduation. More information about CSULA 校友 Student 奖学金


Information Sources on External (Non-加州大学洛杉矶分校) 奖学金: