


教授. Dark (far right) 和 students from the 加州州立大学洛杉矶政治科学协会 meeting
Lt. 政府. Eleni Kounalakis 2019年3月.

The department has a long tradition of student involvement in various clubs 和 organizations. There are currently four student organizations active in the department:

PSA的标志 The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 政治科学 Association is open to all 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students interested in the study of politics. 作为一个无党派组织, the PSA acts as a liaison between students 和 the 政治科学 Department, provides leadership 和 organizational experience to motivated students, 和 facilitates a better underst和ing of politics 和 political issues on campus 和 throughout the community.

Among other activities, the PSA regularly takes 实地考察旅行 to various political locations. 在过去, the group has visited the State Capitol in Sacramento, 学术会议, 和华盛顿, DC. The group also takes local trips to Los Angeles City Hall 和 to special events throughout southern California. PSA宪法

想要加入,请发送电子邮件给教授. 泰勒·达克 (电子邮件保护),并加入 足彩外围网站政治科学脸谱网页面



The Pre-Law Society is dedicated to providing students 与 the tools 和 skills needed to apply to law school successfully. PLS resources include information on scholarships, 实习, 辅导项目, 和LSAT准备. PLS members can gain insight into various fields of law by attending PLS guest speaker seminars. 除了, local law school campus visitations are scheduled throughout the year to help students decide which law schools they would like to attend. Law advisors also stress the importance of extracurricular participation for those interested in applying to law programs.

近年来, the Pre-Law Society has held an annual banquet at the end of the academic year, 和 a day-long Law Fair each spring (与 representatives from 15 law schools, 许多研讨会和小组讨论, 并有机会参加免费的LSAT预备课程).

如欲加入,请访问以下网站: http://linktr.ee/csulaprelaw. 参见: http://www.instagram.com/csulaprelaw/ 和 http://www.Facebook.com/CSULAPreLaw.


Sigma The department sponsors our local chapter (Gamma Omega) of Sigma, a national political science honorary society for students who meet designated academic st和ards (see below).  π Sigma Alpha组织了讲座, 实地考察旅行, 论文竞赛, as well as sponsoring an annual banquet in which membership certificates have been awarded. 一次性支付35美元.00费, those who are qualified receive life-time membership of Sigma, 官方证书, 还有一个别针. Medallions 和 cords (to be worn at graduation) can also be ordered for an additional charge. 

根据Sigma的章程, election to active membership shall be from among such juniors, 老年人, 和 graduate students who are majoring in political science at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 和 who meet each of the following qualifications:

  • 适合大三和大四学生, a minimum of at least four upper-division courses (3000-level or 4000-level, comprising a total of 12 semester credits) in political science taken at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. For graduate students, at least four courses of graduate-level work at CSULA are required. All courses must be completed at the time of application. 不接受正在进行的课程.
  • A minimum GPA in 政治科学 courses of 3.本科生0分,本科生3分.研究生5人; as well as an overall minimum 加州大学洛杉矶分校 GPA of 3.本科生0分,本科生3分.研究生5人;
  • Payment of the one-time national chapter dues ($35.00) (in the form of a check made payable to "Sigma" provided to 教授. 黑暗). 

想要加入,请发送电子邮件给教授. 泰勒·达克 (电子邮件保护) stating your interest in joining, 和 providing your CIN number. 一旦接受,你也应该加入 Sigma 脸谱网页面.

List of Inducted Members from 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 1960-2018

模拟联合国 模拟联合国, 也被称为模拟联合国或MUN, is an educational simulation 和/or academic competition in which students learn about diplomacy, 国际关系, 和联合国. 模联涉及并教授研究, 公众演讲, 辩论, 写作技巧, 除了批判性思维, 团队合作, 以及领导能力. 

At CSULA, the MUN program is open to all enrolled undergraduate students, irrespective of major. 学生 who wish to participate in this program must sign up for the 模拟联合国 course, 由POLS 420A和POLS 420B组成. 学生 must be in good academic st和ing in both POLS 420A 和 POLS 420B if they wish to attend the National 模拟联合国 conference in New York. Those who are not in good academic st和ing will still be able to complete the course 和 receive credit, but will not be able to represent CSULA at the NMUN conference.

在POLS 420A, students learn about the history 和 current operations of the United Nations system encompassing a variety of international issues such as disarmament, 安全, 环境保护, 可持续发展, 还有人权.

在POLS 420B, students build on their knowledge by learning the political, 社会, 和 economic background of the country represented at the NMUN conference. 学生 are assigned a committee 和 collaborate to identify the key country/committee policy objectives. 学生 then write a position paper that acknowledges accomplishments 和 shortcomings of their represented country’s implementation of UN resolutions 和 m和ates. POLS 420B prepares students not just for their role as delegate of a specific country, but also helps students prepare for the NMUN conference through mock sessions.

顾问:教授. 辛西娅McMeekin: (电子邮件保护)