Additional Employment/Overload/125% rule

Limitations on Additional Employment

36.教员单位的雇员在科罗拉多州立大学的就业限制为相当于其主要或正常工作中的一(1)个全职职位. 在以下情况下,允许全职职位的“超额”高达25% (25%):


(b) is funded from non-general fund sources;

(c) is the result of the accrual of part-time employment on more than one (1) campus; or

(d)是满足临时教员雇员获得全职工作的权利所必需的, 或者根据第12条规定,向兼职临时教员提供工作直至全职.29 (a) (8) or (b) (9).

However, 在任何情况下,教员单位的雇员在任何学期内都不得有超过全职工作的权利.


36.7教师单位员工的十(10)个月或学年的适用时间为学期/季度校区的学年和QSYRO校区的个人学年, exclusive of time periods between academic years, time periods between academic terms, 以及教职员工的假期. 适用于学年或十(10)个月的教职员单位, 额外的雇佣和过载限制(125%)应在夏季独立计算和应用.

Additional Employment During a Summer Term

21.27学年或10个月教职员工, 在夏季期间,额外雇佣和超载限制的百分之一百二十五(125%)应独立计算和应用.



Academic Year Faculty

学年(秋季和春季学期)以外的最大教学和额外就业必须按125%计算,并且独立于学年加权教学单位(WTU)。. 125% of 15 WTU is 18.75 for an entire semester. 重要的是要注意所有额外的就业 must qualify under Article 36.第3单元集体谈判协议(e)第5条.g. 通过PaGE允许额外的教师就业,但不包括美国国内的项目.). 确定课间和夏季课程的125%, 我们必须先计算一学期WTU的时值.


  • 17 weeks X 5 days = 85 days; 85 days X 8 hours = 680 hours / 15 = 45.33.
  • One 3 WTU course is 3 X 45.33 = 136 hours.
  • 为了计算125%的加班时间,总工时增加了25%. 85 days X 10 hours = 850 hours / 45.33 = 18.75.

一个复杂的问题是,5月份的休会与夏季会议有两周的重叠时间. 代祷和暑期聚会可以分开处理吗, of course, but if someone is teaching in both, the total days/weeks should be combined.

  • 冬季和五月休会期各有10个教学日和4个额外工作日或140个小时,按125%的费率收费. (140 / 45.33 = 3.08 WTU)
  • 暑期班有54个工作日或540小时,按125%计算. (540 / 45.33 = 11.9 WTU)
  • 五月代祷+夏季会议总共有60天或600小时,按125%. (600 / 45.33 = 13.23 WTU)

Rounding the numbers, the maximum for Summer session is 12 WTU; the maximum for May Intercession + Summer is 13 WTU.

请注意第36条对额外就业的限制.5 apply to all sessions and terms.

Maximum Additional Employment (Teaching, Assigned Time, 其他额外的工作)可提供给学年的教师125% = 16 WTU总数(合并会议)

Options for Teaching:

  • Winter Intersession Only = 3 WTU
  • May Intersession Only = 3 WTU
  • Summer session Only = 12 WTU
  • May Intersession + Summer session = 13 WTU
  • [冬季休会期(3 WTU)] +[5月休会期+夏季休会期(13 WTU)] = 16 WTU

Additional Employment, 12个月的主席和主任的教学或分配时间(以学期为基础)

0ptions for Distribution:

.60 fraction (6.5 Total WTU Available)
1.25 Maximum WTU in Winter Intercession
1.25 Maximum WTU in May Intercession
4.75 Maximum WTU in Summer session

.80 fraction (3.3 Total WTU Available)
.6 Maximum WTU in Winter Intercession
.6 Maximum WTU in May Intercession
2.4 Maximum WTU in Summer session

1.0 fraction (0 Total WTU Available)
0 WTU in Winter Intercession
0 WTU in May Intercession
0 WTU in Summer session
0 WTU in May Intercession + Summer session

Additional Employment Forms

Additional Employment & Assigned Time Processing Resources

为指定时间的预授权表单设置路由 & 额外雇佣,请遵守此签字令 after the internal signatures have been acquired


1.    Add Karen Salazar ([email protected])  as a signer to sign inside the Faculty Affairs/AVP signature line  
2.    添加学院RM /相应部门管理员 receive a copy of the completed document.


AdobeSign routing for Additional Employment ETF transactions,本签署令须在取得内部签名后执行:

1.    Add Karen Salazar ([email protected])作为批准人,在行政人员签名栏内进行首字母签名. Bippus will be signing
2.    Add OPB ([email protected])  作为批准人,在页边空白处签名线旁边的签名线上签名. Bippus will be signing
3.    Add Anna Lim ([email protected])作为批准人,在页边空白处的签名行旁签名. Bippus will be signing
4.    Add Dr. Amy Bippus ([email protected])作为签署人在行政人员批准线上签字
5.    Add Human Resources Faculty Affairs ([email protected]) to receive a copy of the completed documents
6.    添加学院RM /适当的部门管理员以收到完成的文件的副本