Additional Leaves

Absence Notification and Documentation

教师有责任在计划缺课前以书面形式通知其系/分部主席或学校主任, 上班时间, or other scheduled work-related activity, with as much advance notice as possible. Depending on the nature of the leave, 教员应寻求院长的批准,并提供适当的书面文件. This requirement applies even when coverage for class instruction has been arranged.

在生病或其他紧急情况下,教师也应该立即通知他们的系/分部主席或学校主任,使其无法出席课程, 会议, 等.

In the case of any faculty absence of one day or greater, whether planned or for sickness or any other emergency purposes, 部门管理员或指定人员应提交适当的文件,以供工资报告之用. 请病假和/或个人假期请病假和/或个人假期请病假请病假 Absence Management Self-Service, but if faculty are unable to complete this requirement for whatever reason, 部门主管/主席负责并有权代表他们提交休假使用情况. 学院院长/同等学历或其指定人员将作为批准所有教师缺勤和在其学院/单位内休假的最终权力.


全职员工在连续工作满一个月后每月可获得8小时的病假积分,此后每增加一个合格的工资期. 从生病/受伤开始,直到恢复工作(或通知院长或系主任他们可以恢复工作),每个连续的学术工作日,他们将被收取8小时的病假。. When the semester is in session and there is not an academic holiday, 所有工作日(周一至周五)都是预定工作日,包括教师不安排授课的日子. 兼职员工按比例累积病假学分,并且从发病/受伤到恢复工作(或通知院长或系主任他们可以恢复工作)的每一个学术工作日都按比例收取病假。. 第二十四条.10 specifies the absences for which sick leave may be used.

根据第24条.7, 如果缺勤连续三天以上,则需要适当的医疗证明,证明需要请病假, 教员应向系主任和/或院长提供这种证明. In emergency situations and with appropriate approvals, 在任何一个日历年中,最多可将40小时的累计病假抵税额用于家庭护理(见第24条).13 of the CFA/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement for additional information.) There is no limit to the number of sick leave credits that can be accumulated.

教师 classified as “academic year” employees, 是否有权享受校历上指定的所有学术假期或总督指定的任何其他公共禁食日或假日. Academic holidays are not compensatory. The academic calendars are located on the Office of the Vice Provost for Planning & Budget Academic Calendars 网页. The 12-month employee work schedule is located on the Human Resources Payroll 网站.

All academic employees are entitled to a one-day Personal Holiday each calendar year. If the Personal Holiday is not taken before the end of the calendar year, it is forfeited. Scheduling of the Personal Holiday must be agreed on by the employee and dean.

每年工作10个月或12个月的全职教职员工按每个合格服务月两天的费率获得假期(兼职员工按比例获得假期). 教师 employed on an academic year basis do not earn vacation credit. The vast majority of faculty are on academic year appointments. 如果工作满十(10)年或少于十(10)年,累积假期积分最多为320工作小时(48天),如果工作满十(10)年,累积假期积分最多为440工作小时(55天). 每年1月1日的累计休假时数超过上述最高时数将被没收. After one full year of employment, employees should take at least 40 hours of vacation each calendar year. 在日历年度内未使用的40小时的任何部分将在下一年的1月1日被没收. Under certain conditions, 校长可以允许学术雇员结转超过所允许的学分.

Accrued vacation may be taken after completing one qualifying pay period. Except in an emergency and with prior written approval of their dean, 员工在教学期间不得休假.

休假申请必须至少提前30天以书面形式提交给系主任/系主任. Whenever possible, 假期安排应由教员和系主任/系主任共同商定. The scheduling of vacation may also arise from the needs of the institution. Although vacation credits are a right, 休假时间必须方便,并经院长或同等行政管理人员批准.

Unpaid Leaves (Professional and Personal)

全职教务人员在一定时间内可由院长准予无薪休假, normally not exceeding two years. 一个兼职, 临时学术雇员可以被允许无薪休假,以维护他们在第12条下的权利和权利.3, 12.7, 12.9, 12.10, 12.12和12.13 of the collective bargaining agreement.

请无薪假必须说明请假是出于职业原因还是个人原因. 请无薪休假的教职员,应不迟于4月1日通知教务处,并应不迟于10月1日通知教务处,说明其在下一学年开始时返回教务处的意愿.

A professional leave without pay may be granted if its purpose benefits the University, such as research, 先进的研究, or professional development. Such leaves shall be considered totally voluntary, and for the purposes of workers compensation, the time involved will not be considered time worked. 经批准的无薪专业休假的教员将在试用期中累积服务学分, sabbatical eligibility, difference in pay eligibility, service salary increase eligibility, 和资历. Service credit toward retirement is not accrued during periods of unpaid leave, but may be repurchased upon return from professional leave. (For more information, please visit 加州公务员退休基金 under the "Active Members" view, then click on "Service Credit Purchase Options" under "形式 and Publications."). Leave applications should be submitted to the college dean via the department head/chair.

Personal leave without pay may be for purposes of unpaid sick leave, outside employment, 育婴假, family care or other purposes of a personal nature. 无薪事假的教师不计入休假资格的服务学分, difference in pay eligibility, salary increase eligibility, or seniority unless otherwise specified in the collective bargaining agreement. Service credit toward retirement is not accrued during periods of unpaid leave. Under certain circumstances, 请无薪事假的见习教员可要求延长见习期限. Requests should be submitted to the college dean via the department head/chair.


Request for 教师 Leave of Absence Without Pay

全职教务人员可由院长准予一定期限的无薪休假, normally not exceeding two years. 兼职临时学术雇员可以被允许无薪休假,以维护他们的权利和权利.

All Other Leaves

All other Leave of Absences not mentioned here can be found on the Human Resources Leave of Absences 页面.